Nursing and communication A. Pokorná Department of Nursing Doctor1 Doctor2 Doctor3 Doctor4 This subject has three main parts Ø ØTheoretical lessons – Nursing Ø (3 hours) ØTheoretical lessons – Communication Ø (4 hours) ØPractical lessons – Practice in the hospital Ø (2 x 4 hours) Definition of Nursing ØNursing is a system of typical nursing activities concerning the individual, families or groups which assists these people to be able to take of their health and well-being. Ø RainStar University Student Services hands_collage_152 Definition of Nursing ØGenerally, nursing aims include the maintenance and support of health, restoration of health and progressive development of self-sufficiency, alleviation of the suffering of the dying and ensuring peaceful dying and death. Ø Definition of Nursing ØNursing significantly participates in the prevention, diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation. ØThe nurse helps the individual and groups to be able to care of their own elementary physiological, psycho-social and spiritual needs. Ø Definition of Nursing ØThe nurse leads the patient towards self-care and educates the people close to the patient in rendering lay medical services. For the patients who can or will not take care of themselves and/or those who do not know how to do so, the nurse renders professional nursing care. Ø Objectives of nursing ØIn her efforts to accomplish these objectives, the nurse works closely with the physician and other medical and professionals such as physiotherapeutists and ergotherapeutists, social workers, dietary nurses and other professionals who have already their respective professional training concepts established. Ø The main responsibilities of the nurse include: Øhelping the individual, the family or group, to attain physical and mental health as well as social well/being in conformity with the individual`s surroundings, Øsupporting the self/sufficiency of the man in tending for him/herself The main responsibilities of the nurse include: Øaccomplishing prevention to disease, Øsecuring the consulting services of the physician, Øalleviating the adverse effects of the disease and forestalling complication, Øidentifying and satisfying the needs of persons suffering from medical problems, medically handicapped people and people suffering from terminal diseases Characteristic feature of nursing Øthe nurse renders active care Øthe nursing services are rendered in the individualised fashion Øthe nursing services are based upon scientific understanding Ø Characteristic feature of nursing Øthe nurse view the patient in the complex fashion, as a biological psycho-social and spiritual entity Øthe nursing services are rendered by the nursing team comprising several types of professionals with different training backgrounds Øthe nursing care is preventive in its nature Ø A Nurse Øcarries out a lot of procedures Øassists the doctors and other profesionals Øassists the patients with daily living activities (bath, dressing etc.) Øprepares and serves meals according to the instruction Øturns and positions the patients in bed Ø Ø A Nurse Øgives bedpan and urinal or provides incontinent care Øassists the patients in dressing Øtakes the patient`s temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure (BP) Øtake samples some other biological materials Øgives injection and medicaments Ø Ø A Nurse Øtakes the patients to the X-ray Ø Department, the Therapy Unit, the Operating Room or to some other place in the hospital Øshould keep an eye on all patients under her care all the time and notice all changes in their condition [both in physical and mental state] Ø Ø A Nurse Øis supposed to do everything possible to relieve the patient`s pain and encourage his comfort Øhelps the patients in all possible ways Ømust find time to talk to patients and the significant ones Øensures an appropriate patient`s environment Ø Nurses and their training ØUniversity ØBachelor or Master study of Nursing Ø Ø Ø Higher nursing Ø schools Ø Ø Ø Ø Secondary nursing schools Various other types Ø of secondary schools Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Primary schools Ø Education of nurses in Czech republic Ø Ø Ph.D. Ø University M.A. Ø B.c. Ø Ø Ø Higher school Ø Ø Ø Secondary school Ø (since May 2004 Ø only health care Ø asistant) Ø Ø Primary school Ø 9 4 3 4 3 3 2 5 3 4 Current situation ØSince April 2004 it has been in operation a new law about education: Ø Future nurses can only study at higher schools and universities ØThe secondary schools organize the study for health asistent Ø Ø Specialised education of nurses Øis focused on clinical specialisations various forms of field and hospital care, management and