Basic Medical Terminology II
Basic Medical Terminology II
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 14/2/2022 to 20/2/2022.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 21/2/2022 to 27/2/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 28/2/2022 to 6/3/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 7/3/2022 to 13/3/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 14/3/2022 to 20/3/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 21/3/2022 to 27/3/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 28/3/2022 to 3/4/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 4/4/2022 to 10/4/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 11/4/2022 to 17/4/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 18/4/2022 to 24/4/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 25/4/2022 to 1/5/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 2/5/2022 to 8/5/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Teacher recommends to study from 2/5/2022 to 22/5/2022.



The spring curriculum and course requirements (including all relevant information) are available in the files attached below. Please, go through these - potential doubts and questions will be answered in the first session.

The general materials summarizing the grammatical phenomena/declension endings are also attached in case you need to revisit these.

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In the first week of the 2nd semester, we are going to revise the most important concepts and phenomena discussed in autumn.

The handouts to work with in classes are put into a single-pdf file named BMT II_handouts (see attached file below) this time, so that you can print these out as a handbook to work with the whole semester.

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During the first week, each student should assign for one of the topics (see study materials). You can assign to a topic based on the content or the week when it is due - specified in assignment sheet (see the link below). Each student should prepare and present a topic, so students present primarily in pairs; however, ideally all topics should be covered, so students may also present individually (if they prefer so) depending on the number of students in a group.

Instructions to the criteria of evaluation, feedback, and what is expected are available in study materials (subfile topics, see the link below).

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This week is dedicated to the last grammatical topic not covered in autumn semester which is relevant for understanding medical terminology - comparative and superlative forms (section 2.2 of BMT II_handouts).

After this week, you should understand how these forms are regularly created from the original adjective, what declensions and paradigms we use to inflect these, and how they work in a sentence.

You should also be familiar with the several irregular forms used in anatomy, especially:

major/majus - maximus,/a/um

minor/minus - minimus/a/um

and the comparative and superlative forms specifying position of a structure, as well as how to use these in a sentence:

posterior/posterius - postremus/a/um; 

anterior/anterius; superior/superius - supremus/a/um; 

inferior/inferius - infimus/a/um; 

interior/interius - i(nti)mus/a/um

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In this week, we will also shortly discuss the so-called diminutive forms, i.e. words the suffix of which suggests that they refer to SMALL STRUCTURES (section 2.3 of BMT II_handouts).

With these, you should be aware of the principles of their formation, their declensions (not dependent on the declension fo the original noun), as well as gender (always the same as of the original noun): 

For instance,

ductus, us, m. = duct; in anatomy there is also a word ductulus, i. m. that refers to a small duct (the -ulus suffix suggests a small structure). 

Notice the change in declension: regardless of the declension of the original noun, a diminutive form always falls under 1st or 2nd declension, depending on the gender of the original noun, i.e. ductus is male, therefore, its diminutive form ends in -us and falls under the nervus paradigm

TOPIC - position

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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Insert your presentations here
Homeworks, file collecting.



In this week,  we are going to summarize all possible ways of expressing position in medical terminology, esp. anatomical nomenclature, i.e.:

a) prepositions: you should be familiar with all prepositions use din medical terminology and what case they require (Accusative/Ablative)

b) comparative and superlative forms: you should know how to form these from the basic adjective and use these in a sentence, incl. the irregular forms

c) adjectives referring to body directions and planes: all these adjectives have two gender forms (-is for M/F and -e for N) and fall under the 3rd declension

d) combined terms with word stems and connecting vowel -o-, such as postero-, latero-, fronto- etc.

e) Latin and Greek prefixes: you should become familiar with these and be aware of the Latin and Greek prefixes with equivalent meaning, e.g. circum- = peri-, intra- = endo- etc.

See the section 3.1 of BMT II_handouts and make sure you understand all anatomical terms given in the example part of the prefix table.

