Stress Management / Work-Life Balance Psychology of Mental Health and Well-being Autumn semester 2019 Popis: Image13 Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. Department of Psychology and Psychosomatics Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Výsledek obrázku pro lékaÅ™ská fakulta brno logo png PhDr. Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Psychology and Psychosomatics Brno, Czech Republic Private practice (counselling, therapy, assessment, coaching) 29.10.2019 10:45 2 P©H The Nature of Stress Popis: Image13 basic information, sources, links Stress vs. Well-Being Work-Life Balance •Are you stressed? •Are you feeling the stress just now? Are you aggressive? Have you been aggressive today? Destructive? Focus on Principles •Stress is anytime & anywhere •Stress works for us; Stress is functional • •We´re able to influence the duration & intensity, not the start-point of the stress reaction. • •Don´t worry about stress … •… anyway … it´s anytime & anywhere … 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 5 PRINCIPY P©H STRESS - Psychophysiology short version Popis: Image13 basic information, sources, links Stress Definition •Stress is a state of psychological and physical tension produced when an individual perceives that they are unable to cope with the demands imposed on them by a stressor. • •The consequent state of tension can be adaptive (eustress) or maladaptive (distress) Short info video • • [USEMAP] HPA Axis • [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Sharon Horesh Bergquist | TED-Ed: How stress affects your body Madhumita Murgia | TED-Ed: How stress affects your brain Elizabeth Cox | TED-Ed: The surprising link between stress and memory [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] P©H Výsledek obrázku pro ted ed logo [USEMAP] How stress affects your body How stress affects your brain ... link between stress and memory Výsledek obrázku pro watching icon Výsledek obrázku pro stress response Výsledek obrázku pro physiology of stress response diagram Výsledek obrázku pro physiology of stress response diagram STRESS STRESS • •EU x DI • •ACUTE x CHRONIC • •HYPER x HYPO 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 15 Acute Stress(ors) Short-Term; quick decisive action required for survival Chronic Stress(ors) = Long term, Persistent •Physical, Emotional, Sexual Abuse Demanding Job •Poverty, Malnourishment Depression, Anxiety • More of Energy? P©H Just EFFECTIVITY! Fight or Flight •In the 1915, Walter Cannon recognized that the autonomic nervous system is activated in response to stress and suggested that stress mobilizes the body's responses in readiness for either attacking (fight) or flyeing (flight) an enemy or threatening situation. •Although such responses may have promoted survival when they evolved in human history, they are not productive given the longer periods of stress exposure common in modern life. Such enterprises as keeping a job, going to school, and playing on the soccer team require more complex responses. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 19 20 •Walter B. Cannon (1915) • •Four stages: –Stage one: Stimulus –Stage two: Threat determination –Stage three: Arousal –Stage four: Return to homeostasis Fight or Flight exhaustion%20clipart •Effects of stress MCPE01713_0000[1] STRESSORS Family Relations Disagreements Money Worries Need to Succeed Exams Friends Decisions New Situations MCPE01711_0000[1] MCPE01712_0000[1] FLIGHT RETURN TO NORMAL COPING RELAXATION Active / Passive NOT COPING POSSIBLE DISEASE OR MENTAL ILLNESS EXHAUSTION POOR DIET NO EXERCISE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS … _q85.jpg af7e.jpg > GAS •The general adaptation syndrome. Hans Selye is credited with identifying the body's reaction to stress with a proces he called the general adaptation syndrome, which has three phases, as evidenced by the level of stress hormones. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 22 GAS •Alarm: The body first organizes physiological responses (similar to fight/flight resp.) to threat. •Resistance: Stress‐activated responses continue, stabilizing the body's adaptations to stress. •Exhaustion: The body has depleted its reserves and can no longer maintain responses to the stressors. • • •During the alarm phase, when the body is first aroused, the hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland. This endocrine gland in turn secretes adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), which travels via the bloodstream to the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands, where corticosteroids are released. The hypothalamus also activates the adrenal medulla, the central part of the adrenal gland, which causes adrenaline (epinephrine) to be released and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. After maintaining high levels of the hormones for a long time, the body loses its ability to do so and exhausts its resources. Selye is credited with identifying the fact that the incidence of certain types of diseases (stress‐related diseases, such as some types of coronary disorders) increases during this stage of exhausted body resources and that a second stressor introduced during the resistance phase or the exhaustion phase further increases that incidence. • •Evidence demonstrates that prolonged stress also affects the ability of the immune system to function adequately and can affect the release of other neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Stress may also affect the release of endorphins, chemicals similar in structure to morphine and other opiate drugs used in the modulation of pain. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 23 GAS •Alarm: The body first organizes physiological responses (similar to fight/flight resp.) to threat. •Resistance: Stress‐activated responses continue, stabilizing the body's adaptations to stress. •Exhaustion: The body has depleted its reserves and can no longer maintain responses to the stressors. • • •During the alarm phase, when the body is first aroused, the hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland. This endocrine gland in turn secretes adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), which travels via the bloodstream to the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands, where corticosteroids are released. The hypothalamus also activates the adrenal medulla, the central part of the adrenal gland, which causes adrenaline (epinephrine) to be released and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. After maintaining high levels of the hormones for a long time, the body loses its ability to do so and exhausts its resources. Selye is credited with identifying the fact that the incidence of certain types of diseases (stress‐related diseases, such as some types of coronary disorders) increases during this stage of exhausted body resources and that a second stressor introduced during the resistance phase or the exhaustion phase further increases that incidence. • •Evidence demonstrates that prolonged stress also affects the ability of the immune system to function adequately and can affect the release of other neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Stress may also affect the release of endorphins, chemicals similar in structure to morphine and other opiate drugs used in the modulation of pain. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 24 Výsledek obrázku pro general adaptation syndrome Focus on Principles •Don´t worry about stress … • •… we´re able to influence •the duration & intensity! • •… we´re able to deal with it … • •… it would help us! 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 25 Links – text (CZE/ENG) • •CZE • • • • •ENG • Popis: Image13 Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. Self-regulation & Mind control Do you believe (in) your senses? gestalt-reification.jpg illusion.jpg mostra-dellillustratore-istvan-orosz.jpg Emergence-full.jpg gestalt-continuity2.png shifting3.jpg Optical_illusion_3360246b.jpg xray-copy-656x580.jpg Audio illusions [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Video inspiration Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality Anil Seth pg? THE BRAIN 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 34 CONNECTOME COMPLEX & COMPLICATED 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 35 CONNECTOME COMPLEX & „SPEEDY“ myelinated axon speed up to 120 m/s 432 kph non-myelinated axon speed up to 2 m/s 7,2 kph 2 meters [USEMAP] Video inspiration A map of the brain Allan Jones pg? Triune theory - Paul McLean Výsledek obrázku pro limbic system 3D P©H 38 Limbic system Autonomic Nervous System & Endocrine System •Two systems working together during immediate stress: • –Sympathetic •(responsible for expending energy) – –Parasympathetic •(responsible for conserving energy) •Includes glands that secrete hormones •Hormones travel through the blood stream •These hormones change function of bodily tissues •Specific hormones –Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Corticoids, Thyroxin, Vasopressin, Oxytocin [USEMAP] Endocrine System • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 40 Schematic diagram showing the potential role of oxidative stress in the progressive dysfunction of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis observed with ageing Vitale, G. et al. (2013) Oxidative stress and the ageing endocrine system Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. doi:10.1038/nrendo.2013.29 nrendo 42 Autonomic Nervous System •Stressor à Adrenal glands secrete adrenaline •Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic •Sympathetic Physiological response –Heart rate increases; Muscles tense; Blood pressure rises; Pupils dilate; Breathing increases; Perspiration … Stressor à Hypothalamus à CRF released à Pituitary gland è ACTH à Bloodstream à Adrenal glands è Produce adrenaline and glucocorticoids à Physiological response Endocrine System The “Response” Flow Chart •Life •A Perceived threat •Hippocampus (Alarm) –Alarm, you will have an emotion •Limbic System (Seat of