Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) •Proliferative retinopathy •Affects pre-term infants exposed to high ambient oxygen concentrations •After 8 months of gestation retinal vessels reach the nasal periphery of retina, although they do not reach the temporal periphery until 1 month after delivery •Incompletely vascularized temporal retina is susceptible to oxygen damage Clinical features •The severity of ROP can be determined according to location, extent, stages and „plus“ disease. •Location is determined according to 3 zones centred on the optic disc. •Zone 1 is bounded by the imaginary circle whos radius is twice the distance from the disc to the macula •Zone 2 extends from the edge of zone 1 to a point tangential to the nasal ora serrata and round to an area near temporal equator •Zone 3 consists of a residual temporal crescent anterior to zone 2 Clinical features 5 stages •Staging is a follows: •Stage 1 = demarcation line. Thin, tortuous, grey-white line which runs parallel with the ora serrata. The line separates the avascular immature peripheral retina from the vascular posterior retina. • •Stage 2 = ridge. The demarcation line develops into a ridge of tissue, which extends out of the plane of the retina. The ridge represents a mesenchymal shunt which joins veins with arteries. 5 stages •Stage 3 = ridge with extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation. Retinal and vitreous haemorrhage also develop. •Stage 4 = subtotal retinal detachment. Progression of fibrovascular proliferation give rise to a tractional detachment. •Stage 5 = total retinal detachment. „Plus“ disease •Is characterized by dilatation of the veins and tortuosity of the arterioles in the posterior fundus. When these changes are present, a „plus“ sign is added to the stage number. Screening •Examination of the retina in all infants born at less than 36 months or weighing less than 1500g, who have received supplemental oxygen •The pupils in a pre-term infant should be dilated (2,5% phenylephrine) Treatment •Ablation of avascular immature retina by either cryotherapy or laser photocoagulation (stage 3) •Scleral buckling with or without PPV (stage 4,5)