Somatosensitivity, pain Somatosensitivity-pain2 The role of nervous system Somatosensitivity-pain3 Input Integration Output REGULATIONREGULATION Potential input Potential output ANTICIPATIONANTICIPATION Sensor Effector Cortex Cortex Receptors/sensors Somatosensitivity-pain4 • Energy convertor – Signal reception – Signal transformation • Receptor potential – Generator potential • Action potential • Adequate stimulus • Non adequate stimulus Receptor/generator and action potential Somatosensitivity-pain5 Receptors/sensors Somatosensitivity-pain6 • Energy convertor – Signal reception – Signal transformation • Receptor potential – Generator potential • Action potential • Adequate stimulus • Non adequate stimulus Receptors/sensors Somatosensitivity-pain7 • Energy convertor – Signal reception – Signal transformation • Receptor potential – Generator potential • Action potential • Adequate stimulus • Non adequate stimulus Receptors/sensors Somatosensitivity-pain8 • Energy convertor – Signal reception – Signal transformation • Receptor potential – Generator potential • Action potential • Adequate stimulus • Non adequate stimulus Intensity coding Somatosensitivity-pain9 • Amplitude of receptor potential is transtucted into the frequency of AP Qualitative information Somatosensitivity-pain10 • The law of specific nerve energies: The nature of perception is defined by the pathway over which the sensory information is carried • Labeled line coding define the information about quality Qualitative information Somatosensitivity-pain11 • Labeled line coding • Receptive field • Nerve stimulation mimics receptor stimulation Receptive fields Somatosensitivity-pain12 • Various size and overaly • Small receptive field – high resolution • Spatial resolving power increased by lateral inhibition Receptor adaptation Somatosensitivity-pain13 • The decline of receptor responses in spite of stimulus presence • Tonic receptors – slow adaptation – presence of stimulus, position • Phasic receptors – rapid adaptation – change of stimulus Receptors Somatosensitivity-pain14 • Simple • Complex • General – Superficial – somatosensors – Deep – viscerosensors – Muscles, tendons, joints – proprioceptors • Special – Part of sensory organs Evolutionary point of view Somatosensitivity-pain15 • The signals indicating potential damage are the most important and the corresponding systems evolved early – Pain – Temperature • The touch signals have adaptive value and evolved later • The structure of the receptor, nerve fibers and pathways reflects the evolution Evolutionary point of view Somatosensitivity-pain16 • The signals indicating potential damage are the most important and the corresponding systems evolved early – Pain – Temperature • The touch signals have adaptive value and evolved later • The structure of the receptor, nerve fibers and pathways reflects the evolution Evolutionary point of view Somatosensitivity-pain17 • The signals indicating potential damage are the most important and the corresponding systems evolved early – Pain – Temperature • The touch signals have adaptive value and evolved later • The structure of the receptor, nerve fibers and pathways reflects the evolution Nerve fibres Somatosensitivity-pain18 Viscerosensitivity Somatosensitivity-pain19 • An information from visceral and cardiovascular system • Linked to the autonomic nervous system • The most of information does not reach higher structures than hypothalamus • The most of information does not reach consciousness Proprioception Somatosensitivity-pain20 • Information from – Muscles – Tendons – Joints • Important for – Precise coordination of movements – Overload protection Somatosensory pathways Somatosensitivity-pain21 • Three systems • (Archispinothalamic) – Interconnection of adjacent segments (tr. Spinospinalis) • Paleospinothalamic – tr. Spinoreticularis, tr. Spinotectalis… • Neospinothalamic – tr. Spinothalamicus • Dorsal column system – tr. Spinobulbaris Somatosensory pathways Somatosensitivity-pain22 • Three systems • (Archispinothalamic) – Interconnection of adjacent segments (tr. Spinospinalis) • Paleospinothalamic – tr. Spinoreticularis, tr. Spinotectalis… • Neospinothalamic – tr. Spinothalamicus • Dorsal column system – tr. Spinobulbaris Somatosensory pathways Somatosensitivity-pain23 • Paleospinothalamic – Low resolution – dull, diffuse pain („slow pain“) • Neospinothalamic – High resolution – sharp, localized pain („fast pain“), temperature – Low resolution – touch • Dorsal column system – High resolution – fine touch Somatosensory pathways Somatosensitivity-pain24 • Paleospinothalamic – Low resolution – dull, diffuse pain („slow pain“) • Neospinothalamic – High resolution – sharp, localized pain („fast pain“), temperature – Low resolution – touch • Dorsal column system – High resolution – fine touch Paleospinothalamic system Somatosensitivity-pain25 • Tr. Spinoreticularis, spinotectalis… • Evolved before neocortex • The primary connection to the subcortical structures • Basic defensive reactions and reflexes - vegetative response, reflex locomotion - opto-acoustic reflexes etc. • Secondarily connected to cortex (after its evolution; tr. Spinoreticulo-thalamicus), but this system has a small resolutions – dull diffuse pain • This tract is not designed for „such a powerful processor as neocortex“ • Approximately half of the fibers cross the midline Neospinothalamic system Somatosensitivity-pain26 • Tr. Spinothalamicus • Younger structure primarily connected to neocortex • „High capacity/resolution“ • Detail information about pain stimuli (sharp, localized pain) • Information about temperature • Crude touch sensation • The fibers cross midline at the level of entry segment Dorsal column system Somatosensitivity-pain27 • Tr. Spinobulbaris • The youngest system • High capacity • Tactile sensation • Vibration • Fine motor control • Better object recognition • Adaptive value • The fibers cross midline at the level of medulla oblongata Dermatoms Somatosensitivity-pain28 • Somatotopic organization somatosensitve nerves Trigeminal system Somatosensitivity-pain29 • Spinal TS – Pain, temperature • Main sensory TS – Touch, proprioception Somatosensory pathways Somatosensitivity-pain30 Tr. spinobulbaris Thalamus and neocortex Somatosensitivity-pain31 • Almost all the afferent information gated in the thalamus • Olfaction is an exception • Bilateral connections between neocortex and thalamus Neocortex Somatosensitivity-pain32 • Somatotopic organization • Cortical magnification Pain Somatosensitivity-pain33 • Distressing feeling associated with real or potential tissue damage • Sensor x psychological component • Physiological pain (nociceptor activation) • Pathological pain (not mediated by nociceptors) • Acute (up to 6months) – „activiting“ • Chronic (more than 6 months) – „devating“ Descendent pathways modulating pain Somatosensitivity-pain34 • Somatosemcoric cortex • Hypotalamus • Periaquaeductal gray • Nuclei raphe Pain modulation on the spinal level Somatosensitivity-pain35 Gate control theory of pain Referred pain Somatosensitivity-pain36 Phantom limb pain Somatosensitivity-pain37