Emotions) –Emotional response will lead to a physical one •Reticular Activating System –Connection between mind/body •Hypothalamus (Supervisor) –Turns on Endocrine and Autonomic systems The “Response” Flow Chart (cont.) •Endocrine System (Hormones) –Vasopressin-helps move blood through by increasing water in the blood –Cortisol-increases blood glucose for battle. Also suppressed T-Cells, more likely to become ill. •Autonomic Nervous System –Sympathetic System- “ON” switch, increases energy level –Parasympathetic System- “OFF” switch, decreases energy level • Endocrine System •Vasopressin (pituitary gland) –Increases blood permeability to water –Increases blood volume –Increases blood pressure – •Cortisol- primary glucocorticoid (adrenal gland) –Increases blood sugar/ gluconeogenesis (mobilizes free fatty acids) –Decreases T-lymphocyte production – •Thyroxin(hypothalamus) –Accelerates heart rate –Increases gastrointestinal motility –Increases anxiety –Increases blood pressure – – • – Focus on Principles • •Habituation helps & harms … • • • • • •Focus, concentrate, pay attention, be aware … •& stay calm, healthy and alive. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 46 Výsledek obrázku pro physiology of stress response diagram Homeostasis vs. Allostasis The brain is playing a game, let´s play together Brain Tricking • •Blind spot • •Through the palm • •Hand – Leg / Eye-Tongue • Left-Right, Up-Down • •Subtraction on One Leg (deduct 7 from 1000) 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 49 Focus on Principles •If you do something, • •FOCUS •& •DO IT FOR 100%! 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 50 •FOCUS & DO IT FOR 100%! 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 51 FOCUS vs. DISTRACTORS Výsledek obrázku pro studying > •FOCUS & DO IT FOR 100%! P©H Výsledek obrázku pro dancing Výsledek obrázku pro laying on a couch Výsledek obrázku pro tree Výsledek obrázku pro driving Výsledek obrázku pro studying SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro walking on pedestrian lane SouvisejÃcà obrázek SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro game console Výsledek obrázku pro cook Focus on Principles • •Neuroplasticity works for us … •… for the whole life. • •Use it, or lose it! 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 53 Dealing with stress short version Popis: Image13 Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. basic information, sources, links •What kinds of everyday activities are the most important to feel fine and stay healthy? What kinds of everyday activities are necessary to stay alive? Just a few „things“ in good order, regularity, regime Focus on Principles •How to deal with the stress in everyday life? • • • • • • DrEaMS • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 57 What is the most important to stay healthy or for recovery? Verification: pure/clear/transparent colour of urine in the afternoon (2-5 p.m.) HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION individual daily need best is water (non carbonated, non sparkling) mostly between 2 & 3,5 liters per a day A varied diet with plenty of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats; vitamins, minerals and enzymes; roughage/fiber HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION Výsledek obrázku pro SPROUT SEEDS HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro cheese Výsledek obrázku pro kysané zelà Výsledek obrázku pro kysaná zelenina bílý jogurt / greek style natural yoghurt, sýr / cheese mléčně kvašená zelenina / naturally fermented pickles ČERSTVÉ POTRAVINY – ZELENINA/OVOCE FRESH FOOD – VEGETABLE/FRUITS KOŘENOVÁ ZELENINA ROOT VEGETABLE naklíčené potraviny / sprout seeds, grains, & beans Výsledek obrázku pro root vegetables MICROBIOME •Rob Knight: •How our microbes make us who we are • • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 63 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 64 HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION Verification: re/fresh/ed feeling soon after awakening (best more than 3-5 hours) individual daily need mostly 7,5 +/- 1,5 hours per a day 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 67 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 68 [USEMAP] -proc-se-dobre-vyspat P©H [USEMAP] Shai Marcu | TED-Ed: The benefits of a good night's sleep [USEMAP] Výsledek obrázku pro watching icon [USEMAP] Video inspiration Why noise is bad for your health — and what you can do about it _it [USEMAP] pg? Mathias Basner Circadian rhythm - Morning-Evening Types •Morningness and Eveningness („lark“ and „owl“) describe a person’s individual circadian profile. • – Morning people usually prefer to rise between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m., and retire between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. • – Evening people tend to prefer both a later wake up (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) and a later bed time (11 p.m. to 3 a.m.). • •Morning people also tend to be more rigid in their circadian rhythms. •Evening people find adjustment to new schedules somewhat easier. •Most people fall somewhere between these two types. [USEMAP] Sidelights: Circadian rhythm •Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism's environment. They are found in most living things, including animals, plants and many tiny microbes. The study of circadian rhythms is called chronobiology. [USEMAP] [USEMAP] The classic phase markers for measuring the timing of a mammal's circadian rhythm are: • •melatonin secretion by the pineal gland •core body temperature minimum, and •plasma level of cortisol Circadian rhythm vs. Technology Výsledek obrázku pro blue light filter windows 10 Výsledek obrázku pro blue light filter windows 10 Výsledek obrázku pro blue light filter macbook Výsledek obrázku pro blue light filter apple iphone Výsledek obrázku pro blue light filter app store Výsledek obrázku pro google play logo Výsledek obrázku pro blue light filter google play Výsledek obrázku pro windows 10 blue light mode Výsledek obrázku pro windows 10 logo installation to „move“, exercise, walk at least twice per a week (between 25 & 45 minutes) in „stayer“ way (long durance in low intensity) HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION Verification, body reaction: (best more than 25 minutes) miled sweating increased heart rate inability to speak fluently to „move“, exercise, walk at least twice per a week (between 25 & 45 minutes) in „stayer“ way (long durance in low intensity) HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION Verification, body reaction: (best more than 25 minutes) miled sweating increased heart rate inability to speak fluently Výsledek obrázku pro enjoy png Výsledek obrázku pro happiness gif SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro strikethrough png Výsledek obrázku pro bird dog exercise Výsledek obrázku pro walking gif HOMEOSTASIS & PREVENTION SouvisejÃcà obrázek SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro trx Výsledek obrázku pro balance cushion blue Výsledek obrázku pro workout playground outside Výsledek obrázku pro walking in nature Výsledek obrázku pro isometric exercise Výsledek obrázku pro workout hÅ™iÅ¡tÄ› ISOMETRIC EXERCISE BALANCE & [USEMAP] Video inspiration The brain-changing benefits of exercise Wendy Suzuki pg? Sidelights: Epigenetics •… is the study of cellular and physiological trait variations that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence … 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 79 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Video inspiration How early life experience is written into DNA pg? Moshe Szyfat Výsledek obrázku pro watching icon Focus on Principles • DrEaMS • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 81 •Have you ever heard about •HOMEOSTASIS? And what about ALLOSTASIS? Chronic Stress Response General Adaptation Syndrome (Seyle) Body’s Initial Response (Cortisol, Epi/Norepi, Endophins) Increase Energy Available, Increase CO, MAP Suppress Immune System, Reduce Pain Continuation of Body is moving to a new ‘setpoint’ that is OPTIMAL for stressful conditions ALLOSTASIS Exhaustion Energy Stores depleted Myocardium fatigued Blood vessels damaged Infection prevalent Wounds don’t heal CHRONIC STRESSOR P©H Introduction & Practical Use of Relaxation Techniques, Self-Experience Popis: Image13 Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. basic information, sources, links [USEMAP] Video inspirace The Art of Stillness pg? [USEMAP] Pico Iyer Výsledek obrázku pro watching icon [USEMAP] Video inspiration How to tame your wandering mind Amishi Jha pg? TERMINOLOGY • •CONCENTRATION • •RELAXATION • •IMAGINATION • •MEDITATION 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 88 Focus on Principles •Reasons for practicing relaxation? 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 89 Arousal&Energy Attention&Focus Refreshment Imagination Recovery Innovation Rest Inspiration Feedback: S-E-T S-E-T / I-S / B-E-S-T 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 90 [USEMAP] Spiritual Meaningful Simple questions to improve self-reflection: WHAT I (REALLY) WANT (JUST NOW) ? WHAT I (REALLY) NEED (JUST NOW) ? 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 91 •CONCENTRATION • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 92 What kinds of senses do we have? Which one is the most important to feel safe? Conscious relaxation/concentration •5 S technique • •5 pathways of perception •5 senses • • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 94 Sight vs. Touching&Hearing •Daniel Kish: •How I use sonar to navigate the world • • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 95 Conscious relaxation/concentration •5 S technique •5 senses • •BODY (sense of Touch) •MOUTH (sense of Taste) •NOSE (sense of Smell) •EYES (Sight) •EARS (Hearing) 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 96!Outline-body-aura.png Conscious relaxation/concentration •5 S technique •5 senses • •BODY (sense of Touch) •MOUTH (sense of Taste) •NOSE (sense of Smell) •EYES (Sight) •EARS (Hearing) 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 97 3 steps: 5 times to CHECK (scan) 5 times to KNOW (be aware) to GET TOGETHER (integrate) 2 channels: FEELINGS & WORDS sense & ratio color & shape!Outline-body-aura.png „That´s fine, my sense of touch is working.“ Conscious relaxation/concentration •5 S technique •5 senses • • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 98 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 99 RELAXATION Jacobson´s Progressive Muscular Relaxation - • •Tension – perfusion, muscle activation •vs. •Releasing - perception of the relaxation effect • •Attention is paid to the contrast •between •tension and relaxation 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 100 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] 10 seconds 10 seconds 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 101 Progressive muscle relaxation technique 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 102 RELAXATION & IMAGINATION Conscious relaxation/concentration •Autogenic training - -Muscle relaxation -Body warming from shoulders towards hands and feet -Calm breathing -Calm pulse -Warmth in the abdomen -Cold forehead 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 103 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] AT - Muscle relaxation 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 104 AT - Body warming 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 105 is-Neoprene-Glove.jpg athing-At-Beach--Stock-Photo.jpg ze4p.png/1440997179509.jpg AT - Warmth in the abdomen 29.10.2019 10:45!Outline-body-aura.png P©H 106 7438322.jpg AT - Cold forehead 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 107 AT - Cold forehead 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 108 d.jpg Practical Use of Relaxation Techniques, Self-Improvement Popis: Image13 Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. [USEMAP] Take a nap •Just a few minutes •a few times per a day. • • • • •With closed eyes. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 110 Výsledek obrázku pro garfield lying down Výsledek obrázku pro closed eyes drawing Focus on Principles •Relaxation? Easy! • •Relaxed Muscles & Comfortable Warmth •or •HW •Heavines & Warmth • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 111 Focus on Principles • •Neuroplasticity works for us … •… but HOW can I use it? • •HOW TO TALK TO THE BRAIN? • •How the brain works, talks, thinks…? 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 112 IMAGINE! Why to apply … 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 113 • • •CONCENTRATION • • •RELAXATION • • • •IMAGINATION • • • •MEDITATION sleeping, active refreshing efficiency, adaptation, coping (with minimum to peak) creativity, mental activity (planning, time management, social relations, self-reflection, memory …) well-being, work-life-balance self-improvement health (bio-psycho-socio-spiritual homeostasis/balance) P©H Stress and Coping Strategies. Successful stress management. Popis: Image13 Focus on Principles •FEED BACK 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 116 Self- Reflection Popis: Image13 Simple questions to improve self-reflection: WHAT I (REALLY) WANT (JUST NOW) ? WHAT I (REALLY) NEED (JUST NOW) ? 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 118 S-E-T / I-S / B-E-S-T 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 119 [USEMAP] Spiritual Meaningful Simple questions to improve self-reflection: WHAT I (REALLY) WANT (JUST NOW) ? WHAT I (REALLY) NEED (JUST NOW) ? 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 120 INTUITION in neuropsychology •Somatic markers 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 121 [USEMAP] António Damasio [USEMAP] Focus on Principles •Listen to your BODY & emotions … • •… and allow it/them to live •together with you •and your conscious thinking! • •Consciousness is not so strong •as we assume. 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 122 P©H PSYCHOSOMATICS short version Popis: Image13 basic information, principals, sources, links HISTORICAL OVERVIEW •population of indigenous nations • •shamans • •doctors and priests •(China, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Aztecs, Siberia …) • • 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 125 Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Not very informative: “As old as medicine”, “since antiquity” 4More informative: “counter reformation” against natural science preponderance in late 19th century medicine 4But: two very different forms of “counter reformation” at the beginning of 20th century [USEMAP] HISTORICAL OVERVIEW •Sigmund Freud • • • Franz Alexander • • Thure von Uexküll • • •Psychosomatic Medicine •(journal) 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 127 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Psychogenetic tradition (Psychoanalysis!) 