Examination methods in cardiology L.Křivan History • Heart disease in patient´s history • Family history • Risk factors ( gender, age, smoking, cholesterol, diabetes) • Physical performance • Syncope • Arrhythmias • Medication General inspection of the patient • Cyanosis Reduced hemoglobin in capillary blood > 50g/l General inspection of the patient General inspection of the patient General inspection of the patient Auscultation of the heart Blood pressure Noninvasive • ECG – arrhythmias, ischaemia, previous MI, LV hypertrophy, ionic disorders • X - RAY – CT index, lung congestion, valvular diseases ECG (Willem Einthoven 1893) ECG history ECG – limb leads ECG- precordial leads Tumor in left hemithorax Cardiac tamponade After pericardial punction Pulmonary oedema PNO Stomach in the chest Noninvasive assessment of CAD • Bicycle treadmil test – submaximal aerobic frequency (220 – age) depressions and elevations of ST . • Treadmil echocardiography – segmental hypokinesis during hypoperfusion • Dobutamin. echokard. – farmacologic tachycardia Positive treadmill test Noninvasive assessment of arrhythmias • ECG Holter – detection of arrhythmia in 24 h (up to 7 days) • R – test, rhythm card –5 days – 3 months monitoring • ILR – 3 years monitoring in pts with arrhythmias, unexplained syncope Noninvasive assessment of LV function • ECHO – kinetics of the heart chambers, pericardium, valves, valvular diseases, detection of thrombi , atrial and ventricular septal deffects Cardiac MRI Structure of the heart wall - Scars - Myocarditis - ARVC CT of the heart CT AG of aorta Invasive CAD assessment • Selective angiography – examination of coronary artery stenoses with high accuracy Coronary artery disease Chest pain STE MI Stop in ramus interventricularis anterior PCI wire in the artery After treatment with PTCA Invasive assessment of arrhythmias • Electrophysiology – capacity of the conduction systém, induction and precise classiffication of arrhythmias – followed by RFA IKEG Nejčastější SVT Catether placement during AVNRT ablation PK CSHS PS RF Atrial fibrilation RFA x Cryoablation VT in structural heart disease Reentry – possible in tissues with different conduction time Invasive assessment of ventricular function • Ventriculography – 2D imaging of ventricular function Invasive assessment of ventricular function • Ventriculography – 2D imaging of ventricular function Invasive cardiac monitoring • Swan-Ganz catether – measurement of pressure in PA, cardiac output • Arterial blood pressure – beat to beat BP monitoring Invasive monitoring of PCW, cardiac output Invasive monitoring of PCW, cardiac output