MEDTEST The amount of amniotic fluid at the end of preganacy is: 2 l 1,5l 800ml 400ml Which option of the following is NOT a part of the fetal membranes? Decidua Chorion Amnion Cotyledon Which of the following is NOT an indication for prenatal invasive diagnostic procedure? Age of the mother Positive biochemical screening Gestational diabetes of the mother Abnormal UZ finding of the fetus The umbilical cord consist of these vessels: 1 artery and 1 vein 2 arteries and 2 veins 2 arteries and 1 vein 2 arteries and 2 veins The volume of blood increases in the pregnancy by: 0-500ml 500-1000ml 1000-1500ml 1500-2000ml Progesterone: Descreases the motility of the myometrium Stimulates the development of the mammary gland Decreases storage of the adipose cells Decreases the motility of the gastrointestinal tract For the therapy of intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy we use: Adenosylmethionin Sildenafil Sinekatechin Oxybutinin Striae are fissures of: Corium Epidermis Subcutaneus layer of tissue Subcutaneus laeyr of fat The most accurate calculation of the estimated date of delivery is: Naegele rule The feeling of fetus movements The date of the fertilising intercourse Ultrasound examination at 11-14th week of gestation Dolores praesagientes are: Irregular contractions at the begining of labour Painfull defecation in the 3rd trimester Pain signalizing placetal abruption Irregular weak contractions several days before delivery The estimated risk of a spontaneus abortion after amniocenteses is: 0,10% 1% 3% 5% To treat hypertension in pregnancy we use: Methyldopa Metoprolol Fenoterol Verapamil Stránka 1 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Very specific biomarker of placental dysfunction is: PLGF TNF-PI CSF-PAP PAPP Decelerations typ II on CTG are: Variable decelerations Late decelerations Early decelerations Sinusoid „Sabin triade“ is the sign of: Congenital lues Congenital toxoplasmosis Abuse of alcohol Decompensated diabetes „Sabin triade“ includes: Chorioretinitis Vitium cordis Calcifications in the brain Hydrocephalus Gregg´s syndrom is the sign of infection: Listeriosis Toxoplasmosis Chlamydia Rubeola Eclamptic seizure usually occurs during: beginning of pregnancy the 1st trimester the 3rd trimester and beginning of puerperium late puerperium HELLP syndrome includes: Hemolysis Trombocytopenia Elevated liver enzymes Pain in the upper abdomen Umbilical arteries are branches of: Aorta Aa.uterinae Aa.ilica externae Aa.ilicae internae The fetus of the diabetic mother can suffer from: Embryopathia Chromosomal aberations Makrosomia Hyperplasia of Langerhans cells Pregnancy anemia si defined by Hb level under: 60g/l 80g/l 110g/l 130g/l Typical signs of Gregg´s syndrome are anomalies of: the genitals Statoacustic organs The heart The eye The transmision of HIV from mother to fetus is NOT: Transplacental During intrauterine procedures by amniotic fluid During breastfeeding Stránka 2 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST What kind of shape is the posterior fontanel: Triangular Deltoid Rhomboid Oval Hypotrophia of the fetus is ussualy caused by: Insufficiency of the placenta Polyhramnion Uterus subseptus Inkompetence of the cervix What kind of shape is the anterior fontanel: Triangle Oval Deltoid Square Severe pain of the uterus is typical for: Placenta praevia Rupture of the cervix in 1st stage of labour Rupture of sinus maginalis Abruption of the placenta For mola hydatidosa completa is typical: High elevation of hCG Enlargment of the ovarie Enlargment of the uterus Multiple pregnancy Which ATB group is contraindicated in pregnancy: Cefalosporines Penicilin Tetracyklines Makrolids Intrauterine acute hypoxia of the fetus is diagnosed by: CTG Intrapartum fetal pulse oxymetry Amniocentesis Ultrasound examination After shoulder dystocia during the delivery we often fing following injuries: Injury of the head Fracture of the clavicule Fracture of the femur Injury of the brachial plexus Cerclage is: Suture of the rupture of the cervix after delivery Treatment of precancerosis of the cervix Treatment of the cervix incompetence Treatment of the abortion The necessary conditions for forceps delivery are: Ruptura of the membranes Complete cervical dilation Head above the birth canal The dilatation of the cervix to 8cm DIC syndroma occurs usually as the result