Spinal injury Z. Rozkydal •Causes • •Fall from height •Motor vehicle accident • •Damage to vertebrae, discs, ligaments, spinal cord • •Lesion of spinal cord •- without fracture of vertebral column •- with fracture of vertebral column •Temporary damage •Permanent damage •Spinal shock • •Loss of all functions of spinal cord •Complete loss of motor function, sensation, reflexes •and sincter function • •Symptoms: •Complete paraplegia, absent reflexes, no muscle tonus, •loss of sensation • •Appears in incomplete or complete transverse lesion •of spinal cord. It resolves after 24- 48 hours • •It is changing into spastic paraplegia after 3 weeks • •The end of spinal shock: •Annal reflex or bulbocavernosus reflex •Transversal lesion of spinal cord • •Anatomic disruptin of spinal cord with irreparable damage • • •Complete: •Loss of motor function, sensation, reflexes, •loss of control of bowels •It is apparent after resolving of spinal shock •Paraplegia changes into spastic one • •Incomplete: •Loss of motor function of different stage •Disturbance of sensation (pain, termic, vibration, tactil). •Concussion of spinal cord • •Reversible and functional • •Short period of loss of function • •Improvement after some hours or days •Contusion of spinal cord • •Anatomic disturbance of spinal cord •(necrosis, oedema, bleeding, exsudation, trombosis •- increasig pressure to the spinal cord) • • •Symptoms: paraplegia, areflexia, • loss of sensation, bowel dysfunction •Hematomyelia • •Localised bleeding into the spinal cord • • •Symptoms: paraplegia, areflexia, • loss of sensation, bowel dysfunction •Compression of spinal cord • •Disturbance of circulation in spinal cord •by mechanical and reflectoric forces •Disturbance of circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. • •Symptoms: according to the level of damage • paraplegia, areflexia, • loss of sensation, bowel dysfunction • • •Level of damage of spinal cord • •C1 - C4: immediate death •C5 - T1: quadruplegia, quadruparesis •Bellow T1: upper extremities- no loss of function • lower extremities- paraplegia or paraparesis • •Cauda equina- involves lumbar and sacral roots L1-L5, S1-S5. •Cauda equina syndrom: by compression bellow L1 vertebra: •- spinal claudication, palsy of lower extremities - parestesia in lower extremities, nerve roots pain - disturbance of sfincter function and of reflexes • •Spinal cord epiconus- roots S1, S2 • •Conus medullaris – roots S3 - S5: • loss of sfincter functions Bolesti zad- C páteř2 •Cervical spine •Roots C1-C8 BOlesti zad- C páteř1 Bolesti zad - L kořeny 2 •Roots of lumbar spine L1-L5 •Symptoms of spinal cord lesion •and fracture of vertebral column • •Disturbance of sensation in extremities •Disturbance of motor function in extremities •Strange position of the body •Pain in the back region •Parestesias in extremities •First aid • •Examine function of extremities •Check the pain, oedema or hematoma •Make a note about the function •No change of position- do not move the casualty •from the previous position, support the head in the •neutral position •Check the casualty´s breathing, if not - start CPR •Use log-roll technigue •Vacuum immobilisator, Philadelphia collar •Urgent careful transport •Corticoids •