Musculi antebrachii ANTEBRACHIAL MUSCLES ANTERIOR GROUP OF MUSCLES The muscles of anterior group work as flexors of hand and fingers, also pronators of forearm are here. Musculus flexor carpi radialis • ORIGIN: epicondylus medialis humeri • INSERTION : basis of 2nd anf 3rd metacarpus • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: flexion of forearm, palmar flexion of hand and its radial duction Musculus palmaris longus • ORIGIN: epicondylus medialis humeri • INSERTION : aponeurosis palmaris • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: flexion of hand and forearm Musculus flexor carpi ulnaris • ORIGIN: epicondylus medialis humeri, olecranon ulnae • INSERTION: os pisiforme, ligamentum pisohamatum, ligamentum pisometacarpeum • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: flexion of forearm and hand, ulnar duction Musculus flexor digitorum superficialis • ORIGIN: epicondylus medialis humeri, processus coronoideus ulnae and radius • INSERTION: middle pahalnx of 2nd-5th fingers, it forms chiasma tendinum • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: flexion of hand, middle phalanx and forearm Musculus flexor pollicis longus • ORIGIN: anterior surface of radius and membrana interossea antebrachii • INSERTION : distal phalanx of thumb • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: flexion of thumb and hand Musculus flexor digitorum profundus • ORIGIN: anterior side of ulna and membrana interossea antebrachii • INSERTION : distal phalanx of 2nd- 5th fingers • INNERVATION: n. medianus (2nd and 3th fingers), n. ulnaris (4th and 5th fingers) • FUNCTION: flexion of hand and fingers Musculus pronator quadratus • ORIGIN: anterior surface of ulna • INSERTION : distal quarter of radius • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: pronation of forearm LATERAL GROUP OF ANTEBRACHIAL MUSCLES Musculus brachioradialis • ORIGIN: lateral margin of distal part of humerus • INSERTION : processus styloideus radii • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: flexion of forearm, it paticipates in pronation and supination Musculus extensor carpi radialis longus • ORIGIN: distal part of humerus • INSERTION :base of 2nd metacarpal bone • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extension of hand and radial duction Musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis • ORIGIN: epicondylus lateralis humeri • INSERTION: base of 3rd metacarpal bone • INERVACE: n. radialis • FUNKCE: extension and radial duction of hand Musculus supinator • ORIGIN: epicondylus lateralis humeri, ligamentum collaterale laterale, ligamentum anulare radii, crista musculi supinatorii • INSERTION : from tuberositas radii to the insertion of pronator teres • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: supinace of forearm POSTERIOR GROUP OF ANTEBRACHIAL MUSCLES Musculus extensor digitorum communis • ORIGIN: epicondylus lateralis humeri • INSERTION : dorsal aponeurosis (posterior side of all three phalanges) • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extension of hand and fingers Musculus extensor digiti minimi • ORIGIN: epicondylus lateralis humeri • INSERTION : dorsal aponeurosis of 5th finger • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extenion of hand and 5th finger Musculus extensor carpi ulnaris • ORIGIN: epicondylus lateralis humeri • INSERTION : base of 5th metacarpal bone • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extension and ulnar duction of hand Musculus abductor pollicis longus • ORIGIN: prox. part of ulna, membrana, prox. part of radius • INSERTION : base of 1st metacarpal bone • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: abduction of thumb Musculus extensor pollicis brevis • ORIGIN: radius, membrana • INSERTION : dorsal side of prox. phalanx of thumb • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extension and abduction of thumb Musculus extensor pollicis longus • ORIGIN: ulna, membrana • INSERTION : distal phalanx of thumb • INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extension of thumb Musculus extensor indicis • ORIGIN: ulna, membrana, most distally • INSERTION : dorsal aponeurosis of INNERVATION: n. radialis • FUNCTION: extension of 2nd finger Musculi manus – muscles of the hand Musculus abductor pollicis brevis • ORIGIN: eminentia carpi radialis • INSERTION: radial sesamoidal bone • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: abduction of thumb Musculus flexor pollicis brevis • ORIGIN: eminentia carpi radialis • INSERTION: radial sesamoidal bone • INNERVATION: c. superficiale-n. medianus, c. profundum-n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: flexion of proximal phalanx and opposition of the thumb Musculus opponens pollicis • ORIGIN: eminentia carpi radialis • INSERTION: lateral margin of 1st metacarpal bone • INNERVATION: n. medianus • FUNCTION: opposition of the thumb Musculus adductor pollicis • ORIGIN: c. obliquumeminentia, c. transversumpalmar side of 3rd metacarpal bone • INSERTION:ulnar sesamoidal bone • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: adduction of the thumb Musculus palmaris brevis • ORIGIN: ulnar margin of palmar aponeurosis • INSERTION: skin of hypothenar • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: transversal skin grooves Musculus abductor digiti minimi • ORIGIN: os pisiforme • INSERTION: base of prox phalanx of 5th finger • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: abduction of 5th finger Musculus flexor digiti minimi • ORIGIN: hamulus ossis hamati • INSERTION: base of prox phalanx of 5th finger • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: flexion of 5th finger Musculus opponens digiti minimi • ORIGIN: eminentia carpi ulnaris • INSERTION: ulnar margin of 5th metacarpal bone • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: mild opposition of the 5th finger Mm. interossei palmares I.-III. • ORIGIN: bodies of metacarpal bones • INSERTION: base of prox. phalanx and dorsal aponeurosis • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: adduction of fingers, flexion of proximal phalanges Mm. interossei dorsales I.-IV. • ORIGIN: with two heads on bodies of adjacent metacaral bones • INSERTION: base of prox. phalanx ans dorsal aponeurosis • INNERVATION: n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: abduction of fingers, flexeion of prox. phalanx Musculi lumbricales • ORIGIN: tendons of m. flexor digitorum profundus • INSERTION: radial margin of base of prox. phalanx, dorsal aponeurosis of the 2nd-5th fingers • INNERVATION: I.and II.-n. medianus; III. and IV.- n. ulnaris • FUNCTION: finger inclining in radial direction, participation in proximal phalangeal flexion FASCIA MANUS •Dorsal side -- fascia dorsalis manus interossea -- fascia dorsalis manus superficialis - Palmar side - fascia palmaris interossea - fascia palmaris superficialis - aponeurosis palmaris CANALIS CARPI Thank you for your attention! Obrázky: Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/Sobotta. Putz,R., und Pabst,R. 20. Auflage. München:Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993 Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Naňka, Elišková: Přehled anatomie. Galén, Praha 2009. Čihák: Anatomie I, II, III. Drake et al: Gray´s Anatomy for Students. 2010