To study and review grammar, check these out:
- basic czech language principles: here
- cases and cases questions: here
- word order: here (in general), here (for past tense) and here (for past tense of reflexive verbs)
Out of all cases you have learned, review especially
Usualy there is commentary bellow the pictures, study it as well.
For vocabulary & vocabulary:
- please review these topics: human body, diseases and aches and pains
- review it using following structure: „Když máte [disease in accusative], bolí vás [human parts in nominative], jde o bolest [human parts in genitive], kterou můžete cítit také v/na [human parts in locative].“ (When you have [disease], [part] hurts you, it is a pain of [part] that you can feel in/at [part].