PHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION Life is a dynamic system with focused behavior, with autoreproduction, characterized by flow of substrates, energies and information. Reproduction in mammals (humans): 1) Sexual reproduction 2) Selection of partners 3) Fertilization is internal 4) Viviparity 5) Eggs, resp. embryos – smaller, less, slow development, placenta 6) Low number of offspring, intensive parental care In humans – high investment, low-volume reproduction strategy. Reproduction in humans – gender comparison: 1) Both male and female are born immature (physically and sexually) 2) Sex hormones production in men also during prenatal and perinatal periods, not in women! 3) Reproduction period significantly different – puberty, climacterical 4) Character of hormonal changes significantly different – cyclic vs. non-cyclic INDIFF. GONADE week XY XX 6. medulla cortex SERTOLI CELLS CELOM GRANULOSIS 7. LEYDIG CELLS MESENCHYME THECA 8. SPERMATOGONIA GERM.EPITH. OOGONIA 9. AMH m W M w 10. T Shift of programme SEX DIFFERENTIATION Non-disjunction, mosaic. Examination (amniocenthesis, biopsy of chorioid.tissue). Genetic male Genetic female testes-determining gene Wolf duct (epidydimis, vas deferens) Muler duct (tuba uterina, uterus) AMH!!! RATIO A/E T a AMH affects inner reprod.system in unilateral way (inner gene) AMH (MIH, MIF, MIS) – ANTIMULERIAN HORMONE 1940, TGF-b, receptor with internal tyrosinkinase activity Source: Sertoli cells (5th prenatal week) or embryonal ovary (36th prenatal week) In adult women – granulosa cells of small follicles (NO in antral – under influence of FSH - and atretic follicles) Role in men: • Regression of Muller duct • marker of central hypogonadism Role in women: • Lower plasmatic levels (by one order), till climacterical • Estimation of ovarian reserve (AMH level corresponds to pool of preantral follicles) • marker of ovarian functions loss (premature climacterical) • Diagnosing of polycystic ovaria syndrom TUMOUR MARKER BIOSYNTHESIS OF STEROID HORMONES CHOLESTEROL PREGNENOLON DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERON PROGESTERON ANDROSTERON CORTIKOSTERON TESTOSTERON CORTIZOL ALDOSTERON ESTRADIOL ACTH LH LH AT II. FSH chol.desmolase 17-a-hydroxylase 3-b-dehydrogenase 21-b,11-b-hydroxylase ald.synthase aromatase cortex of suprarenal glands gonads PUBERTY DHT (5a-reductase)(inhibition-treatment of alopecia) (lack in hermaphrodites; inhibition-treatment of endometriosis) Impact of androgens on CNS. CONTROL OF SEX HORMONES SECRETION HYPOTHALAMUS ADENOHYPOPHYSIS GONADS GnRH dopamine endorphins noradrenalin FSH LH activin inhibin n.arcuatus gonadoliberine (decapeptid) E P T PROLACTIN Prepubertal nervous blockade of GnRH Blockade of effect Down-regulation of LH receptors in testes and ovaria PROLACTIN • Protein, 199 AA, Mr = 22 500 • Lactotrophic cells of adenohypophysis • Glycosylation = regulation of activity • Mostly inhibitory effect of hypothalamus on PRL synthesis • Stimulatory effect of thyreoliberin and VIP peptide, but also estrogens • During gravidity - PRL levels increase by 20-times, during lactation its release is stimulated from mammal mechanoreceptors • In men: approx. half levels as compared to women (5 vs. 8 • Released during sleep (continually), during stress, exercise • Laktotrophic effect: – Stimulation of mamma differentiation in puberty – Growth of mamma during pregnancy (together with estrogens and progesterone) – Stimulation of casein and lactalbumin synthesis • In men: effect on testosterone metabolism and androgen receptors synthesis • Released during orgasms, caused temporary decrease of libido • Minor effects on immune functions • High