Sequences of operations Class I., II. 1st. Phase in dental office Taking impression – alginate Both jaws. 1. Phase in dental lab Pouring of the models – plaster (stone) Or Making of wax template or making of custom trey 2.nd phase in dental office Customized impression - alginate or elastomeric (paste) Or Registration of intemaxillary relationship – occlusion, choice of colour. 3.rd phase in dental lab • Preparation of the model for backup. All undercuts are blocked out with wax Also the space under the future framework is covered with wax * Back up - duplication The model is duplicated in duplication flask using a special duplication material. The result is a model of investing material. The wax framework (wax pattern) is made on it. Tha wax framework is made of special wax , the sprue pins go to the canal in the base of the model. • Investment with the same investing material – a casting flask. The wax is burnt out and the form is heated in a special oven. The investing material expands. After that the casting process is performed using a special casting machine. Melted alkou flows into the form. 3rd phase in dental office Try the metal framework 4th phase in dental lab The denture is built up – base is of wax and acrylic teeth are placed into the correct position. 5th phase in dental office – the denture is tried 6th phase in dental lab The prothesis with the wax bases is put into a special flask – four parts flask. Gypsum is used. After hardening of the gypsum, the flask is open, the wax is removed using hot water, the gypsum is insulated and the wax is repalced with acrylic material. The flask is closed again and pressed in a special machine. After that polymeriazion of resin take place in hot water. The denture is finished and polished. 7th phase in dental office: Prothesis is given to the patient, checkde occlusion, articulation aesthetics. The patient is informed of proper handling.