Prosthetic IV.Prosthetic IV. Removable dentures I.Removable dentures I. Removable dentures I.Removable dentures I. Removable partial denturesRemovable partial dentures Complete dentureComplete denture Removable partial denturesRemovable partial dentures Class I.Class I. Dental arch with gaps (interruptions)Dental arch with gaps (interruptions) Teeth supported (borne) denturesTeeth supported (borne) dentures Class II.Class II. Reduced (shortened) dental archReduced (shortened) dental arch Teeth and tissue supported (borne)Teeth and tissue supported (borne) denturesdentures Way of the transfer of masticatoryWay of the transfer of masticatory forcesforces ToothTooth Tooth and oral mucosaTooth and oral mucosa Oral mucosaOral mucosa Tooth and/or oral mucosaTooth and/or oral mucosa bonebone ComponentsComponents BaseBase ––replaces missing part of alveol andreplaces missing part of alveol and carrying arteficial teeth.carrying arteficial teeth. Base (basis)Base (basis) Supports the supplied teeth and effectsSupports the supplied teeth and effects the transfer of occlusal stresses to thethe transfer of occlusal stresses to the supporting oral structures.supporting oral structures. Different materialsDifferent materials –– metal frameworkmetal framework + resin (attached to the metal framework)+ resin (attached to the metal framework) Or resin onlyOr resin only BaseBase Accuracy of adaptaion to the tissues with low volumeAccuracy of adaptaion to the tissues with low volume changechange Dense, non irritating surface that is capable of receivingDense, non irritating surface that is capable of receiving and maintaining a good finishand maintaining a good finish Thermal conductivityThermal conductivityThermal conductivityThermal conductivity Low specific gravityLow specific gravity Sufficient strengthSufficient strength –– resitance to fractureresitance to fracture Easily kept cleanEasily kept clean Aesthetics acceptabilityAesthetics acceptability Potential for future reliningPotential for future relining Low initial costLow initial cost ComponentsComponents Elements of anchorageElements of anchorage ClaspsClasps–– casted clasps, wire clasps,casted clasps, wire clasps, combined clasps.combined clasps. Anchorage supporting barAnchorage supporting bar AttachementsAttachements Telescope crownsTelescope crowns ComponentsComponents TeethTeeth –– acrylic teethacrylic teeth -- porcelain teethporcelain teeth ClaspsClasps Cast claspCast clasp Surface retainersSurface retainers –– they lie on the surfacethey lie on the surface of teethof teethof teethof teeth ArmsArms –– one, two or three armsone, two or three arms ClaspsClasps One arm made of wireOne arm made of wire Simple retainer, only in simply temporarySimple retainer, only in simply temporary prothesis.prothesis.prothesis.prothesis. It can damage the tooth because noIt can damage the tooth because no stabilization (bracing)stabilization (bracing) ClaspsClasps Two arms claspsTwo arms clasps One arm for retention (wire)One arm for retention (wire) One arm for stabilization against horizontalOne arm for stabilization against horizontal forcesforcesforcesforces ClaspsClasps Three arms claspsThree arms clasps One arm for retention (wire)One arm for retention (wire) One arm for stabilization (bracing) againstOne arm for stabilization (bracing) against horizontal forceshorizontal forceshorizontal forceshorizontal forces On arm for transmission of occlusal forcesOn arm for transmission of occlusal forces ClaspsClasps Three arms claspsThree arms clasps One part for retention (going under theOne part for retention (going under the maximal convexity)maximal convexity) One part for stabilization against horizontalOne part for stabilization against horizontalOne part for stabilization against horizontalOne part for stabilization against horizontal forces (upon the maximal convexity)forces (upon the maximal convexity) On arm for transmission of occlusal forcesOn arm for transmission of occlusal forces the rest)the rest) RestsRests Any unit of a partial denture that restsAny unit of a partial denture that rests upon a tooth surface to provide verticalupon a tooth surface to provide vertical support to the denture is called a restsupport to the denture is called a rest Upon the occlusal surface (premolar,Upon the occlusal surface (premolar, molar)molar) Upon the lingual surface (prepared) ofUpon the lingual surface (prepared) of anterior teethanterior teeth RestsRests Transmitted forces parallel to the long axisTransmitted forces parallel to the long axis of the tooth will prevent movement in aof the tooth will prevent movement in a cervical direction.cervical direction. ComponentsComponents ConnectorsConnectors -- MajorMajor -- MinorMinor Connect the parts of dentureConnect the parts of denture ComponentsComponents ConnectorsConnectors -- MajorMajor -- MinorMinor Connect the parts of dentureConnect the parts of denture Major connectorMajor connector Connect the parts of the prothesisConnect the parts of the prothesis -- All other parts are directly or indirectlyAll other parts are directly or indirectly attached to itattached to it -- Musí be rrgidMusí be rrgid –– stresses may be effectivelystresses may be effectively-- Musí be rrgidMusí be rrgid –– stresses may be effectivelystresses may be effectively distributed over the entire aredistributed over the entire are Mandibular major connectorMandibular major connector Lingual barLingual bar Lingual plate (continouos bar retainer andLingual plate (continouos bar retainer and lingual bar)lingual bar) Maxillary major connectorMaxillary major connector Anterior and posterior palatal barAnterior and posterior palatal bar UU-- shaped palatal connectorshaped palatal connector Palatal platePalatal plate -- type connectortype connector Minor connectorsMinor connectors Arising from the major connectorArising from the major connector –– join thejoin the major connector with other parts of themajor connector with other parts of the denture.denture. Placed not on a convex surface of thePlaced not on a convex surface of the abutment teeth but in embarasureabutment teeth but in embarasure Prosthetic