1 Department of Anatomy Neural pathways MUDr. Marek Joukal, Ph.D. SPINAL REFLEX – proprioceptive Proprioceptive receptor – muscle spindle Register protraction and shortening of the muscles Fibrous cover – in the muscle (extrafusal muscular fibres) Inside modified muscular fibers – intrafusal I: sensory, motor – γ motoneurons Sensory fibers – protraction of the muscle – information carried to α motoneurons in ncl. motorii α motoneurons – contraction of the muscle (extrafusal fibers) Gama loop (regulation of muscular tonus): γ motoneurons – activation via RF Contraction of the muscle spindle – subsequent reaction of sensory fibers SPINAL REFLEX – exteroceptive 1st neurons ganglion spinale, psudounipolar neurons receptor – nerve endings in skin 2nd neurons interneurons in spinal cord (reflex centre) 3rd neurons α motoneuron effector – striated muscle OPTIC PATHWAY retina RADIX LATERALIS (80-90% fibers) 1st neuron rods, cones 2nd neuron bipolar cells 3rd neuron multipolar cells (nervus opticus) 4th neuron corpus geniculatum laterale Area 17, 18, 19 Horizontal cells in retina connect and inhibit rods and cones Amacrine cells in retina inhibit ganglionic cells Retinotopic organization Fibers from appropriate parts of retina Terminate in specific regions of corpus geniculatum lat. + cortex RADIX MEDIALIS (10-20% fibers) Colliculus sup. – optico-motor reflexes efferent pathways tr. tectospinalis Area praetectalis – pupilar reflexes Hypothalamus –tr. retino-hypothalam. (ncl. suprachiasmat) cirkadian rhytmes Pulvinar thalami – feedback circuits to the cortex Ncl. interstitialis (Cajal) – FLM eye coordination Substantia nigra PUPILAR REFLEX miosis mydriasis m. sphincter pupilae – parasympathicus m. dilatator pupilae – sympaticus 2 1st neuron ganglion spirale cochlae (pars cochlearis n. VIII) 2nd neuron ncl. cochlearis dorsalis (ncl. cochlearis ventralis – corpus trapezoideum) 3rd neuron ncl. colliculi inf. 4th neuron corpus geniculatum mediale (radiatio acustica capsulae internae) Gyri temporales transversi (area 41, 42) Auditory pathway VESTIBULAR PATHWAY 1st neurons – ggl. vestibulares n. VIII. (meatus acusticus int.) tr. vestibulo-cerebellaris directus balance, posture, head and eye movements 2nd neurons – ncll. vestibulares (sup., inf., med., lat.) Effer. pathways: tr. vestibulo-cerebellaris indirectus FLM – vestibulo-oculo-motor reflex tr. vestibulo-spinalis (ncll. motorii) 3rd neurons – thalamus (tr. vestibulo-thalamicus) Cortex cerebri Sensory, motor regions, lobus insulae (to realize the movements, vertigo…..) 1st neuron regio olfactoria (axons - nn.olfactorii) 2nd neurons bulbus olfactorius (mitral cells) tr. olfactorius - stria olfactoria med. + lat. + intermedia Cortex cerebri interm.-piriform region (around area cribrosa ant.) lat.-entorhinal region (uncus g. parahippocamp.) med. - amygdalar complex 3rd neurons thalamus – orbitofrontal cortex OLFACTORY PATHWAY 1st neuron – pseudounipolar neurons ggl. geniculi n. VII (chorda tympani) 2/3 tongue (n. petrosus major) ggl. n. IX – posterior 1/3 tongue ggl. n. X – around epiglottis 2nd neuron ncl. gustatorius 3rd neuron thalamus (ncl. VPM) Cortex cerebri area 43 (operculum frontale), insula GUSTATORY PATHWAY SOMATOSENSORY PATHWAY (protopatic, anterolateral system) 1st neuron pseudounipolar neurons in ganglion spinale 2nd neuron ncl. proprius (axons are crossed on appropriate spinal segment) tractus spino-thalamicus ant. (skin sensitivity, sensory infromation about pain) tractus spino-thalamicus