pedagogy Ø Øis realized by National Centre of Nursing and Other Health Professions in Brno Ø Ø Department of Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Nursing and General Medicine ØThe Bachelor degree Nursing Education is a new speciality since 1997 at the Medical Faculty in Brno ØThere are two kind of study of Nursing Education: 3 year full-time and 4 year part-time ØThere are about 300 students altogether ØThere are 10 nursing teachers ØSince Mai 2005 was established Department of Nursing at our University Ø Ø Ø The ward unit ØTreatment room ØNurse`s office ØKitchen Ø“Clean” and “Dirty” Annex ØSluice room ØDining-room ØStore ØVisiting room ØLavatories and Bathrooms for patients ØStaff cloakroom with Washbasins and Lavatories Ø Ø sesterna The room for the patients ØMaxim. three beds ØDining table ØChairs ØBedside lamps ØBedside tables ØBuilt - in wardrobe ØPatient-to-nurse alarm system ØLavatory ØWastepaper basket Ø Ø pac izby Nursing care models ØFunctional nursing ØComprehensive nursing ØTeam nursing ØPrimary nursing Ø Functional nursing ØBasing staff assignments on specific duties ØOne nurse give medications, another performs all treatments, another assesses vital sign, and all other members of the staff assists patients with personal care Comprehensive nursing ØThe group care system – total pacient care – each nurse is assigned to care for a group of patients and provides all care for each patient in the group ØNurse has an opportunity to build a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, which includes identifying psychosocial needs of a patients and planning nursing interventions to meet those needs Team nursing ØThe assigment of group of nurses to care for a number of patients ØThe team may be made up of two levels – RNs – LPNs – or three levels – RNs and LPNs and nursing assistants Ø Ø Primary nursing ØThe primary nurse system - upon admission the patient is assigned his/her primary nurse who draws up the nursing care plan for the patient and is responsible for the implementation of the plan throughout the hospitalization of the patient. The nursing care plan is draw up with the assistance of other nursing worker. When off duty, the nurse passes on the patient to the nurses of the other shift to take her patients back when reporting on duty again. During the shift, the primary nurse participates in rendering medical care to patient for whom she is not the primary nurse Ø Nursing documentation ØThe nursing process is recorded for every patient/client in the independent nursing documentation which forms a part of the patient’s medical documentation Ø ØHigh-quality nursing care is the basic current requirement in the field. The definition of the standard of quality of the nursing care is set forth in the nursing standards whereby also the measurable criteria for the quality of the nursing services are established. Ø The standards can be issued in the legislation (laws, directives or methodological instructions) Ø Ø Nursing process Øis the essential methodological framework for the implementation of the objectives of nursing. ØIs a implementation of the objectives nursing ØIs a systematic and profession/specific method of individualised approach to the nursing for every patient/client the hospital or in the field services which is implemented in the following five integrate steps. Ø Nursing process Assesment of the patient Definition of the nursing diagnosis Planning the nursing care Implementing the interventions Evaluating the effect of the care provider A nursing assessment includes ØA physical assessment ØThe deliberate and systematic collection of data ØA determination of an individual's current health status ØAn evaluation of his/her present and past coping pattern ØData verification, data organization ØData analysis and problem identification Ø Definition of nursing diagnosis ØNursing Diagnosis: Øa statement of a present or Øpotential patient problem that Ørequires nursing intervention in Øorder to be resolved or lessened. Ø Ø Ø Nursing Diagnosis = Patient problem + Cause if Known Planning ØThe RN shall develop the action plan (which is an organized way of recording an individual's health needs, the nursing care goals and intervention), based on the data obtained during the assessment. ØThe action plan shall be developed within 30 days or as determined by the RN as part of the individual's overall plan of service or follow along plan. ØThe RN will collaborate with other members of the IDT while developing the action plan. ØThe LPN may assist in the delegation process under the direction of the RN. Ø Planning includes Øsetting priorities Øwriting goals short-term Ø long-term goals Øplanning nursing actions