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TOPIC - inflammation

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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In this week, we are going to summarize all possible ways of expressing quantity used in medical terminology, i.e.:

a) ordinal numbers: you should already be familiar with these from 1 up to 12 and be able to use thes ein a sentence

b) multiple numbers: you should already be aware of the terms ending in -plex and how to use these in a sentence

c) numeral adverbs: you should be familiar with the fact that these are not declined and know the following: semel, bis, ter, quater

d) numeral components in compound terms: you should become familiar with basic Latin and Greek roots used to denote quantity and be aware of Latin and Greek equivalents with the same meaning, e.g. multi- = poly-, semi- = hemi- etc.

See the section 4.1 of BMT II_handouts and make sure you can explain all the terms given in the example part of the table in section e)

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TOPICS - colours

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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In this week, we are going to discuss and summarize the remaining prefixes (apart from those specifying position) and suffixes used in medical terminology.

After this week, you should be familiar with Latin and Greek prefixes with equivalent meaning, e.g. de- = cata-, post- = meta- etc., understand medical terms using these, and be able to explain how the prefixes work in the terms

You should also be familiar with suffixes that have a specific meaning, such as -osus = full of or -atus = equipped with sth, and understand the terms using these.

See the sections 5.1 and 5.2 of BMT II_handouts and make sure you understand all the given examples.

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TOPICS - age

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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The first progress test will take place at the end of this week. It will test the knowledge of issues discussed in the first five weeks. 

Make sure you went through all the ROPOTs so far and complete the MOCK TEST below.


GREEK-BASED CLINICAL COMPOUND TERMS - body parts and substances

In the following three/four weeks, we are going to focus more on clinical terminology that is largely based on Greek rather than Latin words and often includes the so-called compound words (i.e. the words that combine 2 or more roots/stems).  Compound terms also exist in anatomical nomenclature, but they are usually based on Latin stems, e.g. articulatio talocruralis (tal- + -o- + crur- + -alis). For the basic rules of compounding, see section 6.1 of BMT II_handouts.

Clinical terms for pathologies and medical procedures are, however, mostly consisting of a Greek root referring to the afflicted body part, connecting vowel -o-, and a Greek root specifying the condition/procedure. In this way, we can combine more than two roots, as well.

For example: The clinical term we use for the surgical removal of gall bladder is NOT based on the terms vesica fellea and excisio you know from Latin, but chole-, cyst-, and -ectomia, the Greek roots referring to bile, bladder, and cutting out; thus, the correct term is CHOLECYSTECTOMIA. Although based on Greek roots, this term has been Latinized for its use in a sentence - it falls under the vena paradigm among other -a ending females, therefore, the dictionary entry would be cholecystectomia, ae, f. Notice that the English term is almost completely the same as the Latinized term based on Greek roots, i.e. cholecystectomy.

Due to the abovementioned, you should become familiar with all basic Greek roots used in clinical terminology and be aware of the Latin equivalents to these.

First, you should learn the Greek roots referring to basic body parts, organs, liquids, and substances. See sections 6.2 and 6.3 of BMT II_handouts, make sure you understand all examples given in the tables and for each Greek root, add the Latin equivalent.

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TOPICS - tumours

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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GREEK-BASED CLINICAL COMPOUND TERMS - pathologies, conditions, procedures and examinations

In this week, we will continue to discuss Greek clinical terms; this time you should become familiar with the basic Greek roots specifying conditions and pathologies (see section 7.1 of BMT II_handouts) as well as Greek roots referring to medical interventions (see section 7.2 of BMT II_handouts).

Again, make sure you can explain all the examples given in the tables, add their meaning, and think about potential Latin alternatives for at least some of these terms.

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TOPICS - pathologies

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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In this week, we are going to conclude the topic of Greek-based clinical terminology with Greek roots that describe various qualities of conditions/pathologies - see section 8.1 of BMT II_handouts.

Make sure you can explain all the examples given in the table and try to add more medical terms using the Greek roots, if possible.

We will also summarize and revise all the Greek roots we discussed so far and add some Latin expressions that specify extent and degree of a pathology.

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TOPICS - fever types

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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Depending on how we manage in sessions, we will dedicate this week to complete the discussion and exercises on Greek roots.

In this week, you should make sure that you have completed all the ROPOTs related to Greek roots and that you prepared for the PROGRESS TEST 2 that will test the knowledge of issues covered from Week 6 on. Please complete also the MOCK test below.

TOPICS - facial expressions

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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In the following two/three weeks, we are going to introduce basic pharmacological terminology, including the types of medications according to function (section 9.6 of BMT II handouts), pharmaceutical forms and agents, as well as the formulae most commonly used in medical prescriptions.

First, we are going to discuss the main parts of medical prescription (although it looks slightly differently in different countries), what information is included, what kind of instructions for the pharmacist usually occur, and what are the most common medicinal forms found in these - see sections 9.1 - 9.4 of BMT II_handouts.

The formulae used in medical prescriptions to instruct pharmacists are usually given in their abbreviated forms. You should, therefore, become familiar with the basic vocabulary pertaining to these and be able to provide these instructions in full forms. 

The most common formulae and their usual abbreviations are listed in section 9.5 of BMT II_handouts, but it is definitely NOT desirable to memorize the whole table by heart, you should rather gain a basic understanding of the structure of the prescription, what information is found where, and be able to figure out, based on the vocab you learn, what the abbreviations refer to.

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TOPICS - heart and pulse

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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In this week, we will continue to discuss terms related to medical prescription, analyze authentic documentation, and complete the exercises in handouts and ppt.


Medical prescription and related terminology make for 40% of your final grade in ORAL EXAM (alongside the 60% made up by medical reports). 

You should be able to understand an authentic medical prescription you will randomly choose at the exam, i.e. to explain in your own words what are the instructions for the pharmacist, what pharmaceutical agents should be used and how, as well as be familiar with the basic types of medications according to function.

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TOPICS - surgical procedures

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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Depending on how we manage in the sessions, we will either complete and revise the topic of medical prescription (if there are issues still uncovered), or discuss the third area, where Latin is found in documentation - i.e. official protocols of dissections (if we are done with section 9).

As for the dissection protocol, we will discuss its main parts and specific features; however, it will NOT differ substantially from what you already know from medical reports. 

Therefore, we will largely use the topic to revise and practice any phenomena that might prove problematic in the final exam, especially Latin grammar and Greek word-compounding.

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TOPICS - death

Next week, some of you will present the first of the topics to your classmates. See the instructions, evaluated criteria, and samples of the presentations to get inspiration. Make sure you present in an interactive way, involving your classmates! When you are ready, please submit your presentation beforehand into the homework vault below, so that you can get teacher's feedback in advance and have time to make necessary corrections.

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WEEK 13-14


The last week of the semester before dissections will be dedicated to final revision and preparation for the written test (aVLLT0222c - pass/fail, no mark).

After you pass the written test, you will be admitted for oral examination (aVLLT0222s - mark A to E/F).

Students enrol both for written test (aVLLT0222c) and oral exam (aVLLT0222s) themselves.

To prepare for the written test, please, revisit all ROPOTs of the semester again and complete the mock final exam below .

The exam will test especially the following:

- ability to form a meaningful, grammatically correct sentence (incl. comparatives and superlatives)

- understanding of Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes in medical terms

- understanding and analyzing of Greek compound terms and their components

- ability to form Greek clinical terms based on definition

- familiarity with the terminology covered in student presentations

- ability to write a short medical report 

For the oral examination, you should demonstrate that you can understand and explain in your own words randomly selected authentic medical documentation: i.e. 5 medical reports and 1 medical prescription sample

This includes being familiar especially with:

- the abbreviations and expressions typically used in medical reports

- the basic injury and fracture types

- Greek clinical compound terms

- structure and types of medical prescription

- typically used expressions and abbreviations and where to find these in prescriptions

- basic types of medications according to function