1 Nerves supply the orofacial region, pain N. supply the orofacial region I. Nn. olfactorii II. N. opticus III. N.oculomotorius IV. N. trochlearis V. N. trigeminus VI. N. abducens VII. N. facialis VIII. N. vestibulocochlearis IX. N. glossopharyngeus X. N. vagus XI. N. accessorius XII. N. hypoglossus 2 Nervus trigeminus 4 N. Trigeminus – three main branches ̶ N. ophtalmicus ̶ N. maxillaris ̶ N. mandibularis ̶ Sensitiv and motoric part 5 Nervus trigeminus zones of the supply 6 N. ophtalmicus ̶ Goes through fisura orbitalis superior into the orbita. ̶ It supplies: skin of: the foreahead, the upper lid, the vertex, back of the nose as well as a part of the nasal mucosa. 7 N. maxillaris ̶ Goes through f.rotundum into fossa pterygopalatina from where its branches continue. ̶ Zones: skin of the temple, lateral part of the nose, lower lid, upper lip, teeth in maxila, oral and nasal mucosa including maxillary sinus. Also part of dura mater (the middle part). 8 N. maxillaris branches ̶ 1. R.meningeus ̶ Nervi pterygopalatini (rr. Nasales) ̶ N palatinus major a nn palatini minores ̶ N. infraorbitalis –rr.alveolares superiores posteriores 9 N. Infraorbitalis branches ̶ R. alveolaris superior medius - plexus dentalis superior ̶ Rr. alveolares superiores anteriores ̶ Rr. nasales interni ̶ Rr. cutanei 10 N. maxillaris and its branches 11 N.Mandibularis - branches ➢N. mylohyoideus ➢N. bucccalis (it supplies skin of the cheek, goues through m. buccinator but this muscle is supplied by n. facialis). N. buccalis can be also a branch of the n. infraorbitalis. ➢N. auriculotemporalis ➢R. communicans cum ganglio otico, rr.comunicantes cum nervi faciali,rr.parotidei, rr. articulares,n.meatus acustici interni aj. 14 N. mandibularis - branches ̶ N.lingualis: many branches, it terminates as rr linguales supplying the lingual mucosa in the anterior part. ̶ N.alevolaris inferior: goes into foramen mandibulae and continues in canalis mandibulae till the foramen mentale, from where the terminal branches goes to the skin of the lip. Branches: ➢N.mylohyoideus ➢Plexus dentalis inferior ➢N. mentalis 15 N. mandibularis – zones of supply 16 Vegetative ganglia next to the n. trigeminus ̶ G. ciliare – orbita ̶ G. pterygopalatinum - fossa pterygopalatina ̶ G. oticum – next to f.ovale ̶ G. submandibulare – next to n. linguialis Afferent branches: radix sympathica, radix parasympathica,radix sensitiva. Efferent branches mixed. 17 N. facialis – branches ̶ N. petrosus major-parasympatic fibres for ganglion pterygopalatinum ̶ R. communicans cum plexu tympanico ̶ N. stapedius ̶ Chorda tympani: connection with n. lingualis (parasympatic and sensoric fibres) ̶ Nervus auricularis posterior, r- digastricus, r. stylohyoideus 19 N. facialis-branches ̶ Plexus parotideus – supply of mimic muscles, r- colli m. platysma. 20 N. facialis 21 N. glossopharyngeus ̶ Supplie the posterior third of the tongue and pharynx. 22 Pain ̶ Unpleasant, troublesome up to intolerable feeling ̶ Subjective and individual ̶ Chain of physiological reactions and psychological manifestations ̶ The stimulus affects receptors or nerves, information is led to the central nerve system and transformed into subjective experience and final reactions 23 Receptors of pain ̶ Receptors are free nerve endings No adaptation, feeling is so long as the duration of the stimulus is. 24 Stimuli ̶ Physical Mechanical, thermal (cold, hot), electrical Each feeling is transformed on the pain if the intensity exceed certain limit. Changes of the intracranial pressure (vasodilatation), contraction of the nuchal or scalp muscles belong also to the physical stimuli. 25 Stimuli ̶ Chemical ➢ pH changes (decrease of pH – pain, around 5,8 untolerable) ➢ions (potassium) ➢Chemicals: acids, bases, hypotonic or hypertonic liquids, Extrinsic factors: acid, bases, hypotonic or hypertonic liquids, also stinging plants, insect poisson : changes of metabolism in cells - pain 26 Stimuli ̶ Intrinsic factors Internal origin: hydrochlorid acid (stomach), acetylcholin, histamin, serotonin, KCl, lactic acid. 27 Inflammation - pain ̶ Reaction of cells and blood vessels on damage (irradiation, burning, mechanical, chemical factors, infection or allergy) Participation of histamin, serotonin, plasmakinin and others inflammatory mediators 28 Ischemia ̶ Disorders of metabolism – reduction of the supply of oxygen and nutrients, obstruction of elimination of catabolits. 29 Psychology of pain and its importance for the human body. ̶ For the subjective feeling the status of the central nerve systém is important. ̶ Painful stimuli cause defensive reflexes ̶ Indicator of location of the pathological process. 37 Pain in the orofacial region ̶ Dental origin Pulpitis Periodontitis Periodontal diseaes Post extraction complications Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště38 Pain in the orofacial region ̶ Extradental origin Oral mucous membrane disease Sinusitis Otitis media Neurologic diseases (neuralgia, migraena) Ophtamological diseases Systemic diseases Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště39 Pain of dental origin ̶ Endodontics I., II. ̶ Periodontology 40 ̶ The neurogenic factor - activation of neural response by environmental irritants (mechanical, chemical, microbial) ̶ may cause ̶ immediate and transient pain perception - result of nerve fibers irritation ̶ vasodilatation - persists = increase in capillary permeability, fluid exudation, leucocytes infiltration= beginning of the exudative phase ̶ increased intrapulpal pressure = result of the increased blood volume (hyperemia) and tissue exudate ̶ secondary (spontaneous) pain response (C fibers) ̶ The pain persists - the presence of necrotic tissue • The tissue injury factor - is due to release of mediators by the injured odontoblasts • chemical substances • the same effect as the nerve factor • prolonged vasodilatation, fluid exudation, leucocytes infiltration, increase of intrapulpal volume and pressure, pain Reversible pulpitis - Hyperemia •Capillary bed - enlargement, vasodilatation, elevated capillary pressure, increased vascular permeability, potentially reversible response Irreversible pulpitis Acute - hyperactivity of exudative forces polymorphonuclear leucocytes, later macrophage Chronic - proliferative phase granulomatous tissue pain is usually absent lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages limited number of PMNS • Duration and severity • acute • chronic • subacute • Presence/absence of pain • painful • non painful • Irreversible –painful pulpitis • acute pulpitis • subacute pulpitis –nonpainful pulpitis • chronic ulcerative pulpitis (due to caries) • chronic pulpitis (no caries) • chronic hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp) Periodontitis Painful pulpoperiapical pathoses (acute apical periodontitis) Inflammatory response - to pulpal irritants exogenous forces become hyperactive great increase in intraperiapical pressure algogenic mediators released by the injured cells Acute apical periodontitis mild symptomatic (exudative) response contaminants from the pulp, vasodilatation, fluid exudation, white cells infiltration periodontal phase - abscess in the periodontal space enosseal phase - localized ostitis periosteal phase - severely symptomatic pain - throbbing character, radiating submucous phase - periosteal inflammation - relief Acute periapical abscess Advanced exudative, severely symptomatic steadily increasing amount of inflammatory exudate, leucocytic infiltration suppuration Etiology infection injury (acute, chronic) chemical irritation (dressings) Recrudescent abscess (phoenix abscess) previously - chronic (granulomatous lesions) contaminated (infected) decrease in immunity Symptoms: acute symptoms + periapical radiolucency Subacute periapical abscess chronic periapical abscess cycle drainage through the stoma = the sinus tract (fistula) parulis (gumboil) on the mucosa = swelling (gingiva, oral mucosa) Acute periodontitis - symptoms 1. Phase (periodont) hyperemia in the apical periodontium increase in pressure - elevates slightly the tooth nerve endings are stimulated