List of X-rays LOCOMOTOR SYSTÉM 1. Head – axial and lateral projection 2. Cervical part of the spine – axial and lateral projection 3. Thoracic part of the spine – axial and lateral projection 4. Lumbar part of the spine – axial and lateral projection 5. Shoulder joint – axial projection 6. Elbow joint – axial and lateral projection 7. Wrist + hand (child) – axial projection 8. Wrist + hand (adult) – axial projection 9. Pelvis – axial projection 10. Knee joint – axial and lateral projection 11. Foot – dorsoplantar and lateral projection 12. Chest – axial projection 02 Head axial projection sagittal suture lambdoid suture frontal sinus ethmoidal air cells nasal septum mastoid air cells maxillary sinus superior orbital fissure angle of mandible zygomatic arch cribriform plate superior border of petrous bone ramus of mandible maxilla inferior nasal concha right orbit fronto-zygom. suture mandibular canal mastoid process roof of right orbit nasal septum nasal aperture supraorbital margin tooth 03 Head lateral projection frontal sinus palatine process of maxilla maxillary sinus sphenoid sinus hypoglossal fossa external/internal acoustic meatus coronal suture lambdoid suture nasal bone body of mandible mandibular canal condylar process angle of mandible ramus of mandible ant. nasal spine dorsum sellae C2 compact bone (lamina ext. et int.) spongy bone (diploe) petrosal bone cervical-kyphosis-AP-xray1 SPINE CERVICAL PART axial projection spinous process transverse process mandible vertebral body disc space 1th rib clavicle thoracic vertebra cervical vertebra SPINE CERVICAL PART lateral projection posterior arch of C1 spinous processes C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 mandible intervertebral disc spaces C1 C2 dens (C2) occiput hyoid intervertebral joint inf. articular process sup.articular process intervertebral foramen Tuberculum posterius atlantis SPINE THORACIC PART axial projection image067 thoracic vertebral body spinous process costovertebral joint pedicles disc space ribs diaphragm 7978888 SPINE THORACIC PART lateral projection thoracic vertebral body intervertebral disc space ribs 3835912135_ece1cae6ec%5b1%5d SPINE LUMBAR PART axial projection pedicle spinous process sacrum intervertebral space costal process vertebral body superior articular process inferior articular process intervertebral joint last rib 1th thoracic vertebra L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 3835912135_ece1cae6ec%5b1%5d SPINE LUMBAR PART lateral projection spinous processes sacrum L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 disc space vertebral body pedicle intervertebral foramen graphic-2 glenoid cavity clavicle coracoid process acromion greater tubercle lesser tubercle infraglenoid tubercle humerus Shoulder joint axial projection posterior ribs anterior ribs scapula 48e0d1ddfde7df7db587f4a6dc84b9 olecranon process radial head coronoid process humeroradial joint humerus olecranon fossa radius ulna radial tubercle medial epicondyl lateral epicondyl neck of radius humeroulnar joint proximal radioulnar joint Elbow joint axial projection x-ray-20radiograph humerus ulna radius olecranon trochlea coronoid process Elbow joint lateral projection head (articular circumference) 50 ulna radius scaphoid metacarpals proximal distal middle phalanges base trochlea body lunate triquetrum+pisiforme trapezium trapezoideum capitatum hamatum (+hamulus) head body base phalanges 1 2 3 4 5 Hand and wrist adult sesamoid bone carpals Hand and wrist child 4,5 years old child (4 carpal bones are ossificated) pelvis-xray Pelvis axial projection sacral sacroiliac joint symphysis obturator foramen iliac crest acetabulum posterior inferior iliac spine pubic bone posterior superior iliac spine iliac fossa sacral foramens anterior superior iliac spine ischial tuberosity arcuate line femur coxal bone 1089079_com_artificial head acetabulum acetabular fossa femur greater trochanter lesser trochanter trochanter fossa intertrochanteric crest obturator foramen neck Hip joint axial projection coxal bone Knee joint axial projection intercondylar fossa medial tibial condyle femur patella tibia fibula lateral tibial condyle medial femoral condyle lateral femoral condyle medial intercondylar tubercle lateral intercondylar tubercle Knee joint lateral projection lateral condyle medial condyle base apex intercondylar eminence tibia fibula tibial tuberosity apex of head head femur patella 2475736107_62168a60da Foot dorsoplantar projection phalanges metatarsals tarsals tibia fibula talus calcaneus navicular 1th 2nd 3rd 1 2 3 4 5 body head base base body trochlea sesamoid bones 1th, 2nd, 3rd = cuneiforme bones pes_cavus_x_ray calcaneus cuneiformes: med., intermed., lat. Foot lateral projection talus cuboid sinus tarsi nice%20trachea Chest sagittal projection 1st rib clavicle bronchial bifurcation hilum gastric air bubble liver diaphragm aortic knob outline of female brest posterior ribs anterior ribs descending aorta stomach thoracic spine and aorta heart Splanchnology 1. Oesophagography 2. Gastrography 3. Cholecystography 4. Irigography 5. Intravenous urography 6. Ascending (retrograde) pyelography 7. Cystography 8. Hysterosalpingography 91 OESOPHAGOGRAPHY axial projection oesophagus Radiographic visualization of the esophagus using a swallowed radiopaque contrast medium. recessus piriformis (pharynx) oesophagus thoracic vertebrae diaphragm ribs OESOPHAGOGRAPHY lateral projection GASTROGRAPHY kardia bulbus duodeni duodenum pylorus body incisura angluaris intestinum tenue gaster gastric air bubble Radiography of the stomach taken after administration of barium. 109 CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY the last rib vesica felea fundus Th 12 L1 os coxae lumbar vertebrae thoracic vertebrae air in intestinum L2 L3 Visualize the gallbladder by administering a radiopaque contrast agent (by mouth) that is excreted by the liver. This excreted material will collect in the gallbladder, where reabsorption of water concentrates the excreted contrast. 103 IRIGOGRAPHY colon ascendens colon descendens flexura colli dx. flexura colli sin. colon sigmoideum colon transversum intestinum crassum Contrast X-ray method where the X-ray image is taken after filling the colon with contrast (barium) through the anus. IRIGOGRAPHY – double contrast Radiography of the colon taken after administration of barium, then air. 230px-Ivu_1 calices renales INTRAVENOUS UROGRAPHY ureter vesica urinaria pelvis renalis X-ray of urinary tract following an injection of a iodine dye into a vein of arm. 20121128090056_70932 ASCENDING (RETROGRADE) PYELOGRAPHY ureter calices renales Contrast medium has been introduced into the ureter and calyces via an ureteric catheter. pelvis renalis catheter S-5081-2 CYSTOGRAPHY vesica urinaria catheter in urethra Contrast material is instilled in the bladder via urinary catheter HSG (hysterosalpingography) tuba uterina cannula uterus free spill of contrast off from fallopian tube The uterus and fallopian tubes are filled with a water-soluble contrast material (iodine)