Aspiration Z. Rozkydal Aspiration = breath in of a solid body or fluid into airways Aspiration of water Disturbance of lung tissue Aspiration of fluid from the stomach -Damage to lung tissue by acid fluid -Atelectasis, inflammation Aspiration of solid body Atelectasis. inflammation •Symptoms • •Cough, stridor, dyspnoe, cyanosis •No ventilation movements of the chest wall •Tachypnoe, tachycardia, hypotensis •Unconsciousness •Stop of breathing follows in 2-3 minutes •stop of circulation •First aid • •Free airways •Opening of mouth •Cleaning of the mouth or removal of •arteficial teeths, Esmarch maneuver • •5 strokes between scapulas •5 Heimlich maneuvers • •Coniotomy, coniopuncture •CPR •Ventilation by device •Management • •Tracheostomy •Ventilation •Succion of fluid from airwas •Bronchoscopy •Nasogastric tube •Antibiotics • • Respiratory insufficience •Causes • •Obstruction of airways •Diseases of lung and chest •Cardiovascular diseases •Diseases of CNS • •ARDS – acute respiratory distress syndrom • • •Symptoms • •Dyspnoe •Difficult breathing •Weakness •Preassure on the chest •Confusion •Dyspnoe • •Physiological- sport, labor, speed walking, run •Lungs- asthma bronchiale, damage of lungs •Cardial- asthma cardiale •Circulatory- high loss of blood, anemia •Chemical- diabetic coma •Central - CNS lesion •Psychogenic- hystery • •Management depends of the cause •Pulmonary embolism • •Blockage of arteries and capilars in the lungs •by trombus, fat tissue or by the air • •The frequet cause: •phlebotrombosis in lower extremity •or in the pelvis • • •Symptoms • •Sudden dysnoe, full veins in the neck region •Cyanosis, tachypnoe, tachycardia •Pain on the chest wall, caugh, haemoptysis •Syncope, hypotensis, shock • •30 % of pulmonary embolism is asymptomatic • •First aid • •CRP, oxygen • • •Management • •Oxygen, ventilation, dopamin, noradrenalin, heparin i.v. • Asthmatic attack •Asthma bronchiale • •Spasm of muscles in bronchi a průdušinek •Oedema in bronchial mucous membrane •Elevated secretion of viscous mucous fluid • • •Narrowing of airways •High attempt to breath •Respiratory acidosis, hypoxia • •Symptoms • •Dyspnoe, dry caugh, long exspirium •Exspiratory phenomenons, pressure on the chest •Tachypnoe, tachycardia, cyanosis •Sweating, dehydration •Orthopnoic position, difficult speech •First aid • •Rest, fresh air •Fowler position, orthopnoic position •Corticoids in spray: • Berotec, Ventolin, • Becodisk, Atrovent • Berodual, Intal, Pulmicort • •Management • •ITU •Inhalation of oxygen –through fluid •Spray – Berotec, Ventolin, Becodisk, Atrovent • Intal, Berodual, Pulmicort •Adrenalin 0,5 ml s.c. •Corticosteroids i.v. •Aminophylin i.v. •Mucolytics – inhalation •Intubation and ventilation •Status asthmaticus • •Long lasting asthmatic attack • •Management •ITU, ventilation, intubation and others