Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 1 ECG – Electrocardiography Practical Exercises in Physiology (Spring semester: 4th - 6th weeks) Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 2 Electrocardiography ̶Definition: recording the cardiac electrical activity from the surface of the body (el. heart activity can also be obtained from the esophageal leads or the heart surface itself, but these methods are used by other names) Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 3 Cardiac conduction system Purkynje fibers Sinoatrial node (SA) Atrial preferential ways Atrioventricular node (AV) His bundle Tawara (bundle) branches SA node Atrial myocyte AV node His bundle Tawara branches Purkynje fibers Ventricular myocyte Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 4 Cardiac conduction system ̶Function: AP formation and preferential conduction ̶The atriums are separated from the chambers by a non-conductive fibrous septum - the only way is through the AV ̶Sinoatrial node (SA) - natural frequency 100 bpm (mostly under parasympathetic damping effect), conduction velocity 0.05 m/s ̶Preferred internodal atrial ways - conduction velocity 0.8 - 1 m / s ̶Atrioventricular node - single conductive connection between atria and ventricles, natural frequency 40 - 55 bpm, conduction velocity only 0.05 m / s (nodal delay) ̶His bundle – conduction velocity 1–1,5 m/s ̶Tawara (bundle) branches – conduction velocity 1–1,5 m/s ̶Purkynje fibers – conduction velocity 3–3,5 m/s ̶ ̶Sinus rhythm - AP starts at the SA node ̶Junction rhythm - AP is formed in the AV node or His bundle ̶Tertiary (ventricular) rhythm - AP is formed in bundle branches or Purkynje fiber ̶ ̶Ventricular myocardial activation - from inside to outside, markedly synchronized, determined by the onset of excitement ̶Repolarization of ventricular myocardium - in the opposite direction, less sharp, repolarization isles ̶Note: natural frequency is the frequency of AP formation unaffected by neural and hormonal control ̶ natural frequencies of 20 - 40 bpm, they have slow spontaneous depolarization Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 5 Electric dipole ̶Electrode: records electrical potential (Φ) ̶Electrical lead: connection of two electrodes ̶It records the voltage between the electrodes ̶Voltage: difference of el. potentials (V= Φ1- Φ2) 7354523 electrode lead Φ1 Φ2 Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 6 Einthoven triangle (standard, limb, bipolar leads) ̶Bipolar leads: both electrodes are active (variable electrical potential) ̶Electrode colors: R: red, L: yellow, F: green I II III R L F Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 7 Goldberger leads (augmented, limb, unipolar leads) ̶Unipolar leads: one electrode is active (variable electric potential) and the other is inactive (constant electric potential, usually 0 mV) ̶The active electrode is always positive aVF aVL avR R L F Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 8 Wilsonova central terminal (W) ̶It is formed by the connection of limb electrodes through resistors ̶electrically represents the center of the heart (it is actually led out or it is calculated) ̶Inactive electrode (constant potential) Central terminal - + + + - Real central terminal Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 9 Chest leads ̶Chest lead: connection of chest electrode and central terminal ̶ ̶Unipolar leads: chest electrode is active (positive) and central terminal is inactive (0 mV potential) 1 2 3 4 5 6 hrudní elektroda Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 10 Leads according to Cabrera I aVF II III aVR aVL – + – + + + + + – – – – 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° -30° + - + R L F aVR - + - + aVL aVF – – + + – I III II Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 11 Analysis of ECG 1.Heart action 2.Heart rhythm 3.Heart rate 4.Waves, segments and intervals ̶P wave ̶PQ interval ̶QRS complex ̶ST segment ̶T wave ̶QT interval 5.Electrical heart axis P Q R S T Atrial depolarization Ventricular depolarization - QRS Ventricular repolarization Svod II Adobe Systems 12 Analysis of ECG ̶A millimeter grid of paper will help in fast analysis ̶See the paper speed (here 25 mm / s)v ̶How many ms is one mm? ̶It is good to know how much mV is one mm Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 13 1) Heart action ̶Regularity of distances between QRS complexes - RR intervals ̶Calculate difference: RR – mean RR (you