Instructions for students of the subject Restorative dentistry V. practice On Tuesday and Wednesday the lessons (practical training) are performed at the SIMU. On Monday, Thursday and Friday - all students are at the Department of Stomatology (St. Ann Hospital) Classes begin at 7:30. At 7:30 you are ready for work - dressed and in your places. Print a protocol of practical training. DEPARTMENT OF STOMATOLOGY Clinical training is performed at the Department of Stomatology St Ann Faculty Hospital (on the first education theatre (vyukovy sal 1) or in dental offices of the teachers. At the teaching theater students will perform the treatment of these patients. Brief introduction is from 7.30 to 8.00. For clinical tgraining complete white dress is required, slippers, gloves, respirators. SIMU Buy theb teeth, you need for your practical training. You will need: 37 (47), 34 (44), 35 (45), 11, 21. Bring also endodontically treated teeth 14 and 11. (KaVo analog) First day you wil prepare cavities and make fillings according to instructions, see also the protocol of the practical training. Second day you will perform the postendodontic treatment of the endodontically treated teeth. Students are required to print out the protocols before start of exercise. The condition of credit is 100% attendance at seminars, fulfillment of tasks. The course of the exercise is kept on record - protocol. Photocopy of the protocols should be send into the File depository for the check. Then credit can be given. 1. day SIMU Postendodontic treatment using FRC post, rubberdam placement. Preparation II. clas for amalgam –tooth 37, MOD. Making filling. Picture class III. cavity. Preparation class 21 or 11 mesially and distally. One cavity affects the vestibular surface. Making fillings. Preparation class V. for composit 21 or 11. Making fillings. 2. day in SIMU: Cavities II.nd class for composite materials on the other premolars and molars. Slot preparation, conventional preparation, matrices,making fillings Of course iti is necessary to wear slippers, lab coat, and bring instruments (drills, hand tools, pencil). Cpmpletion of the course: The condition of credit is 100% attendance at seminars, fulfilment of tasks. The course of the exercise is kept on record - protocol. Each absence must be excused the study department. Teachers are entitled to in case of serious deficiencies in knowledge and behavior of the student exclude student from the practical lessons of the day. Reasons for exclusion from practical lessons: ● Arriving late (10 minutes or more unexcused), repeated late arrival, inappropriate looks (student does not have clean clothes, slippers, nail polish, rings, not sober etc.). ● Inappropriate, rude behavior, lack of basic knowledge. ● Teachers may also assign a essay to the student in a range of 3 A4 pages (pages) or repeat preparation on the model. ● The guarantee of the subject is informed about any extraordinary tasks and exclusion from practical training. ● Repetition of missed exercise is possible after end of semester, only after consultation with the teacher and also the guarantor of the subject.