at tiif: doctor .s /-- l. Write the letter A next to medical problems and letter B next to expressions describing what vou do when you arc ill: take your temperature_______ have an ear infection________ go to the surgery______ have a headache______ get a prescription _____ have earache _____ lake antibiotic's______ have a sore throat______ pay a prescription charge______ aches and pains_______ go to the chemist's_______ a virus_______ 2. Listening Daniel, who comes from Germany, is staying with his friends in Manchester. One day, he felt ill and had to see a doctor. You will hear Daniel speaking to the doctor's receptionist. Listen and tick the statements which are true. 1. Daniel was sent to Dr Graham's surgery by some friends. 2. His friends are also patients there. 3. He has been staying with his friends for several months. 4. Before he can see the doctor. Daniel has to fill in a special form. 5. He has to come back another day. 6. He doesn't have to pay anything. 3. Daniel then goes in to see the doctor. Listen to their conversation and put the pictures into the correct order. 4. Below are some things that a patient might say to a doctor, and some things that a doctor might say to a patient. I've been feeling unwell for a few days. You should go to bed for a couple of days. Have plenty of hot drinks. I think I've gut a temperature. I've got a headache. Keep warm. Just eat very light food. I've been vomiting a lot. I've got aches and pains all over. I've got a very sore throat. Try to relax more. I've got really bad earache. I'm going to give you some antibiotics. Take one of these tablets four times a day. I've got stomachache. Take paracetamol for the headache.