only need to choose the shortest and longest RR in the record) ̶ ̶Regular action: difference < 0,16 s ̶Irregular action: difference > 0,16 s ̶Usually pathological ̶Beware of significant sinus respiratory arrhythmia - it is very physiological. If you are unsure, ask the patient to hold their breath during recording ̶ ̶Note: if one extrasystole is present, but otherwise the action is regular, it is called regular C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg RR Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 14 2) Heart rhythm ̶Heart rhythm is determined by the source of action potentials that lead to ventricular depolarization ventricular depolarization is crucial, because it determines cardiac output ̶Sinus rhythm ̶AP begins in SA node ̶On ECG: present P wave (atrial depolarization) before QRS ̶Junction rhythm ̶AP begins in AV node or His bundle, the frequency is usually 40-60 bpm ̶P wave is not before QRS, QRS is normal (narrow) ̶Heart rate is low (40-60 bpm) ̶Atrial depolarization can be present in the ECG if the ventricular impulses are transferred to the atria - wave is after QRS and has opposite polarity because it runs in opposite direction ̶Tertial (ventricular) rhythm ̶AP begins in other parts of the conduction system, frequency 30-40 bpm ̶QRS has a strange shape (wider), because it spreads in a non-standard direction in the ventricles Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 15 3) Heart rate (HR) ̶Frequency of ventricular contraction (because it determines cardiac output); on ECG - frequency of ventricular depolarizations ̶HR = 1 / RR bpm ̶Physiological: 60 - 90 bpm at rest ̶ ̶Tachycardia: > 90 bpm in rest ̶Can be sinus (increase sympathetic activity, medication, …) ̶Tachyarrhythmias: rhythm is not sinus ̶Bradycardia: < 60 bpm ̶Can be sinus (increase sympathetic activity, sport heart - physiological) ̶HR < 50 bpm, rhythm probably is not sinus ̶ Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 16 4) Waves, segments, intervals Name Norm wave P 80 ms interval PQ (PR) 120-200 ms segment PQ (PR) 50-120 ms Q - complex QRS 80-100ms R - S - segment ST 80-120 ms interval QT < 420ms wave T 160 ms P R T Q S P wave PQ interval PQ segment QRS complex ST segment T wave QT interval Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 17 4) Waves, segments, intervals name Place and description Physiological bacground Norm wave P First round wave (negative or positive) Atrial depolarization 80 ms Interval PQ (PR) Interval from beginning of P to beginning of Q (or R, if Q is not present) Time interval from SA node activation to the Purkynje fibers activation 120-200 ms segment PQ (PR) From P wave end to beginning of Q (or R, if Q is not present) Complete atrial depolarization, AP transfer from AV to ventricles 50-120 ms Q First negative deflection Depolarization of septum and papilar muscles - complex QRS From beginning of R to end of S Ventricular depolarization 80-100ms R Positive deflection Main ventricular depolarization - S Negative deflection after positive deflection. - segment ST Interval of isoelectric line between end of QRS and beginning of T wave Complete depolarization of ventricles 80-120 ms Interval QT From beginning of Q (or R) to the end of wave T Electrical systole < 420ms wave T Second round wave (negative or positive) Ventricular repolarization 160 ms Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 18 4) Waves Wave P: -Is present? -Is positive/negative, one-peak/two-peak, high(>0,25mV)/normal/low? QRS: Q: first negative deflection R: first positive deflection S: negative deflection after positive deflection -small deflection (pod 0,5 mV) – small letter -Strong deflection – capital letter -Second positive deflection (‘) - Wave T: -Is positive/negative/bipolar? -Does it have the same polarity as the strongest QRS deflection? -Yes: concordant (ok), No: discordant (pathology) -Bipolar T: -Preterminal negative (-/+) -Terminal negative (+/-) P Q R S T Atrial depolarization Ventricular depolarization - QRS Ventricular repolarization Lead II RS Examples: qRs rSr‘ Adobe Systems 5) Electrical heart axis Electrical heart axis: average direction of the electric heart vector during ventricular depolarization (QRS complex) (can also be determined for atrial depolarization: P, or ventricular repolarization: T, but in practice we will analyse ventricular depolarization) I aVF II III aVR aVL – + – + + + + + – – – – 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° -30° Heart axis is physiologically directed down, left, back - refers to the real placement of the heart in the chest. - Here we solve only the frontal plane (limb leads) Physiological range: Middle type 0° – 90° Left type -30° - 0° Right type 90° - 120° Pathological range: Right deviation: > 120 ° (P ventricular hypertrophy, dextrocardia) Left deviation: < -30° (L ventricular hypertrophy, pregnancy, obesity) El. heart axis vectocardiogram the axis is also changed when Tawara branches are blocked or after IM, missing el. activity of part of chambers Adobe Systems ̶Calculate the sum of QRS oscillations in leads I, II, III. When the oscillation is down, it is negative. When the oscillation is up, it is positive. Use a millimeter grid ̶Lead I: QI=-1; RI=6; SI=0; QRSI=5 ̶ ̶ ̶Lead II: QII=-1; RII=17; SII=-1; QRSII=15 ̶ ̶Lead IIII: QIII=0; RIII=10; SIII=-1; QRSIII=9 ̶ ̶ Electrical heart axis - evaluation C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg ̶Because the el. axis is related to ventricular depolarization in the frontal plane, use QRS in limb leads: I, II, III. C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg Adobe Systems Electrical heart axis - evaluation ̶Draw the Einthoven Triangle with Goldberger augmented Leads ̶Mark the angles around the triangle (in the circle) ̶Lead I: ̶0 at lead I is in the center of lead ̶QRSI = 5, so from 0, measure 5mm towards the positive electrode, make a mark (or any other units, ratio is important) ̶If the sum of QRS is negative, you will go towards the negative electrode ̶Run a line from the mark perpendicular to the I lead (parallel to the aVF lead) 0° 30° 60° 90° -30° 120° I II III – + – – + + 0 0 0 15 9 5 Adobe Systems Electrical heart axis - evaluation ̶Lead II: ̶0 at lead II is again in the center of lead ̶QRS II = 15, so from 0, measure 15 mm towards the positive electrode, make a mark (again, if the sum of QRS is negative, you will go towards the negative electrode) ̶Run a line from the mark perpendicular to the II lead (parallel to the aVL lead) 0° 30° 60° 90° -30° 120° I II III – + – – + + 0 0 0 15 9 5 C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg Adobe Systems Electrical heart axis - evaluation ̶Lead III: ̶The same way draw line for QRS III = 9 ̶Draw an arrow that starts at the center of the triangle and passes the cross of the drawn lines ̶This arrow shows the direction of the cardiac electrical axis in the frontal plane ̶ ̶Note. logically, only lines from two leads are sufficient 0° 30° 60° 90° -30° 120° I II III – + – – + + 0 0 0 15 9 5 C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg The cardiac electrical axis for ventricular depolarization in the frontal plane is 70 ° Adobe Systems 24 Leads II a aVR Note the appearance of the ECG in lead II and aVR. Both leads look at electrical cardiac activity from a similar angle (deviation only 30 °), but the aVR has the opposite polarity (it looks at the heart upside down compared to II).Therefore, leads II and aVR are similar, only mirror-inverted. C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg aVR usually has negative T and P Due to its different appearance, QRS has different description in lead aVR and II. qRs rSr‘ I aVF II III aVR aVL – + – + + + + + – – – – 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° -30° Adobe Systems QRS in limb leads and axis C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg Q = -1 R = 6 S = 0 QRS = 5 Q = -1 R = 17 S = -1 QRS = 15 Q = 0 R = 10 S = -1 QRS = 9 Q = 1 R = -11 S = 0 QRS = -10 Q = 0 R = -3 S = 0 QRS = -3 Q = -1 R = 13 S = -1 QRS = 11 qR qRs Rs rS q qRs description of QRS Sum of QRS amplitudes of Q, R, and S Adobe Systems 26 C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 1.jpg Q = -1 R = 6 S = 0 QRS = 5 Q = -1 R = 17 S = -1 QRS = 15 Q = 0 R = 10 S = -1 QRS = 9 Q = 1 R = -11 S = 0 QRS = -10 Q = 0 R = -3 S = 0 QRS = -3 Q = -1 R = 13 S = -1 QRS = 11 Electric axis estimation Find the lead with the largest and smallest sum of QRS (just by eye) - these leads will be perpendicular to each other. The angle of lead with the largest sum of QRS will determine approximately el. heart axis. It is not be perfectly accurate, but it is sufficient in practise. I aVR II aVF aVL III 0° 30° 60° -30° 120° 90° – – – – – + + + + + + – El. cardiac axis slightly more than 60 ° Sum of QRS amplitudes of Q, R, and S Adobe Systems 27 C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\EKG scan\EKG 3 vysledky.jpg Electric axis calculation by software 72° Electrical axis for atrial depolarization Electrical axis for ventricular repolarization Electrical axis for ventricular depolarization Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 28 Diagnostic use of ECG Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 29 ECG Holter AEE89E4D 24-hour monitoring of ECG Adobe Systems Fibrillation Atrial – missing P, slightly irregular "serrated" isoline, irregular RR (usually), frequency 80 - 180 bpm. QRS is normaly shaped. It is not life threatening. Ventricular refraction time protects ventricles from HR higher than 180 bpm, but it still exhausts the heart. Heart activity is not regulated. Risk of trombembolia Ventricular – the heart does not function as a pump (cardiac arrest), zero cardiac output, brain damage after 3 - 5 minutes of fibrillation, without early defibrillation the cardiomyocytes become exhausted → asystole Fibrillation Normal ECG Fibrillation: unsynchronized cardiomyocyte activity. Cardiac muscle is „shaking“ Arrhythmia: a disorder of heart rhythm, formation or conduction of the excitation Asystole – no electrical activity of cardiomyocytes, non-defibrillable → CPR and adrenalin → Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), early defibrillation (adrenalin and amiodaron) Video: Adobe Systems Atrioventricular block (heart block) prolongation of the transfer of depolarization from the atrium to the ventricles, prolonged PQ AV block: disorder of the transmission of depolarization from the atria to the ventricles some atrial depolarizations do not transfere: occurrence of P, which is not followed by QRS AV block II. degree AV block III. degree A complete blockage of the transfer of depolarization from the atria to the ventricles, P and QRS are not synchronized Pulse rate possibly very low → insufficient cardiac output AV block I. degree Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 32 Artial flutter C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\obrázky\T0103.jpg ̶Regular „teeth“ between the QRS. ̶Regular RR, tachycardia. ̶The basis is the atrial re-entry. ̶The regularity is given by the number of "turns" of atrial depolarization per transfer to the chambers (in the picture: 3 turns per 1 transfer to the chambers, ie 3:1). ̶If the flutter does not disappear, it changes into atrial fibrillation ̶Danger of the deblocked flutter 1:1 (each atrial turn is transfered in ventricles) – exhaustion of ventricles ̶Risk of trombembolia Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 33 Diagnostic use of ECG Cardiac ischemia, myocardial infarction normal ST elevation, sign of ischemia Electrolyte dysbalance - hyperkalemia Large QRS, hight T A B C D E Time ischemia Adobe Systems Fyziologický ústav, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 34 Extrasystoles - ectopic excitements ̶Supraventricular – atrial ̶normal shape of QRS (depolarization spreads normaly in ventricles), ̶P wave does not have a normal shape (it can be negative or covered by QRS), ̶may have a postextrasystolic pause (re-propagation of depolarization through the atria) ̶Ventricular ̶Large, non-normal shape of QRS ̶at a slow heart rate there is no compensatory pause (extrasystole is interspersed between normal QRS) ̶or contains a compensating pause if the next depolarization coming from the SA node comes at a time when the ventricles are still refractory P P P P P P P T+P Atrial extrasystole Adobe Systems 35 PEA – pulseless electrical activity ̶PEA refers to cardiac arrest in which the electrocardiogram shows a heart rhythm that should produce a pulse, but it does not. PEA can look almost like normal ECG activity. Pulseless electrical activity is found initially in about 55% of people in cardiac arrest. ̶Under normal circumstances, electrical activation of muscle cells precedes mechanical contraction of the heart (known as electromechanical coupling). In PEA, there is electrical activity but insufficient cardiac output to generate a pulse and supply blood to the organs. ̶PEA is classified as a form of cardiac arrest. ̶non-defibrillable, therapy: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and adrenalin ̶Important !: Regular electrical activity on ECG does not mean maintained circulation. Always check for a central arterial pulse. _Outcome_in_Patients_with_Out-of-Hospital_Cardiac_Arrest/figures?lo=1,,,, Bezpulzova elektricka aktivita na EKG Sinustachycardia scaled Adobe Systems 36 C:\Users\Johanka\Desktop\výuka\seminář\EKG\obrázky\Basic-EKG-ECG-Rhythms.png