Patronage requested With kind support of Ud'A University of Chieti, Italy Department of Oral Science „„,„,»^11 Dir. Prof. Sergio Caputi Restorative Dentistry Section Dir. Prof. Camillo D'Arcangelo VIIIJULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 ANATOMIC STRATIFICATION TECHNIQUE according to Dr. Lorenzo Vanini The five dimensions of tooth GRUPPO MICERIUM MEL dMplusHRi • ENAMEL Wplus H Ri . ENAMEL Mplus VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 THE FIVE DIMENSIONS OF COLOUR COLOUR SELECTION COLOUR SELECTION I Body colour selection/chromaticity lEnamel colour selection I Characterizations (intensives-opalescence-individual characteristics) CÚLŮUH CHAM' Lvi tusft ti ft 1-2-3-4- ■ ' : i — i i I LI I I I. I I Ml I, CRITERIA OF EVALUATION TFÜI A J?\7A T TT A T COLOUR ■I Colour analysis VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 ANTERIOR TOOTH BUILD UP STEP BY STEP STEP BY STEP I Root build up with dark dentine (UD4) I Build up palatal enamel wall (UE2) Build up of dentine body with two chromaticities (UD3-UD2) I Characterization of incisal area (OBN) - optional Characterization of intensive white areas (IWS) I Vestibular layer of enamel (UE2) I Finishing: macro and micro morphology I Polishing with diamond pastes (COSSHINYA, COSSHINYB) I Final polishing with aluminium oxide paste (COS SHIN YC) CRITERIA OF EVALUATION COLOUR -1 □ Colour analysis □ Chromatic chart filling □ Correct reproduction of chromaticity □ Determination of value □ Natural reproduction of opalescence and intensive I □ Correct relationship between dentine and enamel J FORM Reproduction of macro morphology Reproduction of natural microtexture (micro morphology) Finishing and polishing of surface imiting the age _I Clinical case by Prof. Lorenzo Vanini VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 POSTERIOR TOOTH BUILD UP STEP BY STEP STEP BY STEP I Enamel walls build up (UE) Internal dentine body build up (UD) I Sulcuses and cusps charaterizations (IWS) I Occlusal enamel layer (UE) I Mechanical finishing I Polishing with diamond pastes (COSSHINYA, COSSHINYB) I Final polishing with aluminium oxide paste (COS SHIN YC) CRITERIA OF EVALUATION COLOUR Colour analysis - chroma, value Choice of masses - dentine, enamel Choice of masses - intensives, characterization J FORM Reproduction of anatomy - orienting of cusps according to occlusal function Macro form - contour, incisal margin Micro form - vertical texture, horizontal texture Finishing and polishing of surfaces Clinical case by Prof. Camillo D'Arcangelo VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY During the semester theoretic lessons about anatomic stratification technique according Dr. Lorenzo Vanini will be provided for all the students of the last year. Each University will receive all the necessary informations (brochures, chromatic charts, DVD of Dr. Vanini). Practical course for the limited group of students will follow. University will receive the material (Enamel Plus HRi system) necessary for this purpose. During these courses the best student will be chosen (in consideration of knowledge and practical performance) and the evaluation will be done by the internal staff. The name with all the details of the winner has to be communicated within the end of April 2012 to Micerium by email. 2° PHASE - OPTIONAL (ONLY FOR COUNTRIES WITH MORE UNIVERSITIES IN THE TROPHY) Micerium, in cooperation with local distributor, will organize national championship where the winner of each university (competing in the country) will participate. A half day hands-on will be organized and the best work will be evaluated by opinion leader of the country together with the winner of previous year. Tutors are also admitted. The name of the national best student has to be communicated within the end of May 2012 with all the details. 2011/2012 1° PHASE - UNIVERSITY GRUPPO MICERIUM VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 3° PHASE Micerium will organize the final international championship. The event will be organized at the University of Chieti, Department of Oral Science, on June 11th and 12th, 2012. The winner of the country is invited together with his tutor to partecipate. All the informations concerning the model to be prepared for the competition will be communicated in time. Evaluation of works will be made by Prof. Camillo D'Arcangelo ( and the best student of the year will be chosen. The expenses of the transport, the hotel and refreshment for participants will be covered by Micerium. Price for the winner Thanks to the support of Prof. Camillo D'Arcangelo and the University in Chieti (Italy), the winner has the opportunity to be admitted for 3 months stage at the Chieti University, in the department of Oral Science, Restorative Dentistry Section - free of charge (covered by Micerium and Chieti University) including the cost of transport and accommodation in Chieti, Italy. M GRUPPO MICERIUM VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 Y ANATOMIC STRATIFICATION TECHNIQUE according to Dr. Lorenzo Vanini AUTHOR OF THE BEST RESTORATION ACCEPTED FOR NATIONAL ROUND 2011-2012 Name and surname Birth Address Phone number & e-mail University Specialization Date: Author signature: This form has to be sent within 30-04-2012 to following address: Micerium S.p.A. Jana Dostálova Via G. Marconi, 83 - 16036 Avegno (GE) Italy Fax+39 0185 7887 970 e-mail: j. dostalova @ micerium. it For informations Tel. +39 340 30 86 824 e-mail: j. dostalova @ micerium. it M CKJPPO MICERIUM Signature of university teacher: VIII° JULES ALLEMAND TROPHY 2011/2012 Y ANATOMIC STRATIFICATION TECHNIQUE according to Dr. Lorenzo Vanini AUTHOR OF THE BEST RESTORATION ACCEPTED FOR FINAL INTERNATIONAL ROUND 2011-2012 Name and surname Birth Address Phone number & e-mail University Specialization Date: Author signature: This form has to be sent within 31-05-2012 to following address: Micerium S.p.A. Jana Dostálova Via G. Marconi, 83 - 16036 Avegno (GE) Italy Fax+39 0185 7887 970 e-mail: j. dostalova @ micerium. it For informations Tel. +39 340 30 86 824 e-mail: j. dostalova @ micerium. it M CKJPPO MICERIUM Signature of university teacher: