Toto je stará verze otázek – pokud jste se učili podle těchto otázek, budete si u zkoušky také vybírat z těchto otázek. není třeba se znepokojovat General dermatology 1. Structure of the skin 2. Basic functions of the skin 3. Defense mechanisms of the skin (skin barriers, immunologic defense, UV protection) 4. Systemic therapy in dermatology (i.e. antibiotics, antihistamines, retinoids etc) 5. Corticosteroids – systemic therapy, indications, contraindications, side effects) 6. Basic principles of local treatment 7. Morphology of skin lesions 8. Configuration of skin lesions 9. Simple diagnostic tests (Auspitz phenomenon, dermographism, Nikolski test, Darrier’s sign, Koebner’s phenomenon, Tzanck’s test etc) 10. Anaphylactic shock, Hoigne syndrome 11. Basic types of immunologic reaction (principles, examples) 12. Phototherapy – principles 13. Advantages and dangers of topical corticosteroid treatment 14. Physical therapy in dermatology 15. Skin appendages 16. Basic histologic terms (orthokeratosis, hyperkeratosis, akanthosis, akantholysis, granuloma, dyskeratosis, blisters) 17. Pigment cells, their function, pigments in the skin 18. Epidermis – structure, cells and their function 19. Dermis – structure 20. Basic examination in phlebology special dermatology 1. Bullous dermatoses 2. Pemphigus vulgaris and its subtypes 3. Erythema multiforme, Stevens Johnson syndrome, Lyell’s syndrome 4. Drug eruptions (allergic and non-allergic origin) 5. Connective tissue diseases 6. Erysipelas 7. Chronic venous insufficiency 8. Urticaria (mechanisms, allergic, non-allergic etiology) 9. Allergic contact dermatitis 10. Types of contact dermatitis 11. Atopic dermatitis, atopy 12. Acne vulgaris 13. Skin tuberculosis 14. Dermatophytoses 15. Candidiasis 16. Parasitic diseases in dermatology 17. Lyme disease 18. Viral diseases in dermatology 19. Bacterial skin infections 20. Psoriasis vulgaris 21. Lichen ruber planus 22. Skin in systemic disease (diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, hematologic diseases, endocrinopathies etc) 23. Disorders of pigmentation 24. Cutaneous lymphomas 25. Benign skin neoplasms 26. Malignant skin neoplasms 27. Epidermal tumours 28. Malignant melanoma 29. Paraneoplastic signs 30. Melanocytic nevi 31. Genodermatoses venereology 1. Syphilis (stages, clinical course) 2. Syphilis, primary chancre 3. Secondary syphilis 4. Laboratory examination in primary chancre 5. Tertiary syphilis 6. Serological tests for syphilis 7. Treatment of syphilis, efficacy, side effects – Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction) 8. AIDS symptoms on the skin 9. Mucosal lesions in syphilis 10. Viral STD’s 11. Gonococcal acute infection in the male 12. Gonococcal chronic infection in the male 13. Gonococcal infection in the female 14. Main sites of the gonococcal infection 15. Gonococcal infection in children 16. Laboratory tests in gonorrhoea 17. Factors relevant for prevalence of venereologic infections 18. Ulcus molle 19. Sexually transmitted diseases – STD’s