of: Abruption of the placenta Delivery of a dead fetus Delivery of a dead fetus Embolia with amniotic fluid Gonocytes during the development of the ovaries: Are formed in the Mullerian duct Are formed during the myotic diferenciation of coelom cells Are formed in the mesenchymal cells Migrate from the yolk sack Stránka 3 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST The size of a primordial follicle is: 2mm 25um 150um 1mm Gestagens: Stimulate the production of estrogens Inhibit the secretion of LH Stimulate the development of the mammary gland alveols Stimulate growth of the mammary ducts Fossa ovarica is demarked by these anatomical structures: Arteria iliaca externa Ureter Arteria uterina Lig.latum uteri Bregma means: Posterior fontanel Anterior fontanel Glabela Hypomochlion The average weight of the fetus in the 28th week of gestation should be: 500g 700g 900g 1100g The maximum volume of blood of the mother is between: 20-22th week of gestation 30-32nd week of gestation 34-36th week of gestation 38-40th week of gestation The diameter suboccipitobregmatica (40th week of pregnancy) is: 9cm 10cm 11cm 12cm The 2nd stage of labour should not be longer than: 20 minutes 40 minutes 30minutes 60 minutes Diameter Baudelouque is the synonymum for: Conjugata externa Conjugata vera anatomica Conjugata vera obstetrica Diameter bicristalis What is the ATB of first choice to treat uroinfection: Chloramfenicol Tetracycline Ampicilin Cyprinole What are the contraindications for epidural analgesia: Coagulopathia Hypertension Hypotrophia of the fetus Periodic contractions What are the primary indications for a Cesarian section: Kefalopelvic dysproportion Obstruction in the birth canal Weak uterine contractions Situs transversus of the fetus Stránka 4 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Average weight of the fetus in the 34th week should be: 1800g 2000g 2200g 2500g The lenghth of the fetus in the 5th month of pregnancy: 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm Androgenital syndrom is a deficit of: ACTH Calium 21-hydroxylase Estrogens Bacri catheter is used for: Drainage of the lochia from the uterus after delivery by C-section Drainage of the urinary bladder after vaginal delivery To stop postpartum haemorrhage from the uterus Drainage of the paravaginal haematoma Carcinoma in situ of the cervix: reaches a maximum size of 2 x 1 mm is benign character does not break through the base membrane is growing exophytically Complet hydatidiform mole : usually has 46 chromosomes usually has 69 chromosomes has a risk of malignancy 20-25% creates cysts on the ovaries Breast cancer has most frequently metastasis: ovary brain liver bowel Choriocarcinoma treatment consists in: hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy brachytherapy and tele gamma therapy application of cytostatics application of high-dose progesterone Endometrial cancer risks are: diabetes mellitus hypertension multigravidita obesity Kruckenberg cancer is: metastatic cancer of the endometrium metastatic ovarian cancer type of breast cancer intramural carcinoma of the fallopian tube Partial hydatidiform mole: usually has 69 chromosomes results in placenta praevia partially penetrates into the myometrium malignancy is 4-8% Teratoma is a synonym for: Sampsons cyst Brenner tumor Dermoid thekom Stránka 5 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Frequent localization of infiltrating breast cancer is: inner upper quadrant the lower outer quadrant subareolar outer upper quadrant Hormonal therapy treatment is used in cancer of : vulva cervix endometrial cancer vagina Apoptosis is: differentiation process leading to cell death cell cloning cytostatic effect Process expressing metastasis The highest mortality has the cancer of: vulva vagina cervix ovary Platinum cytostatics belong between substances Alkylating intercalation topoisomerase inhibitors antimetabolites Carcinoma of endocervix is ​​histologically most often: squamous basalcell adenocarcinoma pleiomorfic cancer Between hormone dependent cancers belong: ovarian cancer endometrial cancer breast cancer vaginal carcinoma The basic therapeutic treatments of ovarian cancer includes: Chemotherapy Surgery immunotherapy hormonal therapy Basic medical procedures in cancer of the vulva are: Surgery chemotherapy immunotherapy radiotherapy HR - HPV testing