PRP levels = amenorrhea, anovulation with galactorrhea (in women), in men – decrease of libido, impotence, oligospermia, decreased testosterone production Co-hormone LEPTIN A REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS Activation of reproductive system does not depend on age, but on nutritional state of organism. LEPTIN: ob-protein, ob-gen, 7.chromosome „leptos“ = thin, slim polypeptide, 176 AA Bound in hypothalamus: n.paraventricularis, suprachiasmaticus, arcuatus a dorsomedialis Produced in: adipocytes, placenta, stomach, mammal epithelium (???) Leptin plasmatic levels are sex-dependent (less in males) and do not depend on nutritional state Leptin receptor: gene on 4.chromosome, 5 types of receptor, A-E Receptor B – effect in gonads and hypophysis Leptin is not only a factor of body fat amount, but affects also the regulation of neuroendocrine functions including hypothalamo-hypophyseo-gonadal axis. ncl. arcuatus area preoptica - reproduction ???Critical amount of adipose tissue – leptin – hypothalamus – LHRH - puberty Effects of leptin on testes are not elucidated yet. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone suppress production of leptin in adipocytes! REGULATION OF PUBERTY ONSET BY LEPTIN Critical body mass. Leptin plasmatic levels in pre-pubertal children are sex-independent. Pre-pubertal „leptin resistance“ (relative). In puberty, girls produce 2x more leptin per 1kg of adipose tissue than boys. Puberty •Telarche •Pubarche •Menarche •Adrenarche Pubertas praecox (central) Pseudopubertas praecox (peripheral) CRITICAL DEVELOPMENTAL PERIODS 1) Birth 2) Weaning 3) Puberty (adolescence) 4) Climacterical (menopause) Late puberty isosexual heterosexual Pinilla et al., Phys Rev 92: 1235- 1316, 2012 CONTROL OF SEX HORMONES SECRETION MALE REPRODUCTION SYSTEM TESTOSTERON PRODUCTION: •Embryonic – sex differentiation, development of generative organs •Perinatal – descensus testis (?) •Fertile period – LH pulsation •After 50.year – decrease of sensitivity to LH FSH LH SERTOLI CELLS LEYDIG CELLS INHIBIN TESTOSTERON MIS ACTIVIN DHT ABG aromatase GnRH glycoproteins HUMOURAL CONTROL OF REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS IN MAN - - - PROLAKTIN 5a-reductase SPERMATOGENESIS Leydig cell Capillary Basal membrane Spermatogonium Tight junction Spermatocyte Spermatide (haploid) Sertoli cell (contraction) Spermia 70 days 1-64 (6 divisions) Temperature<35°C Acrosom (enzymes) Head (nucleus, DNA) Body (mitochondria) Flagella (microtubules, 9+2) Lumen: androg., estrog. K+ glutamate, aspartate inositol PRODUCTION OF SPERM SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES SPERMATOGONIA SPERM 2 months SERTOLI CELLS ABG temperature LEYDIG CELLS radiation EPIDYDIMIS maturing, motility 14-21 days VAS DEFERENS storing months SPERMATOCYSTS fructose fibrinogen prostaglandins PROSTATE Ca2+, profibrinolysin SPERM T Ejaculation: 3-4 ml 108 sp / ml (season) pH = 7.5 motility (3mm/min) Relaxin – improves motility of spermatogonia Relaxin FSH FSH LH Volume 1,5 - 2,0 pH 7,2 - 8,0 Concentration of sperm 20 mil/ml Total number of sperm 40 mil and more Motility 50% and more in category A+B, above 25% in A Morphology 30% and more of normal forms Vitality 75% and more of living sperm Leukocytes up to l mil/ml Autoaglutination < 2 (scale 0 - 3) SEXUAL REFLEXES CNS cortex, limb.system sexual behaviour sexual agitation nn.pudendales mechanoreceptors stimulation nn.erigentes corpus cavernosum erection gl.bulbourethralis lubrication pl.pelvicus epidydimis, vas def. sem.ves., prostate emission m.bulbocavernosus ejaculation trigonum vesicae ur. constriction PARASYMP. SYMP. Sacral spinal cord (glans penis) (Ach, VIP)