Ø Implementation ØThe licensed nurse (RN/LPN) intervenes, as guided by the action plan, to implement nursing actions that promote, maintain or restore health, prevent illness and effect habilitation. ØIntervention shall be documented in accordance with Nursing Documentation Standard (96.3). ØThe licensed nurse (RN/LPN) may delegate specific interventions per the approved Nursing Delegation Standard. ØThe LPN may assist in the delegation process under the direction of the RN. ØIncludes validating care plan,documenting care plan,giving nursing care,continuing data collection Evaluation ØThe purpose of evaluation is to decide if the goal in the care plan has been achieved Evaluative statement = Goal Met = Goal Partially Met = Goal Not Met Evaluation ØThe RN evaluates the individual's response to the action plan and interventions in order to revise the data base, nursing assessment, and action plan. This evaluation shall be shared with the person's IDT. ØThe RN shall continually evaluate and document individual's responses to interventions to identify the degree to which the expected outcomes have been achieved. ØBased on the evaluation, the RN shall revise the action plan as appropriate. ØThe LPN may assist in the delegation process under the direction of the RN. ØEvaluations shall be performed and documented in the person's FAP/OPS: lAnnually OR,as required by regulation,OR as determined by the RN, based on the individual's needs. Ø Organizační diagram Relationship between nursing prescribed interventions and physician prescribed intervention Nursing prescribed intervention Nursing diagnoses Physician prescribed intervention Reposition q 2 h Lightly massage vulnerable areas Teach how to reduce pressure when sitting High risk for impaired Skin Integrity related to immobility Secondary to fatigue Ussually not needed Relationship between nursing prescribed interventions and physician prescribed intervention Nursing prescribed intervention Collaborative problems Physician prescribed intervention Maintian NPO state Monitor: Hydration Vital sign Intake/output Specific gravity Monitor electrolytes Maintain IV at prescribed rate Provide encourage mouth care Potential Complication: Fluid and electrolyte Imbalances IV (type, amount) Laboratory studies Jehlanový diagram Maslow´s hierarchy of needs Self actualisation Self-esteem needs Love and belonging needs Safety and security needs Physiological needs Assessment according the Dr. Marjory Gordon ØTypology of the eleven functional health Øpatterns: Ø1. Health perception - Health Ø management pattern Ø2. Nutritional – Metabolic pattern Ø3. Elimination pattern Ø4. Activity – exercise pattern Assessment according the Dr. Marjory Gordon Ø5. Cognitive – Perceptual pattern Ø6. Sleep – rest pattern Ø7. Self perception – Self concept pattern Ø8. Role – Relationship pattern Ø9. Sexuality – Reproductive pattern Ø10. Coping – Stress tolerance pattern Ø11. Value – Belief pattern Basic nursing skills ØBasic nursing procedures (washing, positioning, help with eating, excreting, moving etc.) ØPain management ØBedsores ØMeasurements : ØBlood pressure ØPulse ØTemperature ØEKG ØInjections – i.m., s.c., i.v. Ø Basic nursing equipment ØBedpan urinal Ø Ø Ø Øwash basin with soap and towel Ø Help patients with excreting Ø How you can give the bedpan to the patiens when is lying or sitting How you can give the bedpan to the patients when he cannot lift hipp How to help patient with moving Helping a patients to stand Positions in the bed Supine – dorsal position Sim´s position also using for the rectal examination and rectal treatment Positions in the bed Ø Illustration of sleeping positions Illustration of sleeping positions Multi-Way Bed Wedge KK7060a Positions in the bed Freedom Bed in Trendelenburg Position Freedom Bed Side View Torso raised Trendelenburgh position Fowler´s position Examination position Lithotomy position – using for rectal, vaginal and bladder examination Knee-chest position – used for reptal or vaginal examination Pain management ØPain is best defined as an uncomfortable or unpleasant feeling that tells you something may be wrong in your body. It's one way your body sends a warning to your brain. The spinal cord and nerves serve as passageways through which pain messages travel to and from your brain and the other parts of your body. Øacute pain ØPain that occurs immediately after illness or injury and resolves after healing. Ø Øchronic pain ØPain that persists beyond the time of normal healing and can last from a few months to many years. Can result from disease, such as arthritis, or from an injury or surgery. Also can occur without a known injury or disease. Pain measurements ØVisual. Visual scales