Case report II Dyspnea Monika Bratova Man, 80-year old, a former smoker, with chronic heart failure, hypertension and chronic renal failure in the patients history, senior, a managing director in the past, a breader of budgerigars Symptoms: Addmision due to progressive dyspnea and dry cough. He has no fever or chest pain. Downh extremities are a bit tumid around ankles. Resting dyspnoeic, without neurological problems, a regular heart beat, a systolic heart murmur 2/6, breathing - crepitus bilaterally, abdomen without any resistance, down extremities with edema around ankels Which basic examination should be done? Right bundle branch block Saturation O2 80% Blood account Biochemistry Leucocytes 8,5 Urea 9,8 Erytrocytes 5,5 Kreatinine 100 Hemoglobin 160 Kalium 4,2 Trombocytes 220 CRP 10 D dimer 0,45 proBNP 600 The infiltration of lungs bilaterally, a right lung is more affected, an enlargement of the heart, a pacemaker on the left side, elektrodes in situ What is a possible cause of the X-ray finding? Progression of a chronic heart failure: PLUS – a chronic heart failure in the patients history, the X-ray finding CONTRA – proBNP in an intermediate zone, minimal edema of down extremities, an atypical auscultation finding Intersticial fibrosis: PLUS – the X-ray finding, a progressive dyspnea, the typical auscultation finding, dry cough, a breeding of budgerigars (in dif.ddg. exogenic alLergic alveolitis) CONTRA – without any lung problems so far Pneumonia: PLUS – the X-ray finding, typical symptoms for pneumonia (a dyspnea, a cough) CONTRA – a progressive course , negative CRP, no fever Metastatic process: PLUS – the X-ray finding, a bilateral distribution CONTRA – without any oncological disease in the patient´s history, no other symptoms of an oncological disease (anorexia, a weight lost) Which further examination should be done? A negative cultivation of sputum A panel of basic tumor markers and autoantibodies negative CT scan: Intersticial changes typical of lung fibrosis, in peribronchial distribution, mainly on the right side, ground glass opacities, bronchiectasis, without honey combing. In dif.ddg. NSIP (non-specific intesticial fibrosis). Conclusion •Diagnosis of the intersticial lung fibrosis •There was a partial effect of intravenous kortikosteroids •A specific anti-fibrotics are not indicated due to an advanced lung process and another type of lung fibrosis than UIP (usual intersticial fibrosis) •We managed domiciliary long-term oxygen treatment because of a severe hypoxemia