Stress Management / Work-Life Balance Psychology of Mental Health and Well-being Autumn semester 2019 Popis: Image13 Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. Department of Psychology and Psychosomatics Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Výsledek obrázku pro lékaÅ™ská fakulta brno logo png PRINCIPLES PhDr. Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Psychology and Psychosomatics Brno, Czech Republic Private practice (counselling, therapy, assessment, coaching) 4.11.2019 9:14 2 P©H Key words: a. neuroplasticity b. habituation, generalization c. GAS, Hans Selye d. concentration & imagination e. DrEaMS f. SET as self/reflection, ´feed-back´ g. HW Popis: Image13 Focus on Principles •Stress is anytime & anywhere •Stress works for us; Stress is functional • •We´re able to influence the duration & intensity, not the start-point of the stress reaction. • •Don´t worry about stress … •… anyway … it´s anytime & anywhere … 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 4 STRESS STRESS • •EU x DI • •ACUTE x CHRONIC • •HYPER x HYPO 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 5 GAS •Alarm: The body first organizes physiological responses (similar to fight/flight resp.) to threat. •Resistance: Stress‐activated responses continue, stabilizing the body's adaptations to stress. •Exhaustion: The body has depleted its reserves and can no longer maintain responses to the stressors. • • •During the alarm phase, when the body is first aroused, the hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland. This endocrine gland in turn secretes adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), which travels via the bloodstream to the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands, where corticosteroids are released. The hypothalamus also activates the adrenal medulla, the central part of the adrenal gland, which causes adrenaline (epinephrine) to be released and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. After maintaining high levels of the hormones for a long time, the body loses its ability to do so and exhausts its resources. Selye is credited with identifying the fact that the incidence of certain types of diseases (stress‐related diseases, such as some types of coronary disorders) increases during this stage of exhausted body resources and that a second stressor introduced during the resistance phase or the exhaustion phase further increases that incidence. • •Evidence demonstrates that prolonged stress also affects the ability of the immune system to function adequately and can affect the release of other neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Stress may also affect the release of endorphins, chemicals similar in structure to morphine and other opiate drugs used in the modulation of pain. 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 6 Výsledek obrázku pro general adaptation syndrome exhaustion%20clipart •Effects of stress MCPE01713_0000[1] STRESSORS Family Relations Disagreements Money Worries Need to Succeed Exams Friends Decisions New Situations MCPE01711_0000[1] MCPE01712_0000[1] FLIGHT RETURN TO NORMAL COPING RELAXATION Active / Passive NOT COPING POSSIBLE DISEASE OR MENTAL ILLNESS EXHAUSTION POOR DIET NO EXERCISE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS … _q85.jpg af7e.jpg Triune theory - Paul McLean Výsledek obrázku pro limbic system 3D P©H 9 Limbic system Focus on Principles •Don´t worry about stress … • •… we´re able to influence •the duration & intensity! • •… we´re able to deal with it … • •… it would help us! 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 10 Focus on Principles 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 11 •Stress = BODY RESPONSE •BODY helps to focus • •Stress = CHAOS •FOCUS = less of stress Focus on Principles •If you do something, • •FOCUS •& •DO IT FOR 100%! 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 12 Focus on Principles • •Neuroplasticity works for us … •… for the whole life. • •Use it, or lose it! 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 13 Focus on Principles •How to deal with the stress in everyday life? • • • • • • DrEaMS • 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 14 What is the most important to stay healthy or for recovery? Just a few „things“ in good order, regularity, regime •& DO IT FOR 100%! Výsledek obrázku pro party Výsledek obrázku pro working FOCUS Focus on Principles •What kind of cognitive processes do we have? •How can we perceive the world? •How precise are we? •Which one is the most important to feel safe? 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 17 Perception Decision Memory Volition/Will Attention Imagination Thinking … ATTENTION, FOCUS … Focus on Principles • •Habituation helps & harms … • • • • • •Focus, concentrate, pay attention, be aware … •& stay calm, healthy and alive. 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 18 Conscious relaxation/concentration •5 S technique •5 senses • •BODY (sense of Touch) •MOUTH (sense of Taste) •NOSE (sense of Smell) •EYES (Sight) •EARS (Hearing) 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 19 3 steps: 5 times to CHECK (scan) 5 times to KNOW (be aware) to GET TOGETHER (integrate) 2 channels: FEELINGS & WORDS sense & ratio color & shape!Outline-body-aura.png „That´s fine, my sense of touch is working.“ Take a nap •Just a few minutes •a few times per a day. • • • • •With closed eyes. 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 20 Výsledek obrázku pro garfield lying down Výsledek obrázku pro closed eyes drawing Focus on Principles •Relaxation? Easy! • •Relaxed Muscles & Comfortable Warmth •or •HW •Heavines & Warmth • 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 21 Jacobson´s Progressive Muscular Relaxation - • •Tension – perfusion, muscle activation •vs. •Releasing - perception of the relaxation effect • •Attention is paid to the contrast •between •tension and relaxation 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 22 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] 10 seconds 10 seconds Conscious relaxation/concentration •Autogenic training - -Muscle relaxation -Body warming from shoulders towards hands and feet -Calm breathing -Calm pulse -Warmth in the abdomen -Cold forehead 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 23 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Focus on Principles • •Neuroplasticity works for us … •… but HOW can I use it? • •HOW TO TALK TO THE BRAIN? • •How the brain works, talks, thinks…? 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 24 IMAGINE! Focus on Principles •FEED BACK • •SELF-REFLECTION 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 25 Simple questions to improve self-reflection: WHAT I (REALLY) WANT (JUST NOW) ? WHAT I (REALLY) NEED (JUST NOW) ? 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 26 S-E-T / I-S / B-E-S-T 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 27 [USEMAP] Spiritual Meaningful Focus on Principles •Listen to your BODY & emotions … • •… and allow it/them to live •together with you •and your conscious thinking! • •Consciousness is not so strong •as we assume. 4.11.2019 9:14 P©H 28 6a00d83451c45669e2011570b90e82970b-500wi Prótagorás z Abdér images Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not. P©H Let me to wish you … … the fitness of the brain …