lat. (temperature, affective aspects of pain) 3rd neuron thalamus (ncl. VPL) Gyrus postcentralis area 3,2,1, Information via spinal nerves – temperature, pain SOMATOSENSORY PATHWAY (protopatic, trigeminal system) 1st neuron pseudounipol. neurons in cranial nerves ggl (V, VII, IX, X) 2nd neuron ncl. tr. spinalis n. trigemini tractus trigemino-thalamicus 3rd neuron thalamus (ncl. VPM) Gyrus postcentralis area 3,2,1, Information via cranial nerves – temperature, pain 3 SOMATOSENSROY PATHWAY (epicritic, posterior column, lemniscal system) Information via spinal nerves – soft touch – discriminative sensation 1st neuron: pseudounipolar neurons in ganglion spinale central branches – tractus spino-bulbaris (fasciculus gracilis + cuneatus) 2nd neuron: ncl. gracilis + ncl. cuneatus med. tractus bulbo-thalamicus axons (fibrae arcuatae int. crossed – decussatio lemniscorum) lemniscus medialis 3rd neuron thalamus (ncl. VPL) Gyrus postcentralis area 3,2,1, SOMATOSENSORY PATHWAY (epicritic, trigeminal system) Information via cranial nerves – soft touch – discriminative sensation 1st neuron: pseudounipolar neurons in ggl V, VII, IX, X 2nd neuron: ncl. sensorius principalis n. V axons are crossed – lemniscus trigeminalis 3rd neuron thalamus (ncl. VPM) Gyrus postcentralis area 3,2,1, SOMATOSENSORY PATHWAY (PROPRIOCEPTION) Information via spinal nerves – from locomotor app. LE + trunk 1st neuron: pseudounip. neurons in ganglion spinale 2nd neuron: ncl. thoracicus (C8 – L3) tr. spino-cerebellaris ant. + post. cerebellum – information processing tractus cerebello-thalamicus thalamus ncl. ventrales laterales (VL) Gyrus frontalis + praecentralis (praemotor and motor cortex) SOMATOSENSORY PATHWAY (PROPRIOCEPTION) Information via spinal nerves – locomotor app. UE 1st neuron: pseudounip. neurons in ganglion spinale cent. branches – fasciculus cuneatus (lat) 2nd neuron: ncl. cuneatus lat. tr. cuneo-cerebellaris cerebellum - information processing tractus cerebello-thalamicus thalamus ncl. ventrales laterales (VL) Gyrus frontalis + praecentralis (praemotor and motor cortex) SOMATOSENSORY PATHWAY - PROPRIOCEPTION Information via cranial nerves – V, VII, IX, X (muscles derived from branchial arches) 1st neuron: pseudounipolar neurons in ncl. tractus mesencephalicus n. V central branches – tractus trigenino-cerebellaris cerebellum – information processing tractus cerebello-thalamicus thalamus ncl. ventrales laterales (VL) Gyrus frontalis + praecentralis (praemotor and motor cortex) MOTOR PATHWAY - PYRAMIDAL fylogen. young, strongly myelinated, voluntary Descendent from cortex cerebri to motor ncll. Tractus cortico- spinalis from cortex cerebri, decussatio pyramiduum (medulla oblongata) ncll. motorii medullae spinalis Tractus cortico- nuclearis ncll. motorii cranial nerves (in somato and branchiomotor zone) 4 MOTOR PATHWAY - EXTRAPYRAMIDAL (involuntary) reflex motion, automated movements, Control circuits of voluntary motion (affect speed, preciseness) Connections of BG – processing motor circuits Tr. reticulo-spinalis – facilitatory + inhibitory system of motion Tr. rubro-spinalis – muscular tonus of UE flexors Tr. tecto-spinalis – optic and acustic-motor reflexes Tr. vestibulo-spinalis – affect postural muscles References Dubový, P., Jančálek, R.: Základy neuroanatomie a nervových drah I. Masarykova univerzita Brno, 2013 Dokládal, M., Páč, L.: Anatomie člověka III. Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 1995. Čihák, R.: Anatomie 3. 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