RNA in diagnostics • 1.) direct RNA diagnostics – screening of whole coding region of given gene • 2.) gene – expression analysis: – diferential diagnostics of some tumours – detection of circulation tumour cells in blood and bone marrow – monitoring of course of therapy and detection of residual disease – control of graft before autologous transplatation – differential display, PTT test, functional tests... RNA in diagnostics RNA Mammalian cell: • 10 - 30 pg total RNA • rRNA (28S,18S, 5S) 80-85% • tRNA, snRNA 15-20% • mRNA 1-5% 360 000 mRNA molecules/cell, 12 000 different transcripts typical length of 1 transcript cca 2kb • presence of ribonucleases (RNases) in cell • RNase – very stable – do not need cofactors – efficient in low concentrations – difficult inactivation – contamination with RNases : human skin dust particles (bacterias, fungi) • isolation and analysis of RNA : special approach and methods RNA Unstability •gene-expression analysis: analysed RNA must represent in vivo expression of sample •Complications - 1) reduction mRNA (downregulatoin of genes and enzymatic degradation of RNA), 2) expression induction of certain genes RNA stabilisation in sample: – immediately frost in liquid nitrogen and store in -80°C – stabilisation solutions: RNAlater, PAXgene Contamination with DNA PCR primers overlapping border intron/exon digestion with DNases Stabilisation and storage of RNA Direct RNA diagnostics RNA A AA A A A A T TT T TT T T TT T TT TcDNA PCR RT-PCR T TTT TT T primer oligo(dT) gene specific primer RNA Extraction NF1 gene: 350 kb, 60 exons, 11 - 13 kb mRNA - protein neurofibromin: 2818 aminoacids, probably tumour supresor RNA diagnostics of NF1 gene Neurofibromatosis type 1 von Recklinhausen disease Autosomal dominant Frequency 1:3000 Locus 17q 50% mutations de novo Predispositions to tumours of neural system Café-au- lait spots Neurofibromas Lisch nodule Complications in molecular diagnostics of NF1 -problematic clinical diagnosis: -up to 50 % cases de novo -high mutation speed -length of gene (350 kb, 60 exonů) -absence of hot spots – need to search in whole gene -unclear corelation between type of mutation and manifestation -different clinical manifestation even in patients with the same mutation Strategy of molecular – genetic testing of NF1 patients NF1 DNA / RNA of pacient Prenatal diagnostics intragene DNA polymorfismus IVS27AAAT2.1, IVS27AC28.4 IVS38GT53.0 - i 38 Linkage DNA analysis DNA/RNA methods DGGE, SSCP cDNA / SSCP Mutation analysis Direct sequencing cDNA - SSCP analysis RT cDNA PCR NF1 cDNA ( 60 exons) P1 P3 P5 P7 P9 P2 P4 P6 P8 P10 SSCP Sequencing analysis total RNA Sequencing of cDNA segment P7 of NF1 gene ( exons 28 -32/33) C >T cDNA of NF1 pacient, mt C5839T ( Arg > STOP) standard cDNA 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’ Advantages and disadvantages of RNA diagnostics - Easier and faster screening of multiexonic gene (10 segments of cDNA instead of 60 exons), mRNA is without introns - Capture of splice mutations in intrones - Capture of deletion of whole exonu on one allele - cheaper - More difficult taking blood for RNA isolation - Lower stability of RNA - Longer segments – problems with electroforetic separation and sequencing - Unclear effect of mutation on phenotype level Gene expression analysis Real-time PCR method  Real-Time PCR combines DNA amplification with real time amplified product detection in a single tube  Reliable  Precise  Fast  Universal  Variability of used probes  Possibility of detection of more mutation during analysis  Measurement of fluorescence Determine differences in mRNA expression  QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS snp – single ncleotide polymorphism detection  QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS amplicon amount detection Detection methods  Two types of Real-Time PCR detection chemistries:  1. Specific Sequence Detection- Distinguishes between a specific sequence of interest and non-specific products. Can be used to detect different alleles (TaqMan)  2. Non-Specific Detection- Detects any dsDNA produced during the reaction (SYBR green) Tumour cells have different gene expression profile than healthy cells Change in amount and spectrum of expressed mRNA Relative quantification of expression relative to housekeeping gene Housekeeping gene: control gene which is constant in the samples Expression analysis in oncology Oncomarkers A tumor marker is a substance found in the blood, urine, or body tissues that can be elevated in cancer. There are many different tumor markers, each indicative of a particular disease process, and they are used in oncology to help detect the presence of cancer. From substances produced by normal cells they differ qualitatively – normal cells do not produce them, or quantitatively – they are produced by both types of cells • produced only in malignant cells • organ specific • in biological liquids in high concentrations • level correlates with size of tumour, stage of disease, prognosis and therapy effect • provides evidence of residual tumour tissue Ideal Oncomarker Oncomarkes according to chemical structure or biological function • oncofetal antigens • enzymes • hormones • intracellular oncomarkers • other non specified substances Onkomarkers: indication according to organ  Prostate-Specific Antigen: PSA is prostate-specific, not cancer-specific. A variety of conditions can raise PSA levels: prostatitis (prostate inflammation), benign prostatic hypertrophy (prostate enlargement), and prostate cancer. PSA levels can also be influenced by a number of other things.  Carcinoembryonic Antigen: Although CEA was first indentified in colon cancer, an abnormal CEA blood level is specific neither for colon cancer nor for malignancy in general. Elevated CEA levels are found in a variety of cancers other than colonic, including pancreatic, gastric, lung, and breast. It is also detected in benign conditions including cirrhosis, inflamatory bowel disease, chronic lung disease, and pancreatitis. The CEA was found to be elevated in up to 19 percent of smokers and in 3 percent of a healthy control population. Thus, the test for oncomarker cannot substitute for a pathological diagnosis. Detection of minimal residual disease Detection of presence of isolated tumour cells in blood, bone marrow and lymphatic system – possible precursors of metastases Imunohistochemistry – sensitivity 1 : 10 000 Flow cytometry – sensitivity 1 : 100 000 PCR – sensitivity 1: 1 000 000 Real- time PCR – sensitivity up 1 : 10 000 000