Instructions for students of the subject Endodontics II. Monday and Thursday is performed partly at the Department for Stomatology St Ann Faculty hospital - room for practical training (vyukovy sal 1) and partly at SIMU (the group will be divided int two parts). Tuesday and Wednesday the whole group will be at SIMU and on Friday the whole group will be at the clinic. Classes begin at 7:30. At 7:30 you are ready for work. Print a protocol of practical training. Simulated part of the training: · The endo teeth you will need are16, 46, 14 KaVo analog, 11 KaVo analog, 46 Kavo analog. You can buy them In Biovoxel company: In the bookstore you can buy new endo instruments, gutta-percha points. We strongly recommend you to buy a new endodontic instruments, the tools that you used during lessons of preclinical dentistry are worn – high risk of fracture. Fractured instrument in the root canal is the reason for repeating the exercise. Slippers, lab coat, tools (drills, hand tools, endodontic instruments), pencil, gloves, ruler - endoměrka are necessary. After short theoretical introduction you will perform endodontic treatment according to instructions in Protocol of practical training - Endodontics I. Clinical part of the training: Students will perform the treatment of the patients in the room of practical training or sometimes in the dental office at the clinic according to the instructions of the teachers. Brief introduction is from 7.30 to 8.00. Completion of the course: ● The condition of credit is 100% attendance at seminars, fulfillment of tasks. The course of the exercise is kept on record - protocol. ● Students are required to print out the protocols before start of exercise. First page - a record for a simulated classroom the second page - the protocol of clinical training (table) confirms teachers every day and students must submit it before the credit instruction of the teachers. ● Each absence must be excused the study department. Teachers are entitled to in case of serious deficiencies in knowledge and behavior of the student exclude student from the practical lessons of the day. Reasons for exclusion from practical lessons: ● Arriving late (10 minutes or more unexcused), repeated late arrival, inappropriate looks (student does not have clean clothes, slippers, nail polish, rings, not sober etc.). ● Inappropriate, rude behavior, lack of basic knowledge. ● The guarantee of the subject is informed about any extraordinary tasks and exclusion from practical training. ● Repetition of missed exercise is possible after end of semester, only after consultation with the teacher and also the guarantor of the subject.