Oral and maxillofacial surgery I. Dental speciality that deals with diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries and deformities of the face and jaws. Oral surgery • Focused on oral cavity only - Teeth - Supportive tissues - Alveolar bone - Soft tissues Maxillofacial surgery • Focused on maxillo facial area -jaws including teeth and other surrounding tissues - facial region - traumatology, oncology,heavy otrhodontic anomalies Principles of surgery in the mouth • Oral cavity – forgiving environment - Saliva - Blood supply Asepsis • Avoidance of pathogenic microorganisms Aseptic technique: - Sterile instruments, gloves, cloths, „no touch technique“ Before surgical procedure • Changing room – clean cloths • Surgical washing of hands before the procedure (sterie brush - scrubbing, soap,desinfection) • Sterile coat, cap, face mask, gloves Antisepsis • Is the applicationof an agent which inhibits the growth of microorganism while in contact with them. Example: preparation of operating field Disinfection • Is the inhibition or destructions od pathogens on various surfaces. Sterilisation • Destruction of all forms of live of microbs. Dry heat sterilization (hot circulating air) Hor steam sterilization (autoclaves) Three basic techniques in surgery • Avoid introducing infection – always using sterilized instruments, wearing gloves • Avoid being infected yourself by operative site –wear gloves, face and eyes protection • Reduce the contamination load to the site (e.g. chlorhexidin mounthrinse) Cross infection control • Infectious aerosol – high vacuum suction • Cleaning and sterilizing (decontamination, wash, dry, sterilize) • Imunization agains hepatitis B Waste disposal • Infectious waste • Common waste • Sharp waste • Amalgam Surgical procedures Routine extractions Multiple routine extractions Surgical extractions Third molar extractions Exposure of impacted canine Frenectomy Periodontal surgery Gingivectomy, osteoplastic Biopsy Surgical procedures Incision -intraoral -extraoral (outside) incision -window incision Incision is a treatment of abscess (evacuation of pus) Implantation (application of implant, graft) Surgical procedures Plastic operation of jaw Palathoplasty Labioplasty Vestibuloplasty……. Surgical procedures Incision Raise of the flap Operation field Operation Suture Damage tissue Extracting teeth (exodontia) - indication Indications: Caries Trauma Periodontitis Endodontic reasons Retention, semiretention if it causes inflammation and pain Extraction of teeth - contraindication • Serious systemic diseases (blood diseases – absolutely contraindicated • Serious disintegration of face (noma, ulcerative disintegration – absoluetly contraindicated • Others (relative contraindications) – diseases of circulation, arteficial valves, antithrombotic medication) Principles of extraction Interruption, rupture of preiodontal Ligaments and extraction - the tooth is pulled out. Instruments for extraction • Elevators To dilatate sockets, facilitate extraction, remove impacted teeth. • Forceps To release the tooth – „swinging/ and pull motion. For extraction – we must know tooth morphology