Trigeminal neuralgia or tic douloureux is a neuropathic disorder characterized by episodes of intense pain in the face, originating from the trigeminal nerve. It has been described as among the most painful conditions known. NERVUS FACIALIS kmentJadra •CN VII kmenCrJadra •CN VII kmenCrNa cn-7 •CN VII obr •CN VII sluch11 • 89a •N. petrosus major •Chorda tympani nXII •N. auricularis post. •Rr. musculares nVII •Plexus parotideus •(pes anserinus major) •- rr. temporales •- rr. zygomatici •- rr. bucales •- r. marginalis mandibulae •- r. colli NERVUS GLOSSOPHARYNGEUS kmentJadra •CN IX kmenCrJadra •SOMATOMOTOR •VISCEROMOTOR •BRANCHIOMOTOR •SOMATOSENSORY •VISCEROSENSORY •SPECIAL SENSORY •CN IX cn-9 kmenCrNa n IXb • •CN IX nIXc •Rr. pharyngei •R. stylopharyngeus •Rr. tonsillares •Rr. linguales NERVUS VAGUS kmentJadra •CN X kmenCrJadra •SOMATOMOTOR •VISCEROMOTOR •BRANCHIOMOTOR •SOMATOSENSORY •VISCEROSENSORY •SPECIAL SENSORY •CN X cn-10 kmenCrNa •CN X n Xb •CN X nXIb nX nXa nXd nXb nXc NERVUS ACCESSORIUS kmentJadra •CN XI n XIb •n. XI. kmenCrJadra •SOMATOMOTOR •VISCEROMOTOR •BRANCHIOMOTOR •SOMATOSENSORY •VISCEROSENSORY •SPECIAL SENSORY •CN XI kmenCrNa •n. XI. cn-11 nXIa NERVUS HYPOGLOSSUS kmentJadra •CN XII kmenCrJadra •SOMATOMOTOR •VISCEROMOTOR •BRANCHIOMOTOR •SOMATOSENSORY •VISCEROSENSORY •SPECIAL SENSORY •CN XII cn-12 •CN XII n XII nXI •CN XII •CN XII •CN XII baseCrNerve •III. •IV. •V. •VI. •VII. •VIII. •XII. •IX., X., XI. PARASYMPATHETIC GANGLIA nIIIae •GANGLION CILIARE kmentJadra • •Ggl. ciliare •Sympathetic fibres •M. sphincter pupillae Miosis •M. dilatator pupillae Mydriasis Light from a single point of a distant object and light from a single point of a near object being brought to a focus by changing the curvature of the lens. •Parasympathetic fibres • • •M. ciliaris •Akomodation When parasympathetic stimulation causes the smooth muscle of the ciliary body to contract, tension on the lens is reduced, allowing the lens to round up – near vision shape. •GANGLION PTERYGOPALATINUM obr ggl. pterygopalatinum kmentJadra •N. canalis pterygoidei sluch11 •N. petrosus major •GANGLION PTERYGOPALATINUM obr ggl. pterygopalatinum nVophthalMaxilla •R. communicans cum nervo zygomatico •Rr. nasales posteriores mediales et laterales •N. nasopalatinus •N. palatinus major •Nn. palatini minores OticChordaOprava2 •GANGLION OTICUM ET SUBMANDIBULARE •ggl. oticum kmentJadra •Ggl. submandibulare • •Ggl. oticum nVmandib2 nVII nVmandib •Illustrations were copied from: •Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/ Sobotta. Putz,R., und Pabst,R. 20. Auflage. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993 •Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Windows Version 2.0 •