IV.Prosthetic IV. additionaddition Removable dentures I. and II.Removable dentures I. and II. Removable denturesRemovable dentures Removable partial denturesRemovable partial dentures Complete dentureComplete denture Removable denturesRemovable dentures –– classesclasses Class I.Class I. Dental arch with gaps (interruptions)Dental arch with gaps (interruptions) Teeth supported (borne) denturesTeeth supported (borne) dentures Class II.Class II. Reduced (shortened) dental archReduced (shortened) dental arch Teeth and tissue supported (borne)Teeth and tissue supported (borne) denturesdentures Removable denturesRemovable dentures –– classesclasses Class III.Class III. Single teethSingle teeth Loss of the most important abutment teeth (big gapsLoss of the most important abutment teeth (big gaps –– more than 4more than 4 teeth)teeth)teeth)teeth) Mostly tissueMostly tissue (borne) dentures(borne) dentures, sometimes teeth supported, sometimes teeth supported additionallyadditionally Class IClass IVV.. Complete dentureComplete denture TTissue supported (borne)issue supported (borne) ClaspClasp –– three armed castthree armed cast One part for retention (going under theOne part for retention (going under the maximal convexity)maximal convexity) One part for stabilization against horizontalOne part for stabilization against horizontal forces (upon the maximal convexity)forces (upon the maximal convexity) On arm for transmission of occlusal forcesOn arm for transmission of occlusal forces ((the rest)the rest) Class I and IIClass I and II dentures with the metal frameworkdentures with the metal framework Class I. denture Components: Metal frameworkMetal framework Base Clasps Arteficial teeth Class I and IIClass I and II dentures with the metal frameworkdentures with the metal framework Lingual plate Class I and IIClass I and II dentures with the metal frameworkdentures with the metal framework Anterior palatal bar Minor connector Posterior palatal bar Sequences of operationsSequences of operations Taking impressions (alginate.Taking impressions (alginate. Both jaws always !Both jaws always ! Sequences of operationsSequences of operations PouringPouring –– gypsum models.gypsum models. Fabrication of the individual impression trayFabrication of the individual impression tray if necessary.if necessary. If not, fabrication of the bite template:If not, fabrication of the bite template:If not, fabrication of the bite template:If not, fabrication of the bite template: The bite template is necessary for The registration of the intermaxillary Relationship. It consist of the shellack base and the wax walls. Wax walls Shellack base Sequences of operationSequences of operation Registration of the intermaxillaryRegistration of the intermaxillary relationship.relationship. The registrate Sequences of operationSequences of operation Preparation of the model for backup.Preparation of the model for backup. All undercuts are blocked outAll undercuts are blocked out Also the space under the future framework Using heated wax Sequences of operationsSequences of operations Backup using the reversibile impressionBackup using the reversibile impression agar based material in a special flaskagar based material in a special flask Pouring of this impression withPouring of this impression with --thethe investing materialinvesting material –– casting modelcasting modelinvesting materialinvesting material –– casting modelcasting model Sequences of operationsSequences of operations Fabrication of the wax pattern of the metalFabrication of the wax pattern of the metal framework.framework. Influx system Sequences of operationsSequences of operations Investment with the same investingInvestment with the same investing materialmaterial ––a special flask.a special flask. The wax is burnt out and the form is heated in a special oven. After that the casting process is performed using a special casting machine. Sequences of operationSequences of operation After casting and cooling the framework isAfter casting and cooling the framework is taken out, the inflow system must be cuttaken out, the inflow system must be cut Sequences of operationSequences of operation The cast is grinded, polished and adaptedThe cast is grinded, polished and adapted on the former gypsum modelon the former gypsum model The final framework is tried out Sequences of operationSequences of operation The arteficial teeth will be applied acc. toThe arteficial teeth will be applied acc. to intermaxillary registrate in articulator.intermaxillary registrate in articulator. Arteficial teeth - acrylic Sequences of operationSequences of operation After trying out of the denture with waxAfter trying out of the denture with wax base and teeth the denture is completedbase and teeth the denture is completed The framework with the waxThe framework with the wax pattern of the base and teeth has been put into a flask, the wax has removed and replaced with a resin dought. The resin base is polymerized using heating. Sequences of operationSequences of operation The denture is finished, polished and triedThe denture is finished, polished and tried FeedbackFeedback For which classes of removable denturesFor which classes of removable dentures is necessary to fabricate the metalis necessary to fabricate the metal framework?framework? On which model is the wax pattern of theOn which model is the wax pattern of the framework made?framework made? What is the method of „lost wax“ ?What is the method of „lost wax“ ? FeedbackFeedback Which parts does the partial removableWhich parts does the partial removable denture consist of?denture consist of? Describe the sequences of operations ofDescribe the sequences of operations of these dentures. Explain the mainthese dentures. Explain the mainthese dentures. Explain the mainthese dentures. Explain the main difference between class I. and II.difference between class I. and II. removable dentures.removable dentures. What is the purpose of the bite template?What is the purpose of the bite template? Which part does it consist of?Which part does it consist of? Explain the term „investment“ .Explain the term „investment“ .