Orthodontics Anomalies of Teeth Groups of teeth Jaws Intermaxilary relation Anomalies of tooth number • Hypodontics (hypodontia) – the tooth (or teeth are missing) • Third molars (if third molars are missing –it is not hypodontia), second premolars, upper lateral incisor • Hyperodontics (hyperodontia) supernumerary teeth • Anodontics (anodontia Diastema Anomalies of tooth size (dimension) Microdontics (microdontia) – small teeth, spaces between teeth Macrodontics (macrodontia) – big teeth, crowding Anodontia od 12, cone tooth 22 Anomalies of tooth position Inclination Rotation Transposition Infraoclusion Supraoclusion Vestibular, oral eruption Diastema Inclination Mesioinclination: the long axix is inclinated mesially Distoinclination: the long axix is inclinated distall Inclination Inclination Rotation The tooth is rotated around the long axis: -Mesiorotation – the vestibular surface is rotated mesially - Distorotation – the vestibular surface is rotated distall Rotation Rotation Supraocclusion Infraocclusion Vestibular eruption Diastema Protrusion The tooth is declinated vestibulary Retrusion The tooth is declinated orally Transposition • The position of teeth is exchanged Spacing – trema, diastema Crowding Intermaxillary relationships • Key of occlusion acc to Angle – position of first molars – maxillary and mandibulary Key of occlusion acc. to Angle Normoocclusion (normoocclusia) Distoocclusion – mandible is in posterior position (distoocclusia) Mesiooclussion – mandible is in anterior position (mesioocclusia Angle class I • The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar lies in the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar, but the other teeth may have other anomalies such as spacing, crowding, open bite etc Angle class II The mesiobuccal cusp of the upper molar is situated anterior to the mesiobuccal groove Two subdivisions exist: n Division 1 (II/1) --> Anterior teeth protrude, increased overjet n Division 2 (II/2) --> Central incisors retrude, lateral incisors protrude Angle class II. Angle class III. • The mandible is in anterior popsition Positive overjet Negative overjet Anterior cross bite Deep bite Open bite Mesioocclusion, posterior cross bite Prevention of orthodontic anomalies Prevention of orthodontic anomalies