is a method of diagnosing: cervical cancer endometrial carcinoma carcinoma of the vulva breast cancer Carcinoma of the uterine body is most commonly manifested clinically by: ascites lymphedema irregular bleeding pyometra Among the "staging" examination of ovarian cancer does not belong: chest radiography rectoscopy CT of small pelvis skull X-ray Stránka 6 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST The incidence of ovarian cancer in the Czech Republic is: 2/100 000 24/100 000 130/100 000 300/100 000 Meigs syndrome means: ovarian fibroma, ascites, hydrothorax ovarian fibroma, ascites, pneumothotax ovarian fibroma, ascites, hepatomegaly ovarian fibroma, ascites, hydroureter Among epithelial ovarian malignant tumors does belong: Brenner malignant tumor granulosacells malignant tumor choriocarcinoma mucinous cystadenocarcinoma Lichen sclerosus of the vulva: It is caused by the human papillomavirus It is synonymous with VIN II previously called kraurosis It is accompanied by increased capillars In TNM classification of breast cancer a tumor with the largest diameter 2-5 cm without propagation to the surrounding area is classified as: T1c T2 T3 T4a As contraindication to surge breast cancer is considered: Paget's disease mucinous carcinoma Infiltration of the chest wall inflammatory carcinoma The incidence of cervical cancer is effectively reducing: treatment of papillomavirus lesions Treatment of herpes lesions colposcopy well organized screening Basic treatment modality for early stage breast cancer are: surgical therapy hormonal therapy radiotherapy chemotherapy Ascites is most commonly in the cancer of : Ovary cervix endometrial vulva Condylomata acuminata are caused by viruses: herpes simplex HPV cytomegalovirus herpes zoster Formation of squamous epithelium of the reserve cells of the cervix is ​​called: dysplasia metaplasia hyperplasia hypoplasia Leukoplakia is conditiond by: hyperkeratotic squamous epithelium hyperkeratotic columnar epithelium hypokeratotickým squamous epithelium hypokeratotickým columnar epithelium Stránka 7 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Radical vulvectomy includes: inguinal lymph node dissection obturatory lymph node dissection iliac lymph node dissection para-aortic lymph node dissection Uremia caused by ureteral stenosis is most commonly found in the cancer of: breast endometrial ovary cervix Cervical cancer is: Chemoresistent chemosensitive chemotherapies curable hormone-dependent Vaccination is a form of primary prevention in cancer treatment of: Cervix Breast ovary endometrial Among hormonal therapy for breast cancer belongs: Therapy with antiestrogens surgical removal of adnexas aromatase inhibitor therapy surgical removal of the thymus Vulvar cancer reaching 2 cm is classified as: T1 T2 T3 T4 Carcinoma of the uterine body infiltrating more than half of the endometrium is classified as: T2 T1c T1b T1a Adequate treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia in 50 year old patient is: Application of low dose estrogen and control curettage intrauterine application of progestogen diagnostic hysteroscopy hysterectomy In Schillers test is iodine positive: columnar epithelium mature squamous epithelium H-SIL L-SIL The most common benign tumor of the ovary is: mucinous kystoma serous kystoma Brenner tumor Fibroma The basic method of screening asymptomatic cervical cancer is: biopsy ultrasound Schiller test Cytology The incidence of cervical cancer in the Czech Republic is around: 10/100 000 women / year 20/100 000 women / year 30/100 000 women / year 40/100 000 women / year Stránka 8 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Teratoma belongs among ovarian tumors: epithelial germ cell Germ strips and stroma not among ovarian tumors The most commonly diagnosed breast cancer is: Invasive lobular carcinoma Invasive ductal carcinoma serous invasive ductal carcinoma invasive adenocarcinoma Sorgius node belongs among the lymphatic nods: Superficial inguinal subaortal axilar pectoral deep subclavial Internal pudendal artery is a branch of: the internal iliac a. thr external iliac a. femoral a. deep perineal a. Among risk factors for endometrial cancer does not belong: premature menopause obesity hypertension diabetes mellitus As a VIN III can be classified : mild dysplasia of the vulva mild dysplasia of the vagina