4 8 body as theatre of the soul (“puzzling leap” – “conversion”) janet charcot_blanche intro_psycho_freud_g [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Psychogenetic tradition 8 e.g. Franz Alexander: Psychosomatic Medicine (“The medical value of psychoanalysis”); corrective emotional experience Abb 1891-1964 [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Psychogenetic tradition 8 problem: dualistic approach, less acceptable to patients (“either-or”) “Medicine for bodies without souls and for souls without bodies” 8 advantage: - clear (psycho-)therapeutic strategies, - takes part in development of (psychodynamic) psychotherapies since Freud (insight, new emotional experiences, re-structuring of personality) - conceptual basis for psychosomatic specialists and departments [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Integrative (“holistic”) approach 8 from Internal Medicine/ Neurology, with background in biology 8 organism (body and soul) in its interaction with the environment [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Biology: Jakob von Uexküll “Strolls through the environment of animals and humans” 8 “relational” instead of “atomistic” approach 8 meaning of environment for the organism Jakob von Uexküll 1910 1864-1944 [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine: History 4 Psychosomatic Medicine: Thure von Uexküll Thure von Uexküll 1950-70s 1908 - 2004 [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine today: disorders 4 Primarily concerned with those bodily distress disorders which are amenable to psychotherapy 8 somatoform disorders/ functional somatic syndromes 8 somato-psychic disorders including psycho-oncology, psycho-cardiology 8 eating disorders 8 post-traumatic disorders 4 Overlap with psychiatry concerning 8 Depressive/ anxiety disorders 8 Personality disorders (e.g. Borderline) [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine today: aspects of aetiological models 4 Disposition – Trigger - Maintenance 4 Developmental, i.e. early relationship experiences influence attachment patterns and stress resilience (epigenetics) 4 Symptoms as consequence of developmental deficit and of functional/ intentional adaptation 4 Interpersonal context highly relevant for symptom manifestation and maintenance [USEMAP] Psychosomatic Medicine today: clinical methods as applied here 4 Disorder-oriented psychotherapy on psychodynamic basis 8 (bodily) symptom patterns in affective – relational context 8 explanatory model 8 personality factors (structural deficits/ mentalization, conflicts, resources) 4 Multi-modal therapy (day clinic/ in-patients) 8 psychotherapy – single and group 8 body psychotherapy/ physiotherapy 8 art therapy 8 somatic diagnostics and therapy incl. psychopharmacology 4 Consil-Liaison-Psychosomatics 8 diagnostics, psychoeducation, counseling, team supervision [USEMAP] Functional Somatic Syndromes Gastroenterology Irritable Bowel Syndrome Functional dyspepsia Cardiology Atypical chest pain Neurology Common Headache Chronic fatigue syndrome Rheumatology Fibromyalgia Complex regional pain syndromes (Reflex sympathetic dystrophy) Gynaecology Chronic pelvic pain Orthopaedics Chronic back pain Sidelights: Germ layer 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 138 The ectoderm generates the outer layer of the embryo, and it forms from the embryo's epiblast. The ectoderm develops into the surface ectoderm, neural crest, and the neural tube. The surface ectoderm develops into: epidermis, hair, nails, lens of the eye, sebaceous glands, cornea, tooth enamel, the epithelium of the mouth and nose. The neural crest of the ectoderm develops into: peripheral nervous system, adrenal medulla, melanocytes, facial cartilage, dentin of teeth. The neural tube of the ectoderm develops into: brain, spinal cord, posterior pituitary, motor neurons, retina. [USEMAP] Sidelights: Acupuncture 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 139 … is the stimulation of specific acupuncture points along the skin of the body involving various methods such as penetration by thin needles or the application of heat, pressure, or laser light… [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Sidelights: Head´s zones •Referred pain, also called reflective pain, from visceral organs tends to be expressed on the specific area of body surface, called as Head's zone. •Sympathetic referred pains of viscera appear on the body trunk. • [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Relaxation/Concentration/Movements •5 Tibetians • • • •Yoga / Cchi-kung / Tai-chi 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 141 P©H Self-improvement - tips maximaze effect with minimal effort 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 143 6a00d83451c45669e2011570b90e82970b-500wi Prótagorás z Abdér images Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not. pg? Video inspiration Peter Doolittle: How your "working memory" makes sense of the world Anil Seth: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality pg? [USEMAP] Výsledek obrázku pro watching icon Výsledek obrázku pro Pareto principle The Pareto principle Vilfredo Frederico Damaso Pareto (15/7/1848 – 19/8/1923) Vilfredo_Pareto