Acute heart failure Clinical Case Scenario • 60 –year old patient, with medical history of arterial hypertension on beta-blockers, heavy smoker, otherwise without comorbidities. In the morning he felt sudden retrosternal pressure and pain with propagation to the neck. Ambulance was called, 12-lead ecg was obtained. • Immediately applied 250 mg ASA i.v., 7500 IU UFH i.v. and 4 ml (0,2 mg) of fentanyl i.v. for pain control. Patient immediately referred to the cathlab. During coronarography: • 2 biphasic 200 J discharges applied, sinus rhythm with palpable pulses restored. Afterwards consciousness regained. • After 2 days the patient was hemodynamically stable, physiotherapy was started. Then he was transferred to a ward. The day before discharge cough with mild elevation of inflammatory markers was observed. • According to a pulmonary consultation antibiotics were suggested. Otherwise he was deemed capable of discharge with subsequent visits at a local pulmonary physician. Medication was prescribed: • Anopyrin 100mg 0-1-0 Clopidogrel 75mg 1-0-0 Concor COR 5mg 1-0-0 Prestarium NEO 5mg 1/2-0-0 Torvacard 40mg 0-0-1 Metformin 500mg 0-0-1 Euphylin 200mg 1-0-0 Klacid 500mg á 12 hod for 14 days Biopron 2-0-0 • 3 days after discharge progressive increase of dyspnea. After another 2 days ambulance was called. At the scene respirátory failure was apparent, intubation was performed and the patient was transferred to the ICU. • Ventilation : fully controlled, FiO2 0,9, Vt 450 ml, RR 25/min, I:E 1:1, PEEP 14, PIP 28 • Circulation : norepinephrine infusion at a rate of 1,5 mg/h pH 7.27 pCO2 7.2 pO2 10.6 HCO3 24.3 BD- -3.3 sO2 0.934 Urea 8.8 mmol/l Kreat. 122 umol/l Na 140 mmol/l K 6.5 mmol/l Cl 107 mmol/l Ca 2.08 mmol/l Bi-celk. 6.9 umol/l AMS 0.87 ukat/l CB 60.8 g/l Albumin 32.3 g/l Glukóza 10.7 mmol/l CRP 29.6 mg/l • Empirical ATB treatment was started (cefotaxime, claritromycine, oseltamivir), massive fluidothorax evacuated bilaterally. TProtein 24.6 g/l TAlbumin 10.7 g/l Several hours after admission: • Amiodaron 300 mg with furher 900 mg/day applied, eventually very slow stabilisation of circulation, mild decrease of NE dose, very slight respiratory improvement. • Sputum negative for bacteria and viruses. • Echocardiographically Mi reg. 2-3+, EF of LV 60%. • According to TEE partial rupture of chordae tendineae of posterior leaflet. • Situation was reevaluated, acute heart failure with pulmonary oedema due to acute mitral regurgitation was established. The patient was referred to cardiothoracic surgery for Mi valve replacement. Heart failure – pathophysiology: Pressure – volume curve Cathegories of heart failure • Acute x chronic • Right-sided x left-sided, bilateral • Backward x forward (with low cardiac output) • Systolic x diastolic Diagnosis and evaluation • History • ECG • Chest X-ray • Laboratory • Cardiac enzymes • Natriuretic peptides • Echocardiography Principles of therapy • Elimination of the precipitating factor – revascularisation, arrhytmia management, valve replacement… • Decrease of myocardial O2 consumption – beta-blockers, antipyretics, mech. ventilation • Increase of O2 delivery to the tissues – oxygen, vasodilators, optimalisation of preload, decrease of afterload Frank – Starling curve Acute congestive left-heart failure • Pulmonary oedema • Diastolic failure, hypertension crisis in many cases • Oxygen • Diuretic (furosemid 20 – 125 mg i.v.) • Vasodilators (nitroglycerin sublingually, ISDN i.v.) • Opioid (for example morphin 2-5 mg i.v.) • NIV, invasive MV Acute right-heart failure • Acute increase of RV aterload • Decreasing the afterload of RV (sildenafil, prostacycline, inhalation NO) • Increasing afterload of LV (vasopressor) • Reducing preload of RV – diuretic Cardiogenic shock • Systolic pressure < 90 mm Hg for at least 30 minutes or need of vasopressors • Congestion in pulmonary circulation or elevated filling pressures of LV • Signs of organ hypoperfusion: - mental alteration - oliguria - serum lactate elevation - capillary refill time above 2 seconds, cyanosis Causes • Acute myocardial infarction • Acute mitral regurgitation • Ventricular septum defect • Free ventricular wall rupture • Acute myokarditis • Arrhythmias Support therapy • Fluids • Vasopressors (noradrenaline x dopamine) • Inotropes (dobutamine, PDE inhibitors, levosimendan) • Organ support (CRRT…) Mechanical circulatory support Thanks for Your attention