Oral and medical microbiology for DENTISTRY studies, 2001/2011 Students answer one triplet of questions containing one question from each of the following groups: 1. General and clinical microbiology 2. Special bacteriology, mycology, and oral microbiology 3. General and special virology and parasitology FIRST QUESTIONS General and clinical microbiology 1. Morphology of bacteria and structure of bacterial cell 2. Microbial metabolism, bacterial growth 3. Bacterial genetics and resistence to antimicrobials 4. Pathogenicity and virulence 5. Infection process – its course, forms and outcomes 6. Microbial invasivity 7. Microbial toxins 8. Innate immunity (overview) 9. Acquired immunity (overview) 10. Microbial antigens, antibody production 11. Antibody production 12. Evasion 13. Hypersensitivity 14. Microbes and environment 15. Sterilization 16. Disinfection 17. Effects of antimicrobials on bacteria 18. Adverse effects of antibiotics 19. Principles of rational antibiotic therapy and profylaxis 20. Penicilines, monobactames and carbapenemes 21. Tetracyclines a chloramphenicol, cephalosporines 22. Aminoglycosides, polypeptides, glycopeptides and ansamycines 23. Macrolides, lincosamides and antibacterial chemoterapeutics 24. Active immunization 25. Passive immunization 26. Etiology of CNS infections 27. Etiology of sepsis 28. Etiology of upper respiratory tract infections and eye and ear infections 29. Etiology of lower respiratory tract infections 30. Etiology of wound infections, bones and joints infections 31. Etiology of skin infections 32. Etiology of STI and congenital infections 33. Etiology of urinary tract infections 34. Etiology of infectious diarrhea 35. Etiology of nosocomial infections 36. Oral symptoms of the systemic infections 37. Biofilm and its importance in medicine 38. Oral biofilm SECOND QUESTIONS Special bacteriology 1. Gramnegative non-fermenting rods (Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter sp.) 2. Legionella, Brucella, Bordetella, Francisella sp. 3. Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Vibrio sp. 4. Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia sp. 5. Escherichia and other facultative pathogens among enterobacteriaceae 6. Haemophilus, Pasteurella, and Actinobacillus sp. 7. Neisseria sp. 8. Non-sporulating anaerobes 9. Staphylococcus aureus 10. Coagulase-negative staphylococci 11. Streptococcus pyogenes 12. Streptococcus agalactiae 13. Streptococcus pneumoniae 14. Oral streptococci 15. Enterococcus and Listeria sp. 16. Corynebacterium a Arcanobacterium, Bacillus and Lactobacillus sp. 17. Nocardia, Rhodococcus, and Rothia sp. 18. Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium tetani 19. Clostridium difficile and gas gangrene clostridia 20. Actinomyces, Propionibacterium and Bifidobacterium sp. 21. Mycobacterium sp. 22. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma sp. 23. Chlamydia and Chlamydophila sp. 24. Rickettsia and related microorganism (overview) 25. Borrelia sp. 26. Treponema and Leptospira sp. Mycology 1. General features of fungi, antifungal therapy 2. Yeasts (other than C. albicans) 3. Candida sp 4. Filamentous and dimorfic micromycetes 5. Mycoses localized primarily in the oropharynx Oral microbiology (other “oral questions” are dealt with other topics) 1. Dental plaque, its importance and structure 2. Dental plaque and the carriogenic process 3. Carriogenic microorganisms 4. Bacterial infection localized primarily in the oropharynx 5. Anaerobic bacteria in the mouth 6. Parodontitis 7. Oral microflora in systemic infections THIRD QUESTIONS General virology 1. Classification and structure of viruses 2. Multiplication of viruses and viral genetics 3. Antiviral immunity and impacts of viral infectons on the cell 4. Viral infections – their course, forms and pathogenesis 5. Prevention, profylaxis and therapy of viral infections 6. Viruses and environment, inactivation of viruses 7. Viral infections localized primarily in the oropharynx 8. Symptoms of immunosupression in the mouth and their impact on the oral flora Special virology 1. Rotavirus 2. Enterovirus 3. Rhinovirus 4. Coronavirus 5. Hepatovirus 6. Arboviruses (overview) 7. Rubivirus 8. Flavivirus (incl. TBEV) - overview 9. Hepacivirus 10. HIV 11. Respirovirus a Rubulavirus 12. Morbillivirus 13. Pneumovirus 14. Lyssavirus a Hantavirus 15. Influenzaviruses 16. Erythrovirus 17. Papillomavirus 18. Mastadenovirus 19. Simplexvirus 20. Varicellovirus a Ortopoxvirus 21. Cytomegalovirs 22. Roseolovirus 23. Lymphocryptovirus 24. Orthohepadnavirus 25. Prions Parasitology 1. Main medically important protozoa 2. Main medically important nematodes 3. Main medically important trematodes 4. Main medically important cestodes 5. Main medically important arthropods 7. 12. 2010