have pictures of human anatomy to help patients explain where your pain is located. A popular visual scale — the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale — features facial expressions to help patients show the doctor how the pain makes his/her feel. This scale is particularly useful for children, who sometimes don't have the vocabulary to explain how they feel. ØVerbal. Verbal scales contain commonly used words such as "low," "mild" or "excruciating" to help patients describe the intensity or severity of his/her discomfort. Verbal scales are useful because the terminology is relative, and you must focus on the most characteristic quality of your pain. ØNumerical. Numerical scales help patients to quantify his/her pain using numbers, sometimes in combination with words. Ø The Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale Ø ØFace 0 is very happy because he Ø or she doesn't hurt at all. Ø ØFace 1 hurts just a little bit. Ø ØFace 2 hurts a little more. Ø ØFace 3 hurts even more. Ø ØFace 4 hurts a whole lot. Ø ØFace 5 hurts as much as you can Ø imagine, although you Ø don't have to be crying to Ø feel this bad. • Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale Faces scale from Kuttner and LePage (1989) 3-2Fig1 A Verbal Pain Scale Ø With a verbal scale, you can describe the degree of patients discomfort by choosing one of the vertical lines that most corresponds to the intensity of pain you are feeling. This is a good way to explain early postoperative pain, which is expected to diminish over time. You can use this scale to determine if patient recovery is progressing in a positive direction. Verbal Pain Scale A Numerical Pain Scale ØA numerical pain scale allows you to describe the intensity of patients discomfort in numbers ranging from 0 to 10 (or greater, depending on the scale). Rating the intensity of sensation is one way of helping determine treatment. Numerical Pain Scale McGill Pain Questionaire mcgill Bedsores Øare also called decubitus ulcers, pressure ulcers, or pressure sores. These tender or inflamed patches develop when skin covering a weight-bearing part of the body is squeezed between bone and another body part, or a bed, chair, splint, or other hard object. Ø Bedsores Common sites in pressure ulcers bedsores Ø image002 The Norton Scale Note: Scores of 14 or less rate the patient as “at risk” Physical Condition Mental Condition Activity Mobility Inconti-nence Total Score Good 4 Alert 4 Ambulant 4 Full 4 Not 4 Fair 3 Apathetic 3 Walk/help 3 Slightlz Limited 3 Occasional 3 Poor 2 Confused 2 Chairbound 2 Very Limited 2 Usually-urine 2 Bad 1 Stupor 1 Bedridden 1 Immobile 1 Doubly 1 Name: Date: Name: Date: Name: Date: Modified Norton/Scale Risk for pressure ulcers acc. to modified Norton-Scale: low (25 - 24 points) high (18 - 14 points) medium (23 - 19 points)very high (13 - 9 points) Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Readiness for cooperation / motivation full less partly none Age < 10 < 30 < 60 > 60 Condition of skin o.k. scaly, dry moist wounds, allergic lacerations Additional Diseases none undermine of resistance, fever, diabetes multiple scleroses, adiposis artery occlusion Physical Condition good fair poor very bad Mental Condition alert apathetic confused stupor Activity ambulant walk-help chair-bound stupor Mobility full slightly limited very limited immobile Incontinent not occasional usually urine doubly Rf Stage 1 ØThe skin is intact but shows a persistent pink or red area that does not turn white when you press it with your finger. The wound may look like a mild sunburn. The affected skin may be tender, painful or itchy. Ø It may feel warm, spongy or firm to the touch. bild051 Stage 2 ØThe skin outer layer is broken, red and painful. Surrounding tissues may show areas of pale, red or purple discoloration. Some swelling and/or oozing may be present. Ø The wound is no longer superficial and the ulcer is an open sore that does not extend through the full thickness of the skin. d2 Blaar_groot Stage 3 ØThe skin has broken down and the wound now extends through all layers of the skin. The ulcer has become a crater involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissues. The pressure ulcer has become deeper and very difficult to heal. At this stage, a large percentage of patients may require treatment of up to one year. The wound is now a primary site for a serious infection to occur. d3 Abb. 1: Dekubitus Stadium II (nach Seiler) Stage 4 ØThere is full-thickness skin loss with extension beyond the deep fascia and involvement of muscle, underlying organs, bone, and tendon or joint space. This deep open wound may show blackened tissue called eschar. The decubitus ulcer is now extremely deep, having gone through the muscle layers and now involving underlying organs and bone. Surgical removal of the necrotic or decayed tissue is often used on wounds of larger diameter. Surgery is the normal course of treatment. Ø The wound is very serious and can produce a life threatening infection, especially if not treated aggressively. 