Making hospital beds (2) occupied bed Hospital bed ØHospitalized patient spends long hours in bed, comfort depends largely upon the hospitla bed and frequent changes in position if the patient´s condition permits ØHospital bed rae constructed to provide several possible positions and maximum safety for patient. ØThey have a hinged frame (called the GATCH)that permits adjustments of the head and foot section. Making hospital beds ØThe linens must remain taut and free of wrinkles even if the patient is restless and moving about in bed. Specific techniques for making a hospital bed help to keep bed linens in position and maintain tautness. The occupied bed ØMany patient have a condition that requires stayng in bed; such patients must have a change of bed linens daily ØWhen a patient is cofined to bed continuously, comfort is very important ØSoiled or wrinkled linens cause presure areas and irritate the skin ØMaking occupied bed requires more time and effort, so attention should be given to the body mechanics of both patient and nurse ØThe bed is ussally made inmediatelly following the patient´s bed bath. Making an occupied bed process (1) P7250091 ØEquipment is the same as for unoccupied bed ØBed have to be in higher position ØNurse must use initial touch to the patient and explain the procedure Ø Ø Making an occupied bed process (2) P7250092 P7250093 P7250094 Asist patient to move to the side of the bed nearest you, if you are alone you must raise siderail Making an occupied bed process (3) P7250095 soiled cotton drawsheet Making an occupied bed process (4) P7250096 clean cotton drawsheet Making an occupied bed process (5) P7250097 P7250098 Assist patient to move back in the horizontal position Making an occupied bed process (6) P7250099 When you need apply diaper you can do it when is patient in side position Making an occupied bed process (6) P7250100 Final arrangement - tuck the side of the draw sheet under the matress smoothl, workin from the head toward the foot Making an occupied bed process (7) P7250104 P7250115 pillow have to be only under the head and shoulders (prevention of headache) blanket is only under the armpit (it is up to the patient how long he want to have the blanket