Iron metabolism and its disorders Physiological functions of iron • Iron is present in haem - haemoglobin/myoglobin - cytochromes - enzymes • e.g. catalase, peroxidase, ribonucleotide reductase, nitric oxide synthase - Fe is necessary for the cell cycle (transition from Gl -> S phase) - ROS formation in white blood cells • Free Fe is highly reactive - it catalyses Fenton reaction • Fe2+ + H202 -> Fe3+ + OH* + OH- - most iron is in the complex form to minimize negative effects - with organic anions - with ferroproteins - stored bound to ferritin (or hemosiderin) • As no specific excretory mechanism exists, the absorption of Fe is tightly regulated Fe balance 35 - 45mg of Fe per 1 kg of body weight in an adult - 60 - 70% is part of Hb in erythrocytes - 10% is contained in myoglobin, cytochromes and iron-containing enzymes - 20 - 30% is stored bound to ferritin and hemosiderin in hepatocytes and macrophages The total amount of Fe is constant in an adult, there is a balance between the intake and the losses - the daily supply of food contains approximately 10 - 20mg of iron - only 5 - 10% of iron gets to organism - average daily losses are 0.5-lmg in men 1-2mg in women of fertile age Intake of iron occurs in the duodenum and proximal jejunum Monocyte-macrophage system RBC 1 cfeslruct«on\ 20 mg darfy RBC producfjon Bone marrow Absorption 1-2 mg daily 20 mg daly 5 mg daily \ * Loss 1-2 mg daily \ Myoglobfi and respratory enzymes 300 mg Distribution of iron in the organism circulation of Fe and its cellular uptake — transferrin - liver-produced protein with 2 binding sites for Fe3+ — the ratio of monoferric to diferric transferrin is normally approx. 2:1 (30% saturation) — transferrin receptors (TfRl and 2) at cellular membrane enables the cellular uptake of Fe driven by momentary needs • It is most abundant in the membrane of erythroblasts, but not mature erythrocytes storage and recycling of Fe • In the liver (hepatocytes) and in macrophages — Fe is bound to cellular or serum ferritin (up to 4000 Fe atoms) - hemosiderin (aggregated molecules of of ferritin) excretion — There is no specific mechanism of iron excretion • desquamation of cells (GIT, skin) • menstruation in women Absorption of Fe and its release into the circulation eme /tv Lumen Fe,Tf Blood Maturation of the enterocyte Small intestinal villus Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression by Fe IRP binding stabilizes mRNA IRP binding inhibits translation ron 5' IRP -0- 3' * lr°n 5' 3' IRE ^ Iron 5' Fe-S cluster ■| 3' ^ Iron 5J Fe binds to IRP (iron-responsive proteins) and deactivates them by changing their conformation When intracelular levels of iron are low, IRP bind to IRE (iron-responsive elements) at 5' or 3' untranslated region of mRNA - 5' IRE (low translation) • e.g. ferritin - 3' IRE (inhibits mRNA degradation -> high translation) • e.g. DMT1 orTfR Iron metabolism regulation Disorders of iron metabolism Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) - decreased absorption / increased losses - nI/ ferritin, 1s transferrin, ^ transferrin saturation, 1s sTfR Anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) - normal total amount of Fe in organism, but Fe is stored in macrophages instead of being part of haem - 1s ferritin, ^ transferrin, ~/4, transferrin saturation, ^ sTfR Hemochromatosis Acquired - increased parenteral intake • repeated transfusions • excessive supplementation - rare - excessive hemolysis • hemolytic anemias - often treated by transfusions Hereditary - excessive absorption • autosomal recessive monogenic disorder (1:200 - 400 in northern Europeans) • mutation in the HFE gene (6th chromosome) - inducer of hepcidin expression - mostly C282Y or H63D mutations Clinical presentation - iron deposits in various organs (liver, heart, pancreas, joints) and their dysfunction - ^ ferritin, ^ transferrin, ^ transferrin saturation, ^ sTfR, ^ non-transferrin bound iron (reactive) - skin pigmentation („bronze diabetes") - in most cases, non-specific symptoms are present (tiredness, hepatopathy, endokrinopathy, diabetes, artralgias...) - treatment - phlebotomy