Anatomy practice 1 •Mgr. Kateřina Vymazalová, Ph.D. • •Email: INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY •Lectures: •Seminar room S4-5 • • •Seminars: •Dissection room P2 •or • • • •probe+tweezers •Lock and key •Safety at work •Accident •Pregnancy •Credit • attendance (95%) Přednášky Semináře Lectures Seminars 1. Úvod do anatomie Obecná osteologie Kostra hrudníku a páteře Anatomické názvosloví Úvod do rtg anatomie Exkurze do anat. muzea Anatomical terminology General osteology Skeleton of the spine and thorax Introduction into the study of anatomy Anatomical terminology RTG anatomy 2. Kosti horní končetiny Kostra hrudníku a páteře Skeleton of the upper extremity Skeleton of the spine and thorax 3. Kosti dolní končetiny Kosti horní končetiny Skeleton of the lower extremity Skeleton of the upper extremity 4. Stručný popis kostí lebky Lebka jako celek Kosti dolní končetiny Bones of the skull Cavities of the skull Skeleton of the lower extremity 5. Obecná arthrologie Spoje hlavy, hrudníku a páteře Stručný popis kostí lebky Lebka jako celek General arthrology Joints of the head, spine and thorax Bones of the skull Cavities of the skull 6. Obecná myologie Svaly hlavy, krku a hrudníku Spoje hlavy, hrudníku a páteře General myology, muscles of head, neck and thorax Joints of the spine, thorax and skull 7. Svaly zad a břicha Inguinální kanál Svaly hlavy, krku a hrudníku Muscles of back and abdomen, Inguinal canal Muscles of the head, neck and thorax 8. Spoje horní končetiny Svaly zad a břicha, inguinální kanál Joints of the upper extremity Muscles of the abdomen and back, inguinal canal 9. Svaly horní končetiny I Spoje horní končetiny Muscles of the upper limb I Joints of the upper extremity 10. Svaly horní končetiny II Svaly horní končetiny I Muscles of the upper limb II Muscles of the upper limb I 11. Spoje dolní končetiny Svaly horní končetiny II Joints of the lower extremity Muscles of the upper limb II 12. Svaly dolní končetiny I Spoje dolní končetiny Muscles of the lower limb I Joints of the lower extremity 13. 14. Svaly dolní končetiny II Svaly dolní končetiny Muscles of the lower limb II Muscles of the lower limb •Lending of bones •RECOMMENDED LITERATURE •Páč, L., Horáčková, L., Nechutová, H.: Anatomy of human locomotor system. Brno 2010 • • •Atlases for example: •Netter, F. H.: Atlas of Human Anatomy •Sobotta: Atlas of Human Anatomy • • • • •The first word is name of described formation, •next adjectives specificate it •and in the end there is a name of formation where the described formation is located. • •Examples: • •Collum (neck) radii (of radius) • •Collum (a neck) anatomicum (anatomical) humeri (of humerus) •Collum (a neck) chirurgicum (surgical) humeri (of humerus) •Tuberculum (a tubercle, a bulge) majus (big) humeri (of humerus) •Spina (a thorn) iliaca (iliac) anterior (fore) superior (upper) ossis coxae (of coxal bone) •Epicondylus medialis humeri •Epicondylus medialis femoris • •Anatomical nomenclature •PARTS OF HUMAN BODY •head – caput •neck – collum (cervix) •trunk – truncus • chest – thorax • belly – abdomen •pelvis – pelvis •back – dorsum •Upper limb– membrum superius • arm – brachium • forearm – antebrachium • hand – manus •Lower extremity– membrum inferius • thigh – femur • leg – crus • foot- pes Positive and negative relief •Sulcus – a groove •Incisura – a notch •Canalis – a canal •Fossa – a pit, hollow •Fovea – a pit, hollow •Processus – a projection, prominence •Spina – a thorn •Tuberculum – a tubercle •Tuber – a torus •Tuberositas – a tuberosity •Foramen – an opening, orifice, gap •Facies – a facet, surface •Articulatio – a joint •Os, ossis, ossa – a bone, bones •Caput – a head •Capitulum – a small head •Collum, cervix – a neck • Výsledek obrázku pro military position Anatomical position standard erect position •Not •a military •position Výsledek obrázku pro základní anatomické postavení Orientation on the body PLANES – 3 anatomical planes or sections • • • • • • •Sagittal plane •Right and left •Transversal plane (horizontal) •Superior and inferior •Frontal plane (coronal) •Anterior and posterior Directions on the body cranialis caudalis • • • • • •superior •inferior • • • •ventralis •dorsalis •anterior •posterior • •medialis •lateralis •medianus •medius (intermedius) • • • •dexter •sinister • • • • •superficilais •profundus •internus externus • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Directions at the limbs proximalis distalis radialis ulnaris tibialis fibularis palmaris plantaris dorsalis • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • X-ray´s anatomy •Anatomy is essential for understanding radiology. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 1845-1923 1895 – discovery of x-ray 1901- awarded by Nobel price in physics) X-rays principle • •A highly penetrating beam of x-rays „transluminates“ the patient, showing tissues of differing densities on x-ray film. •A tissue or organ that is relatively dense absorbs (stops) more x-rays than a less dense tissue. •Like a negative •Light structures –shadows •Dark structures -brightening •NATIVE x-ray • without using of contrast agent •X-rays with contrast material (Contrast examination) • •Negative •Gass, air • •Positive •Barium sulfate •Iodine-based molecules Thank you for your attention!