Transfusion haematology worksheet Blood types A Watch and answer 1 How many drops of blood do you need for each well on the blood typing plate? 2 How many drops of the antibody against A do you add? 3 What is used to mix the blood and antibody? 4 When does agglutination occur? How do you recognize it? B DIY Blood Typing Test Kit * Contents: * 1 ELDONCARD 2511 * 1 ELDON FOIL 2511 (Laminating Sheet) * 4 Eldon Sticks * 1 Automatic Lancet * 1 Swab * 1 Absorbent Cotton Ball * 1 Plastic Pipette * 1 Instruction sheet with lots of blood facts and info Each kit is good for one blood typing inside the ABO- and Rhesus-D Systems. EldonCards exposed to air must be used within the same day. C Watch and describe the procedure D Complete these statements about blood type combinations This test is done to determine a person's blood type. Health care providers need to know your blood type, because not all blood types are compatible with each other. For example: If you have type A blood, you can only receive types _______ and _______ blood. If you have type B blood, you can only receive types _______ and _______ blood. If you have type AB blood, you can receive types _______________ blood. If you have type O blood, you can only receive type _________ blood. People with type O blood are called universal blood donors, because ____________________________. People with type AB blood are called universal ________________, because _______________________. E How is the test performed Read and complete each gap with ONE word. A blood sample is needed and will be ______ (1) from a vein. The test to ______ (2) your blood group is called ABO typing. Your blood sample is mixed ____ (3) antibodies against type A and B blood, and the sample is checked to see _____ (4) or not the blood cells stick together (agglutinate). ____ (5) blood cells stick together, it means the blood reacted with one of the antibodies. The second step is called back typing. The liquid ____ (6) of your blood without cells (serum) is mixed with blood _____ (6) is known to be type A and type B. Persons with type A blood have anti-B antibodies, and _____ (7) with type B blood have anti-A antibodies. Type O blood _____ (8) both types of antibodies. These two steps can accurately determine your blood type. Blood typing is also done to tell whether or not you have a substance called Rh factor on the _____ (9) of your red blood cells. If you have this substance, you are considered Rh+ (positive). Those _____ (10) it are considered Rh- (negative). Rh typing uses a method similar to ABO typing. F Transfusion A Lead-in 1 What is transfusion? Where is it done? Do you know any donor centers in Brno? 2 When is transfusion necessary? 3 Have you ever given blood? Should donors be paid for giving blood? B Watch, complete and answer 1 The haematologist works in a _______________ and a blood _________________. 2 The blood is taken from a _______________ and given to patients through a ___________________. 3 The situations when a transfusion is necessary include: ___________________________________________. 4 People who give blood are all _______________ and ____________________. 5 There are several fixed donor centres and more and more _________________ donor centres. C Choose the correct option: 1 Once the blood is collected, it goes through ‘processing’ which A is a one-step process B is a difficult process C includes seven steps 2 The donated blood is split into ‘red cells’ which are used for treating A patients suffering from bleeding B patients with haemophilia C patients whose blood lacks haemoglobin 3 The haematologists try to make sure that the blood is… A perfectly safe B sufficiently safe C maximally safe 4 Patients needing transfusion wear a/an ____________________________ on their wrist. It includes A name, date of birth, sex B name, address, hospital number C name, date of birth, hosp.number 5 If the patient has got any questions, he or she… A shouldn’t ask doctors B should only ask a nurse C can ask transfusion practitioners 6 Information leaflets… A explain everything about blood B can be got from nurses C exist in many varieties Grammar – Additional exercises A Complete the sentences 1 You have to pay a fine a) if she eats seafood. 2 If I’m late for work, b) the police come automatically. 3 Jane gets very ill c) if his opponent misses the ball. 4 If water cools to 0°C, d) if you get caught speeding. 5 He scores a point e) my manager always notices. 6 If alarm goes off, f) it freezes. B First conditional. Complete in your own words. 1 If you give blood, I _________________________________________________________________ 2 If you read this leaflet, ______________________________________________________________ 3 If you can’t stand seeing blood, you ___________________________________________________ C Are the underlined parts of the sentences correct? 1 If they will get married, they’ll probably move to France. 2 If it will make you happy, we’ll buy a dishwasher. 3 If you will send me a copy of your previous letter, I will reply immediately. 4 If some extra money will help, take this $200. 5 If anyone will ask for me, I’ll be in the café. 6 If he will continue to improve, he should be out of hospital next week.