Anonymous limerick: The Course of Syphilis There was a young man from Black Bay Who thought syphilis just went away He believed that a chancre Was only a canker That healed in a week and a day. But now he has “acne vulgaris” – (Or whatever they call it in Paris); On his skin it has spread From his feet to his head, And his friends want to know where his hair is. There’s more to his terrible plight> His pupils won’t close in the light His heart is cavorting, His wife is aborting, And he squints through his gun-barrel sight. Arthralgia cuts into his slumber; His aorta is in need of a plumber; But now he has tabes, And saber-shinned babies, While of gummas he has quite a number. He’s been treated in every known way, But his spirochetes grow day by day; He’s developed paresis, Has long talks with Jesus, And thinks he’s the Queen of the May. (P. 765 in: Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P. and Klein, D.A.: Microbiology, 3^rd Ed., Wm.C.Brown Publ., Dubuque 1996) Anonymní limerik: Průběh syfilis Byl jeden mladý lovec žen Syfilis? Řek‘ si: drobnost jen Myslel že jeho tvrdý vřed Je legrace co zmizí hned Že uzdraví se za týden Akné vulgaris dostal však (v Paříži jmenují to tak?) Vyrážka divná jakási Od palců nohou po vlasy Jež ostatně mu slezly pak. Nemá to však jen na kůži. Zorničky světlo neúží I srdce se mu krabatí A jeho žena potratí Šilháním taky neduží. Bolestí spát už nezvládá Aorta se mu rozpadá Tabické strasti překruté A děti? Nožky zahnuté! A v těle gummat nadvláda. Jak mohli, tak ho léčili Mikrob byl ale přečilý Obrna tělo přemohla modlitba zázrak nezmohla; nakonec z toho zešílí. Přeložil O. Z.