The progress test rules for students of “Czech for Foreigners” 1. It is strictly forbidden to have mobile phone(s) or any other technical device during the test, or even use them (students can place them in their bags). 2. Teachers have the right to check the students for any above-mentioned items. 3. Teachers have the right to determine the seating arrangement at the test. 4. Teachers have the right to consult students’ answers orally within a week after the test in case these answers are significantly better than student’s usual performance in a class. The credit test rules (written part) for students of “Czech for Foreigners” 1. Students are recommended to leave all personal belongings (bags, coats, etc.) in the lockers (in case there is no locker available you leave your belongings at a designated place); you will be given pens at the test. Students will only need student card for identification. It is allowed to have water, tea, coffee etc. 2. It is strictly forbidden to have a mobile phone(s) or any other technical device during the test, or even use them (all the devices must be placed in bags or on a suitable place outside the classroom). 3. During the test, students are prohibited to wear the watch (especially the smart watch), jewellery, smart glasses, hats, caps, scarfs etc. Short sleeve is recommended. Any exceptions must be discussed before the test with the teachers. 4. Teachers have the right to check the students for any above-mentioned items. 5. Teachers have the right to determine the seating arrangement at the test. 6. If you leave the room during the test, you will not be allowed to return to the room. 7. All questions will be answered before the start of the test. During the test no further questions will be answered. All tasks come with English instructions and are accompanied with examples. 8. The duration of the test is 45 minutes (the time spent by explaining the instructions and answering possible questions is included in the time limit). 9. You will hear the recordings twice; no exceptions are possible. 10. It is strictly forbidden to copy the test or its parts. 11. It is forbidden to talk to other students during the test. 12. Students who violate these rules will be asked to leave the room and will be disqualified from the test. 13. Teachers have the right to consult students’ answers orally within a week after the test in case these answers are significantly better than student’s usual performance in a class. The credit test rules (oral part) for students of “Czech for Foreigners” 1. Students who pass the written part of the final exam during the regular examination period (28/5/2022–10/7/2022) have to take the oral part no later than 10/7/200. If not, “-“ evalution will be added. Any form of cheating (even attempted) during any of the tests (progress or final) cancels all the bonuses students may get by passing the progress test(s). Please be advised that students who violate the study regulations will be awarded an F grade (Failed). The responsible associated Dean, as well as the Department of International Studies, will be informed about the violation immediately. Please, note as well that using prohibited tools may result in conditional expulsion from university. More about Dean’s measure: