5/24/2021 1 Welcome to Clinical anatomy of the head, neck and neuronal pathways Lecture #13 Department of Anatomy MUNI, MED Alemeh Zamani, Ph.D. Spring 2021 Week #10 Somatosensory and viscetosensory; pain pathways and connections of stress analgesia Week #11 Pathways of the somatomotor system, connections of the cerebellum and basal ganglia; spinal reflex motoric; eye movements Week #13 Arrangement and function of the autonomic nervous system Today’s lecture will cover: Week #8 NS Barriers, Plasticity and Regeneration of Nervous System, Visual, Auditory, Vestibular, Olfactory, and Gustatory Pathways Arrangement and function of the autonomic nervous system Functions: o Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles o Function of all exocrine glands o Heart rate o Some metabolic processes Sympathetic: Thoracolumbar outflow T1-L2 Parasympathetic: Craniosacral outflow CN III, VII, IX, X & S2-S4 Autonomic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous System Catabolic reaction (activities that are mobilized during emergency and stress situations “Fight or Flight” Generalized reaction of body o Coronary artery o Increase heart rate o Bronchodilation o Mydriasis o Sweat secretion o Glycemia 5/24/2021 2 Anatomical Organization of the Sympathetic Preganglionic and Postganglionic Axons Parasympathetic Nervous System Anabolic reactions (activities associated with conservation and restoration of body resources “Rest and Digest” Localized reaction of body o Decrease heart rate o Bronchoconstriction o GIT activation o Miosis Pathways distributing visceral sensory information in the brain Pathways that control autonomic responses Central parts of Autonomic Nervous System Central parts of Autonomic Nervous System Innervation of the Eye The sphincter pupillae is supplied by parasympathetic nerves. The dilator pupillae is supplied by sympathetic nerves. 5/24/2021 3 Pupilary Light Reflex A reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil, in response to the intensity of light (luminance) that falls on the retina of the eye o mydriasis: dilation of the pupil o miosis: constriction of the pupil o direct response o consensual response o anisocoria o Accommodation reflex involves convergence (voluntary), pupillary constriction and accommodation (involuntary). Edinger-Westphal nuclei → oculomotor nerve → ciliary ganglion → short ciliary nerves → sphincter pupillae and ciliaris Accommodation Reflex o Changing the radius of curvature of the lens to focus the world on the retina. Reading list Thank you very much for your attention