General arthrology Connections of bones (juncturae ossium) 1. SYNARTHROSIS: •Bones are connected with some connective tissue •Articular surfaces are missing, mobility is minimal •Differentiation according to the type of connective tissue 2. DIARTHROSIS: articulatio synovialis •Joint connection with contact a)ART. FIBROSA- SYNDESMOSIS b)ART. CARTILAGINEA (SYNCHONDROSIS, SYMPHYSIS) c)SYNOSTOSIS 3 09_02 a) ART. FIBROSA- SYNDESMOSIS Connection using fibrous tissue ligament (ligamentum): • band of collagenous connective tissue, it can have form of membrane suture (sutura): • connection of the skull plane bones smooth- plana serrated- serrata squamous- squamosa wedging (gomphosis): • fixation of the tooth into dental alveolus in the jaw b) ART. CARTILAGINEA SYNCHONDROSIS -Connection using hyaline cartilage (between ribs and sternum, between bones of base of the skull) -During development between epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones SYMPHYSIS - Connection using fibrous cartilage (intervertebral disc, symphysis pubica) [symphysis ] Sternum%20&%20Cartilages 5 09_03 c) SYNOSTOSIS -Connection using bone tissue, originally independent bones grow together -For example sacral bone, coccygeal bone, bones of pelvis, some bones of skull image008 2. DIARTHROSIS •joint– articulatio, usually movable Description of the joint •Articular surfaces - facies articulares •Articular cavity - cavitas articularis •Articular capsule - capsula articularis •Additional features a) Articular surface(facies articularis): -is covered by hyaline cartilage -has various shape, articular head(caput)- convex, articular fovea (fossa)- concave b) Articular capsule(capsula articularis): - covering of the joint, has two layers -stratum fibrosum- external layer is created by fibrous connective tissue, is firming up the joint connection - stratum synoviale- internal layer is created by thin fibrous tissue with vessels and nerves, forms folds - plicae synoviales, and villi- villi synoviales, produces synovial fluid - synovii (significance for joint movement and for nourishment of joint cartilages) c) Articular cavity (cavum articulare): - cavity (fissure) inside the joint between articular surfaces and articular capsule, its content is synovial fluid sejmout0029 d) Additional features: - only in some joints - provide better function Articular ligaments (ligamenta articularia): - (intraarticular, extraarticular) Cartilaginous plates (disci et menisci): -Fibrous cartilage, intraarticularly, -discus articularis- completely septates the articular cavity - meniscus articularis- doesn´t separate the entire articular cavity Articular labra (labra articularia): - Bands of cartilaginou tissue, enlarge and deepen articular pit Synovial bursae (bursae synoviales): - Cavities of various size, are bordered by fibrous capsule and filled by synovia, in places, where muscles or tendons lies directly on bones sejmout0028 Types of joints A. Classification of joints according to the shape of articular surfaces: joint with irregular surfaces - AMPHIARTROSIS flat joint - ART. PLANA Spherical joint (ball and socket)- ART. SPHAEROIDEA -spherical free - ARTHRODIA -spherical restricted - ENARTHROSIS cylindrical joint - ART. CYLINDROIDEA -GINGLYMUS- axis of movement is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of bone -wheel joint - TROCHOIDEA- axis of movement is paralel to the longitudinal axis of bone elipsoidal joint - ART. ELLIPSOIDEA sellar joint- ART. SELLARIS trochlear (hinge) joint - ART. TROCHLEARIS sejmout0034 AMPHIARTROSIS ART. PLANA ARTHRODIA ENARTHROSIS ART. CILINDROIDAE: GINGLIMUS TROCHOIDAE ART. SPHAEROIDAE ART. ELLIPSOIDAE ART. SELLARIS ART. TROCHLEARIS B. Classification of joints according to the level of movability and number of axis of movements: Joints with minimal movements: •amphiartrosis Joints with sliding movements: -articulatio plana Joints with rotational movements: -Rotation is possible around one, two or thee axes •One-axis joints (art. Cylindroidea, art. trochlearis) •Two-axis joints (art. Ellipsoidea, art. sellaris) •Three-axis joint (art. sphaeroidea) C. Classification of joints according to number of connecting bones Simple joint - art. simplex- two bones are connecting Composed joint - art. composita- more than two bones are connecting, or discus or meniskus is inserted into the joint