ENT conditions Z. Rozkydal Choking child Food, small objects in the mouth cause blockage in the airways Firs aid Encourage him to caugh Back blows – 5 Abdominal thrust – Heimlich maneuver -pull sharply inwards in the epigastrium five times Repeat these steps three times Coniotomy, coniopuncture Call 155 CPR Transport •Croup •Epiglottitis acuta • •Attack of difficult breathing •Inflammation in larynx and in the windpipe •Infection in the throat, swollen throat •Complete block of the airways- can be fatal •Children 2-7 years •Haemophilus influenzae type b • •Signs •Stridor, rasping noise •Blue- grey skin, cyanosis •Respiratory distress, movements •of the chest wall • •Rapid progression in minutes !! •High mortality • FA throat 1 •Croup •Epiglottitis acuta • •First aid • •Coniopuncture •Coniotomy •Transport FA throat 1 •Otitis media acuta • •Inflammation through Eustach tube •into middle ear • •Signs •Pain, fever, diminished hearing, •nausea •Pus discharchirg from the ear • • •Management • •Paracenthesis, antibiotics FA- ear1 •Outer ear middle ear inner ear •Tonsilitis acuta • •Signs •Throat pain, difficult swallowing, fever • •Management: antibiotics • •Complications: abscesus, • rheumatoid fever in beta-haemolytic • streptococcus infection • •Sinusitis acuta •Signs •Headache, pain in maxilla, fever •Management: antibiotics, puncture, surgery •Epistaxis – nose bleeding • •Causes •Spontaneus bleeding from locus Kisselbachi •Haematological disorders, trombocytopenia, •liver disorders, anemia, hypertension etc. • • •First aid •Bendig of the head forward, pressure on the locus Kisselbachi •for 5 minutes, cold compresses •Gelaspone • • •Haemoptysis • •Bleedig into the airways • •Causes •Carcinoma of the larynx, TB, infections, coagulopathy, •cardiovascular disorders, etc. • •Signs •Caugh, haemoptysis, dyspnoe, presssure in the chest wall •haemorhagic shock • •First aid •Encourage the caugh, positioning, raising of the legs • •Pneumothorax – air in the ribcage • •Penetrating chest wound •Puncture of the rib to the chest wall •Two-layered membrane – pleura- is perforated •Physiological negative pressure- the lung is inflated •In a case of penetrating wound- pressure in pleural cavity •is positive- the lung colapses •Severe damage to the organs, shock FA- haemothorax •Signs • •Difficult and painful breathing •Cough- frothly red blood •Cyanosis •Veins in the neck are prominent •Blood bubling out of the wound •Sound of the air sucked into the chest FA- haemothorax •First aid • •To seal the wound and maintain breathing •To minimise the shock •Urgent removal to the hospital • •1. Closed pneumothorax • - early recovery, spontaneus healing • •2. Open pneumothorax • Three layers: 1. sterile dressing, 2. plastic bag, foil, kitchen film • 3. secure with adhesive tape on three edges • •3. Tension pneumothorax • Breathing in- the air goes into the pleural cavity • Breathing out- the wound is closed • Increasing pressure as well to the opposite lung • More pronouced signs- shock FA- haemothorax •Tension pneumothorax • •First aid •Cover the wound •Half sitting position or recovery position if he is unconscious •Transport •Puncture of the pleural cavity •Drainage of the pleural cavity •Ventilation FA- haemothorax •Haemothorax • •Blood collects in the pleural cavity • •Damage to the lungs of vessels •Puts pressure on the lungs • •Signs: pain in the chest wall, dyspnoe • shock • •First aid •Sterile dressing of the wound •Half sitting position •Minimise the shock • •Management •Puncture of the pleural cavity •Drainage, surgery, blood trřansfusion • • FA- haemothorax