also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity Joseph M. Juran Výsledek obrázku pro Joseph M. Juran (24/12/1904 –28/2/2008) The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People •1 - Be Proactive •2 - Begin with the End in Mind •3 - Put First Things First •4 - Think Win-Win •5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood •6 - Synergize •7 - Sharpen the Saw Stephen R. Covey Mind-maps „When the thinking is visible“ 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 149 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Belbin Team Roles 29.10.2019 10:45 P©H 150 Belbin Plant Resource Investigator Co-ordinator Shaper Monitor Evaluator Teamworker Implementer Completer Finisher Specialist References References •Stress & Coping - Key publications from the „history“ • •Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal, and coping. New York: Springer. •Antonovsky, A. (1979). Health, Stress, and Coping. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass. •Cohen, F. (1984). “Coping” In J.D. Matarazzo, S.M. Weiss, J.A. Herd, N.E. Miller & S.M. Weiss (eds.), Behavioral Health: A Handbook of Health Enhancement and Disease Prevention. New York: Wiley, 1984. •Lazarus, R.S. & Cohen, J.B. (1977). “Environmental Stress”. In I. Altman and J.F. Wohlwill (eds.), Human Behavior and Environment. (Vol 2) New York: Plenum. •McCrae, R. R. (1984). Situational determinants of coping responses: Loss, threat, and challenge. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46, 919-928. •Perrez, M., & Reicherts, M. (1992). Stress, coping, and health. Seattle/Toronto: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. • • • References •CZE • • • •ENG • • • -psychosomatic-medicine-an-application-for-embodied-and-embedded-approaches-in-medicine.ppt Popis: Image13 Výsledek obrázku pro burn out syndrome Supplement: PRINCIPLES Popis: Image13 Výsledek obrázku pro burn out syndrome TO BURN OUT CAN ONLY THE ONE WHO BURNS! Výsledek obrázku pro burn out syndrome Výsledek obrázku pro burn out curve Výsledek obrázku pro fractals Výsledek obrázku pro butterfly effect Výsledek obrázku pro butterfly effect fractals Výsledek obrázku pro fractals in nature Butterfly Effect Popis: Image13 FACTS Burnout is a type of psychological stress. Occupational burnout or job burnout is characterized by exhaustion, lack of enthusiasm and motivation, feelings of ineffectiveness, and also may have the dimension of frustration or cynicism, and as a result reduced efficacy within the workplace. The term burnout in psychology was coined by Herbert Freudenberger in his 1974 Staff burnout, based on his observation of drug addicts he helped who, with blank looks, stared at cigarettes until they burned out. More recently the term brownout has been used in the business world to describe a less serious version of burnout. It refers to staff who are disengaged and demotivated in their job role. Occupational burnout is typically and particularly found within human service professions. Professions with high levels of burnout include social workers, nurses, teachers, lawyers, engineers, medical practitioners, customer service representatives, and police officers. One reason why burnout is so prevalent within the human services field is due in part to the high-stress work environment and emotional demands of the job. Popis: Image13 FACTS 12-stage model of burnout developed by psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North: 1.The Compulsion to Prove Oneself: demonstrating worth obsessively; tends to hit the best employees, those with enthusiasm who accept responsibility readily. 2.Working Harder: an inability to switch off. 3.Neglecting Needs: erratic sleeping, eating disrupted, lack of social interaction. 4.Displacement of Conflicts: problems are dismissed; we may feel threatened, panicky, and jittery. 5.Revision of Values: Values are skewed, friends and family dismissed, hobbies seen as irrelevant. Work is the only focus. 6.Denial of Emerging Problems: intolerance; perceiving collaborators as stupid, lazy, demanding, or undisciplined; social contacts harder; cynicism, aggression; problems are viewed as caused by time pressure and work, not because of life changes. 7.Withdrawal: social life small or nonexistent, need to feel relief from stress, alcohol/drugs. 8.Odd Behavioral Changes: changes in behavior obvious; friends and family concerned. 9.Depersonalization: seeing neither self nor others as valuable, and no longer perceive own needs. 10.Inner Emptiness: feeling empty inside and to overcome this, look for activity such as overeating, sex, alcohol, or drugs; activities are often exaggerated. 11.Depression: feeling lost and unsure, exhausted, future feels bleak and dark. 12.Burnout Syndrome: can include total mental and physical collapse; time for full medical attention. Výsledek obrázku pro burn out syndrome Výsledek obrázku pro general adaptation syndrome GAS: See above (slide 19) Výsledek obrázku pro butterfly effect Výsledek obrázku pro burn out syndrome P©H Let me to wish you … … the fitness of the brain … References