Key Blood homework A Watch the video and complete the gaps. 1 Blood is actually a ____mixture_______ of cells suspended in a slightly-yellowish _____liquid_____ called plasma. 2 Plasma is ___made_______ up mostly of water, but it also contains ____proteins_______, sugars, hormones and __salts_________. 3 RBC make up __40-45%________ of your blood. They’re round and look a little like a _doughnut______________ . 4 Their main job is to ___carry_________ oxygen to the other cells of the body and to take away the carbon dioxide as a _waste___________ product. 5 RBC only live for __months________, but healthy bone marrow produces ___4-5 billion_______ RBC every hour. 6 WBC fight infection from ___bacteria_______, __viruses________, all those nasty ___microbes________ that can cause disease. 7 When at last they find the invader ______germs_________, they quickly move in for the kill. 8 Platelets are small pieces of _____cell material__________ or cytoplasm whose job it is to plug ____holes__________ in a vessel’s walls. 9 Platelets form a plug that stops the loss of blood within ____3-5___________ minutes. 10 A platelet plug will last for only _____24-72______________ hours. B Complete the mind map with words from the box: 1 transport nutrients 2 homeostasis 3 plasma 4 water 5 albumins 6 globulins 7 platelets 8 haemostasis 9 leukocytes 10 red blood cells 11 nucleus 12 biconcave disc 13 haemoglobin 14 oxygen 15 bone marrow 16 haematopoiesis 17 antibodies 18 monocytes 19 inflammatory reaction 20 eosinophils 21 defend against diseases 22 phagocytes C Reading the blood count results: Complete the sentences describing the results of the report above: 1 Haemoglobin is ___within_________ __normal________ ___limits_______, one hundred and forty-three ___per_____ litre. 2 Haematocrit is ______low________, 0.224 ___litres_______ _______per_______ litre. 3 Mean cell volume is ____reduced___________, 72.5 ___fL________. 4 White cell count is ___normal__________, 7.4 ____times ten to the power nine per litre______