Czech for foreigners III CREDIT TEST 2016/2017 1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 2. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer. 3. Complete with a suitable verb of motion. Don’t change the form of the verb. 4. Use the verb jít-chodit, jet-jezdit in the correct form and tense according to the context. 5. Put the words in brackets into the correct form. (GENITIVE, DATIVE, ACC) Example: Mám ______ ______ (dobrý kamarád). Mám dobrého kamaráda. 6. Use suitable verbs in the box in the correct form in the SUITABLE TENSE according to the context. Use only either the first or the second verb. [DEL: malovat/namalovat :DEL] Example: Jak dlouho jsi ______ (malovat/namalovat) ten obraz? Jak dlouho jsi maloval ten obraz? 7. Fill in a correct preposition. 8. Ask about the underlined expression. Example: _________________? Píšeme domácí úkol. Co píšete? 9. Read the first sentence. Express the same problem in the second sentence using one word. Example: Už dlouho jsem nepil. Mám žízeň. 10. Complete doctor's questions (based on the patient's answer). 11. Fill in the gaps. Use one word only. 12. Fill in the suitable verb. Start with the first letter. 13. Fill in the suitable noun. Don’t change the form of the word. There are TWO extra words.