22320032 sakrum THE PRIMARY GOAL OF DECUBITUS ULCER TREATMENT IS PREVENTION Blood pressure ØWhat Is Blood Pressure? ØBlood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries. Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers — the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (as the heart relaxes between beats). The measurement is written one above or before the other, with the systolic number on top and the diastolic number on the bottom. For example, a blood pressure measurement of 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) is expressed verbally as "120 over 80.„ ØNormal blood pressure is less than 120 mmHg systolic and less than 80 mmHg diastolic. Sphygmomanometer Measuring blood pressure ØSystolic pressure: The pressure in the artery during the ventricular contraction phase of the heart cycle. The pressure in the vessel is highest at this time. ØDiastolic pressure:The pressure in the artery when the ventricles are relaxed. The pressure is at its lowest point, though it does not drop all the way to zero. Ø bloodpr Measuring Blood Pressure ØWe find the blood pressure by using an instrument called a sphygmomanometer (pronounced sfig-mo-muh-NAM-eh-ter). This device consists of an inflatable cuff that is wrapped around the upper arm and a gauge that measures pressure. A stethoscope is used to listen to the different sounds that occur. Ø measpr1 Procedure for Measuring Blood Pressure Ø1. You begin by inflating the cuff. Once the pressure in the cuff is above the subject's systolic pressure (140 in this example), blood cannot flow below the cuff. You will hear no sound in the brachial artery when you listen with the stethoscope. Ø2. As you release the pressure valve and slowly deflate the cuff, blood begins to flow through the artery. Ø3. When the pressure in the cuff is between the systolic and diastolic pressure, you can hear a tapping sound with each pulse. The first tapping sound you hear indicates that blood has entered the artery. Record this reading as the systolic pressure. You continue to deflate the cuff until the tapping sounds cease. Ø measpr2 Measuring blood pressure 1.Wash hands and identify patient 2.Explain procedure 3.Position patient comfortably, either seated or lying. 4.Position patient’s arm by supporting it on the bed or arm of chair with the palm turned upward; push sleeve up to shoulder 5.Place cuff 2 to 3 centimetre above bend in elbow, wrap it around the arm smoothly, and secure it 6.Clean earpiece of the stethoscope and put earpiece in your ears; place diaphragm of stethoscope over brachial artery; hold in place with one hand 7.Close air valve and pump bulb to inflate the cuff; continue pumping until the gauge reads 180 or until you can no longer hear the pulse beat Ø Measuring blood pressure 8.Open air valve and allow the air to escape slowly 9.Listen for first sound (systolic) and read the gauge as soon as the sound occurs 10.Continue to release air; note muffled sound (or no sound, whichever comes firs) and take a second reading (diastolic) 11.Deflate cuff completely. Repeat steps 6 to 9 if you need to recheck to obtain an accurate reading ØRecord the blood pressure as a fraction: Ø Ø Systolic reading Ø Ø Diastolic reading Ø ØThe systolic pressure is the maximum pressure in an artery at the moment when the heart is beating and pumping blood through the body. ØThe diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure in an artery in the moments between beats when the heart is resting. · Ø Ø Ø Categories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults legend: < means lesst han … > means greater than or equal to Blood pressure level In milimeter in mercury (mmHg) Category Systolic Diastolic Normal <120 and <80 Prehypertension 120 - 139 and 80 - 89 High blood pressure Stage 1 hypertension 140 - 159 or 90 - 99 Stage 2 > 160 or > 110 Blood pressure meassurements points (special) lower limb upper limb Assesing the Pulse ØEquipment: ØWatch with second hand ØPen and Pad ØStethoscope (for apical pulse only) Ø ØPULSE ØAlternative names ØHeart rate; Heart beat pulse Assesing the Pulse Ø1. Place your index and middle fingers in the groove on the inside of the wrist. Just slide your fingers across the tendons until they slip into soft tissue. Ø2. Wait until you clearly feel beats coming with a regular rhythm. Ø3. Count the