slight pressure - mild pain 2. phase (enosseal) as the process advances - the tooth becomes increasingly tender, lymph nodes sensitive, alteration of the patient, starts pus formation, pain more intense and steady soft vestibular tissue - painful to palpation, patient may be febrile Acute periodontitis - symptoms 3. phase (periost) the most intense pain - throbbing, steady radiating - pus penetrates the outer plate of the bone - raises the periosteum swelling in the apical region great mobility face asymmetry, swelling the symptoms greater in horizontal position patient - febrile 4. phase (submucous) periosteum and mucosa - ruptured RELIEF pain subsides - but swelling fluctuation great asymmetry Periodontal pain ̶ Apical ̶ Marginal 58 Pain of marginal periodontal origin - Papillitis, gingivitis (finding on interdental papilla) - Acute inflammation in the periodontal pocket ( the tooth is vital, BOP positive, suppuration, subgingival greatment is effective) - Abscess in periodontal pocket Location, percussioin in perpendicular direction, the tooth is vital 59 Dentitio dificilis ̶ Finding in the retromolar area ̶ X- ray finding 60 Aerodontalgia (barodontoalgia) ̶ Change of intrapuplal pressure (flight or diving) ̶ Pressure or expansion of air bubles- irritation of nerve endings Teeth that have been treated previously, chronic inflammation… 61 Referred pain -synalgia ̶ N. trigeminus many anastomoses, connection with sympathicus and parasympathicus and other nerves. 62 Synalgia dentodental ̶ The pain is localised into the other tooth. Always on the same side. ̶ Horizontal ̶ Ascendent ̶ Descendent The reffered tooth can be more painful, the patient is not able to describe the symptoms exactly. Careful investigation, x-ray. 63 Synalgia dentocutaneous ̶ Hyperaesthesia of the cutaneous areas (see slides above) 64 Synalgia dento-mucousal ̶ Various fields of mucousa Synlagie dentonasal (maxillary incisors) 67 Synalgia dento - ocular and dento - auricular ̶ Ocular – maxillary canine, first premolar ̶ Auricular – maxillary molars 68 Pain of extradental origin: Sinusitis maxillaris The pain is similar to pulpitis and periodontitis. Unilateral. The posterior maxillary teeth are painful on percussion Rhinitis can be present 69 Pain of extradental origin Ophtalmologic diseases _ iritis, iridocyclitis, glaucom : Maxillary canine or first premolar. 70 Pain of extradental origin ̶ Onemocnění vzdálených orgánů ➢Malign tumors of oesophagus and lungs ➢Angina pectoris ➢Gastroenteritis ➢Meningitis and cerebral tumors 71 Pain of extradental origin ̶ Systemic diseases ➢Acute leucaemia and other oncologic diseases ➢Diabetes 72 Neuralgia n. trigemini ̶ Pain can occur before the typical attack of neuralgia ̶ Primary: Sharp short pain, vegetative (lacrimation, reddening of the skin) and motoric symptoms (defense movement) Trigger zone The teeth are usually intact The pain is very short Usually women (age from 50) Vasomotoric changes around g.semilunare 74 Neuralgia n. trigemini Secondary: The pain is longer, irradiation, no trigger zone, no vegetative and motoric symtoms, finding on the teeth (caries, filling, crown..) 75 Oral membrane mucous diseases ̶ Herpes zoster Irradiation of the pain along the nerv branche, vesicles. 76 Oral mucous membrane diseases ̶ Stomatodynia a glossodynia 77 Postextraction complications ̶ Alveolitis sicca ̶ History, empty socket ̶ Alveolitis purulenta History, swelling redness, suppuration - Nerve injury after extraction: hyperaesthesia or hypoaesthesia. History. 78 Migraena - hedeache ̶ Unilateral. Duration hours, pulsation, nauzea, vomitus, aura, women, history. ̶ Aura 20% - one or more hours before ghe attack (ophtalmologic symptoms, skin sensitivity, paraesthesia) 79 Migraena start up factors ̶ Hormonal: Menses, pregnancy, climax ̶ Food − chocolate, alcohol, spice ̶ Stress, lack of sleep ̶ Change of environment – sudden changes of atmospheric pressues, climate 80 Acute pulpitis x migraena Character of the pain, finding on the third maxillary molars. 81 82 Thank you! lroubal@med.muni.cz