Drowning Z. Rozkydal •Drowning • •Immersion into water or liquid •Airways are filling with water or liquid •Asphyxia- a person is unable to breathe • •Aspiration of water •Laryngospasmus • • •Wet drowning • •Water goes into the lungs • • •Dry drowning • •Apnoe, then laryngospasm (in 30 %). •- water does not go into the lungs • •Sweet water • •Water in lungs is hypotonic •It is resorbed into circulation •It increases volume of circulated blood •- hypervolemia •- haemolysis, high level of potassium •- fibrilation of ventricles- cardiac arrest • • •Sea water • •Water is hypertonic • •Water and plasmatic proteins go from blood •into alveoli of the lungs • •- pulmonary oedema, atelectasis •- respiratory failure and acidosis • •First aid • •Removal of casualty from the water •Risk of regurgitation of stomach content into the airways •- roll him onto his side to clear his airways •Do primary survey- open his airways • check his response •Be sure there is not a injury of cervical spine •If he is unconscious- give 5 initial rescue breaths •Follow wit 30 chest compressions •Continue CPR 30:2 •Call the ambulance •Monitor vital signs •Drowning in a cold water • •Hypothermia – increases the chance for survival •CPR should last longer •Cover the casualty with warm blankets • • •Some cases of drowning- in epilepsy • after alcohol intake •