Tutorial III: autumn semester 2013/2014 Group No. 30 11/5/2013 16:15 - 18:45 "Campus,Department of Physiology,library" Group No. 32 11/6/2013 13:00 - 15:30 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" Group No. 35 11/11/2013 13:30 - 16:00 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" Group No. 31 11/12/2013 16:15 - 18:45 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" Group No. 34 11/13/2013 13:00 - 15:30 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" Group No. 36 11/18/2013 13:30 - 16:00 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" Group No. 33 11/19/2013 16:15 - 18:45 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" Group No. 37 11/20/2013 13:00 - 15:30 "Campus,Department of Physiology,room207" "The tutorial takes place in the Department of Physiology, building A 20, " "Campus, , Kamenice 5, Brno-Bohunice" The tutorial will be held by Professor Honzíková. Program: Heart as a muscle a) Phases of cardiac cycle in pressure / volume representation b) "Cardiac output, ejection fraction" c) Starling principle d) Frequency effect e) Cardiac contractility and its measurement f) Effect of changes in preload and afterload Coronary circulation a) Coronary blood flow- functional features b) Regulation of coronary flow c) Coronary reserve and ischaemic heart disease Rheology (of blood circulation) a) Resistance and capacitance vessels b) Blood pressure in different parts of blood circulation (from aorta to veins) "All students are obliged to read the theory prior to the tutorial. They select one student, " who will open each topic for discussion. "The tutorials are obligatory, the presence is the condition for obtaining the credit. " All students are allowed to substitute only one tutorial during one semester - those who will have more than one absence will not obtain the credit from tutorials. "prof. MUDr. Nataša Honzíková, CSc." Head of the Department of Physiology