1. Fill in the missing endings and translate: vuln__ in later__ sinistr__ operati__ propter abdom__ acut__ therapi__ encephalytid__ epidemic__ stat__ post amputanion__ traumatic__ fractur__ femori__ dextr__ corp__ alien__ in cavitat__ or__ vulner__ lacer__ in trunc__ corpor__ lob__ dext__ et sinist__ hepat__ corp__ et coll__ pancreat__ 2. Translate: Because of the concussion the acquired disorder of the abdomen benign cyst of the body of uterus top of the heart after the complicated fracture of the hip with the danger of the death on the operating table after the healing without complications because of the acquired disorder of the gall bladder 3. Create diagnoses using the following terms and translate (all words are in basic forms): operatio – sine – dolor – cum – narcosis vulnus – scissus – antebrachium – sinister morbus – infectiosus – abdomen sine - symptoma – fractura – ulna medicamentum – contra – febris – continuatus propter – insiffucientia – valvulae hyperemesis – gravidae 4. Translate (give case, number and gender and declension of the underlined words): Laesio ligamenti musculi flexoris digitorum manus l.sin. Deformitas antebrachii l.dx. gravis Contusio femoris l.sin. cum haematomate musculi quadricipitis femoris l.sin. St.p.perforationem vesicae felleae Distensio musculi recti abdominis l.dx. Excortationes faciei, manus l.utr. et genus l.utr. superficiales Commotio cerebri cum fissura ossis temporalis l.sin. Susp. distorsionis columnae vertebralis partis cervicalis Fractura partis proximalis humeri l.sin. comminutiva cum luxatione Combustio thoracis, cervicis et faciei gr. II. Decubitus regionis calcanei et ossis sacri gr. II.