Extracting teeth (exodontia) Reasons:  Caries - destruction of tooth  Trauma – destruction of tooth  Periodontitis – lost of PDL and bone  Endodontic reasons  Retention, semiretention if it causes heavy inflammation and pain Oral and maxillofacial surgery III. Dental speciality that deals with diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries and deformities of the face and jaws. Principles of extraction Interruption, rupture of preiodontal Ligaments and extraction - the tooth is pulled out. Position of dentist and sitting patient  In front of the patient (Upper teeth, mandibular anterior teeth and left side premolars and molars  Behind the patient Right side premolars and molars Interruption of dentogingival junction and periodontal ligament  Straight elevator Interruption of periodontal ligament  Moving with tooth using forceps Pliers are applied in the long axix of the tooth around its neck -Movement vestibulary and orally -Rotation is allowed only in central incisors (the root is round) After releasing the tooth is pulled out Protection of surrouding tissues  Left hand must protect surrounding tissues and opposite teeth.