number of beats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 (or for 30 seconds and multiply by 2) to get the number of beats per minute. Ø Assesing the Pulse ØSteps for radial pulse: ØAssist patient to a seated or lying position to ensure relaxation and comfort; explain the procedure ØPlace patient’s forearm palm downward, across the chest; using the index and third fingers, locate the radial pulse ØExert firm but gentle pressure over the artery; pulsation will cease if pressure is the firm ØCount pulse for 60 seconds, assess rhythm and quality ØRecord rate, rhythm and quality ØRepeat observation if rate is under 60 or over 100, if rhythm is irregular, or if quality is abnormal Ø Assesing the Pulse Øa. temporalis Øa. radialis Øa. carotis Øa. poplitea Øa. femoralis Øa. dorsalis pedis ØApex cordis Ø Ø Ø a. carotis Taking your carotid pulse a. carotis a. radialis Radial pulse a. radialis Wrist pulse a. poplitea a. femoralis a. dorsalis pedis NORMAL PULSE RATE Ø ØAverage Beats per Minute ØThe Unborn Child Ø 140 to150 ØNewborn Infants 130 to140 ØDuring first year 110 to130 ØDuring second year 96 to115 ØDuring third year 86 to105 Ø7th to 14 year 76 to 90 Ø14th to 21st year 76 to 85 Ø21st to 60th year 70 to 75 ØAfter 60th year 67 to 80 Ø ØNotes: ØPulse rates rise normally during excitement, following physical exertion and during digestion. ØThe pulse rate is generally more rapid in females. ØThe pulse rate is also influenced by the breathing rate. ØVariation of one degree of temperature above 98 F. is approximately equivalent to a rise of 10 beats in pulse Ø Assesing respirations ØEquipment -Watch with second hand -Pen and pad Assesing respirations 1.Wash your hands 2.If patient is lying in bed, fold arm across the chest allow respirations to be felt as well as seen. If patient is in a chaire, observe respirations visually 3.Keep fingers on patient´s wrist, as if counting pulse. 4.Count respiratory rate for 30 second and multiply by 2, if respiration is irregular, count 60 seconds 5.Observe character of respirations 6.Record rate, record character is there any significant deviation from normal. 7.Report adult rate under 8 or over 40 to the appropriate person Ø Normal respirations rate ØAdult (normal)- 12 to 20 breaths per minute Ø ØChildren - age 1 to 8 years 15 to 30 Ø ØInfants - age 1 to 12 months 25 to 50 Ø ØNeonates - age 1 to 28 days 40 to 60 Temperature Ø You can measure the temperature on three body locations: ØMouth - This method is not recommended for children Ø younger than 5 years old. ØRectum - by the rectum ØArmpit - axillary method, under the armpit ØEar - tympanic method,in the ear Ø Ø Ø Mouth Temperature Øplace the thermometer under the tongue and close the mouth using the lips to hold the thermometer tightly. The patient must breathe through the nose. Leave the thermometer in the mouth for 3 minutes. The oral temperature is usually about 1/2 to 1 degree higher axillary. Rectal Temperature Øfor this method, use a rectal thermometer. This method is for infants and small children who are not able to hold a thermometer safely in their mouths. Lubricate the bulb of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. Place the small child face down on a flat surface or lap. Spread the buttocks and insert the bulb end of the thermometer about 1/2 to 1 inch into the anal canal. Remove the thermometer after 3 minutes. The rectal temperature is usually about 1/2 to 1 degree higher than the oral Armpitt – Axillary Temperature Øplace the thermometer in the armpit, with the arm pressed against the body for 5 minutes before reading. This is the least accurate method for using a glass thermometer. The axillary temperature is usually about 1/2 to 1 degree below oral Ø Temperature measurement Temperature measurement Thermometers Thermometer temperature Normal Values ØThe normal temperature varies by person, age, time of day, and where on the body the temperature was taken. The average normal body temperature is 98.6°F (37°C). Ø ØYour body temperature is usually highest in the evening. It can be raised by physical activity, strong emotion, eating, heavy clothing, medications, high room temperature, and high humidity. Ø ØDaily variations change as children get older: Ø ØIn children younger than six months of age, the daily variation is small. ØIn children 6 months to 2 years old, the daily variation is about 1 degree. ØBy age six, daily variations gradually increase to 2 degrees per day . ØBody temperature varies less in adults. However, a woman's menstrual cycle can elevate temperature by one degree or more. Ø Normal temperature range Ø ØRectum 36.6°C to 38°C (97.9°F to 100.4°F) Ø ØMouth 35.5°C to 37.5°C (95.9°F to 99.5°F) Ø ØArmpit 34.7°C to 37.3°C (94.5°F to 99.1°F) Ø ØEar 35.8°C to 38°C (96.4°F to 100.4°F) ECG ØAn electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG, abbreviated from the German Elektrokardiogramm) is a graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical voltage in the heart in the form of a continuous strip graph. It is the prime tool in cardiac electrophysiology, and has a prime function in screening and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. ECG ØThe flow of positive electrical charges can be measured and tracked with strategically placed electrodes attached to the surface of the skin. There are at least 12 different lead pairs or positions for measurement on the body's surface: six limb leads; I, II, III, aVR, aVF and aVL, and six chest leads; V1 - V6. Six limb leads Ø e02 Six limb leads ØLead I consists of a positive electrode attached to the left arm or shoulder and a negative one on the right arm or shoulder. A wave of depolarization on the heart that advances toward the positive lead causes a positive deflection on the ECG strip. Ø e05 Six limb leads ØLead II has its positive electrode at the left leg or lower left chest and its negative electrode at the right arm or shoulder. This pair is more in line with the long axis of the heart, thus the upward deflections are greater than in Lead I. Ø e07 Six limb leads ØLead III has its positive electrode at the lower left leg or lower left chest and the negative electrode at the upper left arm or shoulder. Ø e08 Six chest leads Ø LOCATION OF CHEST ELECTRODES IN 4TH AND 5TH INTERCOSTAL SPACES: Ø V1: right 4th intercostal space ØV2: left 4th intercostal space ØV3: halfway between V2 and V4 ØV4: left 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line ØV5: horizontal to V4, anterior axillary line ØV6: horizontal to V5, mid-axillary line ecg_torso Six chest leads e03 The normal ECG ØA typical ECG tracing of a normal heartbeat consists of a P wave, a QRS complex and a T wave. A small U wave is not normally visible. Ø EKG_complex Electrocardiogram Ø 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) with ST-segment elevation in leads II, III and aVF, suggestive of an inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Injections – general rules ØExpiry dates lCheck the expiry dates of each item including the drug. ØDrug lMake sure that the vial or ampoule contains the right drug in the right strength. ØSterility lDuring the whole preparation procedure, material should be kept sterile. lWash your hands before starting to prepare the injection. lDisinfect the skin over the injection site. ØNo bubbles lMake sure that there are no air bubbles left in the syringe. lThis is more important in intravenous injections. ØPrudence lOnce the protective cover of the needle is removed extra care is needed. lDo not touch anything with the unprotected needle. lOnce the injection has been given take care not to prick yourself or somebody else. ØWaste lMake sure that contaminated waste is disposed of safely. Ø Intramuscular injections ØIntramuscular means within the muscle tissue ØMost solutions to be administered by injection are introduced into the muscle to allow for better absorption Intramuscular injections Ø Deltoid site ØLocate the lower edge of the acromial process. ØInsert the needle 1" to 2" below the acromial process at a 90-degree angle. ØOnly 1 ml or less should be injected into the deltoid ØThis side may be more painful to the patient Ø Ø Deltoid Intramuscular injections ØDorsogluteal site ØDraw an imaginary line from the posterior superior iliac spine to the greater trochanter. ØInsert the needle at a 90-degree angle above and outside the drawn line. ØYou can administer a Z-track injection through this site. After drawing up the drug, change the needle, displace the skin lateral to the injection site, withdraw the needle, and then release the skin. Ø Ø Dorsogluteal Intramuscular injections ØVentrogluteal site ØWith the palm of your hand, locate the greater trochanter of the femur. ØSpread your index and middle fingers posteriorly from the anterior superior iliac spine to the furthest area possible. This is the correct injection site. ØRemove your fingers and insert the needle at a 90-degree angle Ø Ø Ventrogluteal Intramuscular injections ØVastus lateralis and rectus femoris sites ØFind the lateral quadriceps muscle for the vastus lateralis, or the anterior thigh for the rectus femoris. ØInsert the needle at a 90-degree angle into the middle third of the muscle, parallel to the skin surface Ø Ø Vastus lateralis and rectus femoris i.m. injections technique ØTechnique ØWash your hands. ØReassure yourself / patient's for procedure. ØUncover the area to be injected (lateral upper quadrant major gluteal muscle, lateral side of upper leg, deltoid muscle). ØDisinfect the skin. ØRelax the muscle. ØInsert the needle swiftly at an angle of 90 degrees (watch depth!). ØAspirate briefly; if blood appears, withdraw needle. Replace it with a new one, if possible, and start again from point 4. ØInject slowly (less painful). ØWithdraw needle swiftly. ØPress sterile cotton wool onto the opening. Fix with adhesive tape. ØCheck yourself / patient's reaction and give additional reassurance, if necessary. ØClean up; dispose of waste safely; wash your hands. Ø Z – track technique ØA Zig – zag method of injecting a medication is used if the medication is irritating to tissues or capable of staining tissue if a drop leaks as the needle is withdrawn ØSkin at the injection site is pulled laterally before the needle is inserted ØAfter the needle is withdrawn the skin returns to its normal position, thereby sealing the path of the needle ØThe gluteus maximus is the site of choice for Z-track, because this large muscle can absorb an irritating solution more easily than a smaller can Z track technique Z-track method of injection - modified from Potter & Perry 1993 Z – track technique ØPrevents leakage of drug to surface skin (Campbell 1995) ØDrag skin to one side with finger as shown ØInject as normal deep IM ØRemove needle ØAllow skin to return to normal state ØLeaves an indirect line, prevents leak ØReduces pain of IM inj Ø Ø Subcutaneous injections ØS.C. drugs can be injected into the fat pads on the abdomen, buttocks, upper back, and lateral upper arms and thighs (shaded in the illustrations below). If your patient requires frequent S.C. injections, make sure to rotate injection sites. ØGently gather and elevate or spread S.C. tissue. ØInsert the needle at a 45- or 90-degree angle, depending on the drug or the amount of S.C. tissue at the site. Ø Subcutaneous injections Ø S.C. injection sites i.v.injections ØI.V. drugs can be injected into the veins of the arms and hands. The illustration at below shows commonly used sites. ØLocate the vein using a tourniquet. ØInsert the catheter at a slight angle (about 10 degrees). ØRelease the tourniquet when blood appears in the syringe or tubing. ØSlowly inject the drug into the vein Ø i.v.injections I.V. injection sites Blood collection ØVenipuncture is the collection of blood from a vein. As a general rule, arm veins are the best source from which to obtain blood. It may become necessary to use hand or foot veins when the arms are bandaged or have been punctured repeatedly and are sore. Venipuncture Site Selection ØChoosing an appropriate site for venipuncture is crucial to the success of the procedure. Veins most often considered for use during venipuncture include the medial cubital vein, cephalic vein, and basilic vein. Ø Ø armveins Phlebotomy_IM lac Phlebotomy 1 Venipuncture 1 ØSelecting/organizing the needed supplies/equipment ØNeedle and needle holder ØVacutainer® tubes--The tests needed will determine what tubes will need to be selected ØTourniquet ØGloves ØAlcohol prep pad, gauze and bandage Ø Ø Ø Phlebotomy 1 Phlebotomy 2 Venipuncture 2 ØTourniquet Application ØApply the tourniquet about midway between the elbow and shoulder and have the patient make a fist ØThe tourniquet must be applied with enough tension to compress the vein ØTie the tourniquet so that one end is hanging, so that that end may be pulled when it is time to release the tourniquet Ø Ø Phlebotomy 2 Phlebotomy 3 Venipuncture 3 Ø Position the patients arm so that the phlebotomist may select a suitable vein. Once the vein has been selected, clean the area with an alcohol prep pad and allow the site to air dry. Note: The vein will feel like an elastic tube that "gives" under the pressure of your finger Ø Ø Phlebotomy 3 Phlebotomy 4 Venipuncture 4 ØPerforming the venipuncture Attach sterile needle to needle holder and place the tube inside the holder ØWith the other hand, fix the vein in place ØIntroduce the needle into the vein with the bevel up and at about a 15 degree angle with the skin. Puncture the skin with a clean, smooth motion. ØWhen the needle is in the vein, push the Vacutainer® tube onto the retractable sheath. This will allow the blood to flow into the tube. ØAfter all tubes have been collected, release the tourniquet FIRST, then withdraw the needle from the vein. Using gauze, apply pressure to the site to stop the bleeding. Cover site with a bandage. Ø Ø Phlebotomy 4 Blood collection ØWe can use: Ønot only venous blood, but capillary blood also Østandard syringe and needle, or special test tubes – SARSTEDT, VACUTAINER Ø Ø fingerpunct 11_en SARSTEDT test tubes Thank you for your attention Cartoon