Anatomical position Planes of the body The median plane – vertical plane passing through the middle of the body divides body (or organ) into two equal portions (halves). The sagittal planes – vertical planes passing through the body parallel to median plane. They divide the body into unequal right and left portions. The frontal (or coronal) planes – passing through the body at right angles to median plane, dividing body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions. The transversal (horizontal) planes – passing through the body at right angles to the median and frontal planes and divides the body into upper and lower portions. Basic of the anatomical nomenclature Vertical axis: Cranialis (superior, above) – toward the head Caudalis (inferior, below) – toward the feet (cauda = tail) Transversal axis: Medialis – toward the median plane Lateralis – farther away from the median plane, from the middle Medius (intermediate) – in the midline Medianus – within the median plane Sagittal axis: Frontalis (anterior) – nearer to the front of the body Dorsalis (posterior) – nearer to the back of the body Limbs: Proximalis – nearest from the trunk or point of origin of a limb Distalis – farthest from the trunk or point of origin of a limb Upper limb: Radialis (lateralis) – father away from the median plane Medialis (ulnaris) – toward the median plane Palmaris – palm side of the hand Dorsalis – back side of the hand (in this case opposit of palmar) Lower limb: Tibialis (medialis) toward the tibia Fibularis (lateralis) toward the fibula Plantaris – on or toward the sole of the foot Dorsalis – toward the back (in this case opposit of plantar) Some of the most used terms and their meaning: Corpus – a body Trochlea – a pulley Superior – upper Inferior – lower Dexter – on the right side Sinister – on the left side Pars – a part Crista – a crest Impressio – an impression, imprint Facies articularis – an articular surface, area Substantia compacta – compact bone Substantia spongiosa – spongy bone Medulla ossium – bone marrow Cavum medullare – marrow cavity Diploe – spongy bone inside of plane bones Arteria – an artery, a. (aa.) Vena – a vein, v. (vv.) Nervus – a nerve, n. (nn.) Thorax – a trunk, chest Musculus – a muscle, m. (mm.) Sulcus – a groove Incisura – a notch Canalis – a canal Fossa – a pit, hollow Fovea – a pit, hollow Processus – a projection, prominence Spina – a thorn Tuberculum – a tubercle Tuber – a torus Tuberositas – a tuberosity Foramen – an opening, orifice, gap Facies – a facet, surface Articulus – a joint Os, ossis, ossa – a bone, bones Externus – external Internus – internal Superficialis – superficial Profundus – deep Caput – a head Capitulum – a small head Collum, cervix – a neck Parts of the human body head – caput neck – collum (cervix) trunk – truncus: chest – thorax belly – abdomen basin – pelvis back – dorsum upper limb – membrum superius arm – brachium forearm – antebrachium hand – manus lower limb – membrum inferius thigh – femur leg – crus foot – pes Radiology and anatomy A highly penetrating beam of x-rays „transluminates“ the pacient, showing tissues of differing densities on x-ray film. A tissue or organ that is relatively dense absorbs (stops) more x-rays than a less dense tissue. Simple X – ray (native) X– ray with contrast materials a) positive (iodide preparations, barium meal) b) negative (air, gases) Projection according to the course of x-ray (anteroposterior, lateral)