Eye conditions Z. Rozkydal •Foreign object in the eye • •Signs •Blurred vision •Pain or discomfort •Redness and watering from the eye •Spasm of the eyelids • •First aid •Hold her eye open, separate her lids by thumb and fingers •Examine every part of the eye •Elevate the lashes of the upper lid, eversion of the upper lid •Try to lift the object off with a moist swab •Wash it with clean water or sterile fluid or eyewash •Pour the water from the inner corner •Ask the casualty to blink under water •Do not remove anything what sticks or penetrates the eyeball •Sterile dressing, medical care • •Eye wound • •Direct blow by sharp objects • •Signs •Sharp pain in the affected eye •Visible wound or bleeding area •Leakage of blood or clear fluid from the eye •Partial or total loss of vision • •First aid •Hold the head as still as possible •Sterile dressing •Do not attempt to remove anything what is embedded or sticked •Medical care •Contusion of the eye • •Bleeding into the eye •Damage of the structures of the eye •Dislocation of the lens • •First aid •Sterile dressing •Aleviate the pain • • FA eye1 •Burns of the eye • •First aid • •To rinse the eye with pure •or sterile eyewash • •Sterile dressing FA eye1 •Conjunctivitis acuta • •Signs •Sharp pain of the eye, watering from the eyes, headache • •First aid •Ophtalmo-septonex drops •Ophtalmo-framycoin drops •Sterile dressing •Amotio retinae •Loosening of the retina • •Signs •Sudden loss of vision, blurred vision •No pain • •First aid •To keep the casualty still •Transport to hospital •Trombosis or embolia of a. centralis retinae •Trombosis of v. centralis retinae • •Signs •Loss of vision on the affected eye, no pain • •First aid •To keep the casualty still •Transport to the hospital • • • •Acute glaucoma • •High pressure in the eye, 40-70 mm Hg • •Signs •Impaired vision, complete loss of vision •Sudden onset of severe headache •Nausea, vomiting • •First aid •To keep the patient still •Transport to the hospital • FA eye1