MEDICAL CHEMISTRY VSLC011p 1^st Semester^ Autumn 2010 LECTURES Wednesday 10:10 – 12:00 Week Date 1 22 Sept. Solutions of substances. Colligative properties of solutions, osmotic pressure. Dissociation of electrolytes, the equilibria in electrolyte solutions. Acid-base reactions: acids and bases, pH values, calculations. 2 29 Sept. Hydrolysis of ions. Buffers. Buffers in the human body. Liquid colloid dispersions. Surfactants (tensides). 3 6 Oct. Chemical reactions – kinetics, chemical equilibrium. The driving force of chemical reactions, free Gibbs energy. 4 13 Oct. Oxidation-reduction reactions. Redox potentials, the e.m. force of a voltaic cell and the relation of it to the reaction free energy change and equilibrium constant. Dissolution equilibria. Precipitation reactions. 5 20 Oct. Essential macroelements important for living matter, properties of some of their compounds. Hazardous inorganic chemicals. 6 27 Oct. Biochemically important conversions of organic compounds (reactions of alcohols, oxidations and reductions, the citric acid cycle, transaminations of amino acids). 7 3 Nov. Heterocyclic compounds of biological importance (cofactors, synthetic pharmaceuticals, drugs). 8 10 Nov. Structures and properties of monosaccharides and simple sugar derivatives. Oligosaccharides. 9 17 Nov. -----------------legal holiday (substitutive lecture 22th December) 10 24 Nov. Polysaccharides. Glycosides, nucleosides. Nucleotides. 11 1 Dec. Fatty acids and lipids-comprising alcohols. Triacylglycerols. Phospholipids and glycolipids. 12 8 Dec. Eicosanoids. Isoprenoids. Steroids, structures of representative compounds. 13 15 Dec. Standard a-amino acids, polarity of the side chains, ionization of amino acids, amino acids as buffers. 22 Dec Substitutive lecture Nucleic acids 14 5 Jan. Peptides, some examples of peptides exhibiting biological activity. Proteins – main features of structures. Globular, fibrous, and membrane proteins. Glycoproteins. Haemoproteins (haem and other tetrapyrroles) Recommended textbooks: Táborská, Sláma, et al.: Medical Chemistry I (General and Inorganic Chemistry). Masaryk Univ., 2006 Dostál et al.: Medical Chemistry II (Bioorganic Chemistry). Masaryk University, 2006