carcinoma in situ of the vagina carcinoma in situ of the vulva Atypical endometrial hyperplasia is related to: hyperandrogenism hyperestrinism hypercortisolism hyperprolactinemia Adenosis of vagina: is a precursor of squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor of the vagina in children corresponds to diagnose VIN III may go into clear cell adenocarcinoma The best treatment of CIN II is: abdominal hysterectomy conisation vaginal hysterectomy application of podophylinu Cervical transformation zone corresponds to epithelium metaplasia: cylindrical into glandular squamous into transitional cubic into transitional cylindrical into squamous The internal pudendal artery passes through the foramen infrapiriforme lacuna vasorum pudendal canal ischiorectal fossa The vagina develops from: cloaca Müllerian ducts and the urogenital sinus Wolffs duct Gartners duct Stránka 9 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Growth of pubic hair is caused by: estrogen progesterone FSH Androgens Döderlein lactobacillus: produces lactic acid phagocyts pathogenic microorganisms mechanically prevent the entry of infection in the cervix produces amin Menopause is: last menstrual bleeding controlled by ovarian steroids period after the end of regular menstrual bleeding vasomotor hot flushing emotional changes during menopause Luteal insufficiency is : relative lack of estrogen insufficient production of progesterone persistent Graaf follicle placental hypofunction Bartholin's glands are: minor vestibular glands major vestibular glands vestibular bulb Duplication of hymen The ratio between the neck and the body of uterus in senium is: 1:1 2:1 1:2 1:3 Descent genitals will be classified using POP-Q WHO-PQ UAA-scale Delancey score Estrogens are: C-21 steroids C-18 steroids C-19 steroids Are not steroids Low viscosity of the cervical mucus is during: proliferation ovulation secretory menstrual Breast self-examination should be done during: menstrual phase proliferative phase ovulation phase secretory phase The most common gynecological diseases of childhood are: ovarian cysts genital injuries foreign body in the vagina vulvovaginitid Hysterosalpingography is used to: diagnose sterility diagnosis of ovarian tumors diagnosis of urine incontinency diagnosis of congenital malformations of the uterus Stránka 10 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Among urodynamic examination methods belongs: urethrocystography cystometry uroflowmetry excretory urography Among the negative colposcopic findings belongs: mosaic epithelial transformation zone leukoplaky ektropium Q-Tip test assesses the volume of urine leakage after 5 squat the volume of urine leakage after 10 squat the rotation of the urethra when pressed the height of the perineum Turner´s syndrome karyotype is: 46, XX 47, XXX 47, XXY 45, X0 Kryptomenorrhoea is a symptom associated with: Mayer- Rokitansky Kuster- Hauser syndrome Hymenal atresia Turner syndrome vaginal hypoplasia Athelia is: lack of mammary gland absence of ovaries lack of the breast nipple absence of axillary hair Uterus arcuatus is: Depression of uterine fundus Hyperanteversion flexion of the uterus hypertrophy of myometrium The absence of one uterine horn Fixed uterine retroversion accompanies: ulcerative colitis Endometriosis of sakrouterin ligaments ovarial cysts metrorrhagia Adnexal torsion is associated with: metrorrhagias significant pain peritoneal signs kidney failure Condylomata acuminata are caused by: luetic infections diphteria of the vulva scarlatina vulvitis HPV infection Pyometra occurs most frequently in: puberty confinement menopause Senium Adenomyosis is an endometriosis of : cervical glands ovary myometrium sakrouterin ligaments Stránka 11 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST Azoospermia is: sperm counts in less than 40 mil / ml. no ejaculate no sperms in the ejaculate The immobile sperms Uterine artery: Branches from internal iliac artery Branches from The common iliac artery passes dorsaly to the ureter passes ventraly to the ureter Breast development in puberty is classified according to: Montgomery Tanner Muller Riedinger Androgens are derived from androstane which has: 17 carbons 18 carbons 19 carbons 21 carbons Gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogs in ovarian stimulation protocol are used to: reduce consumption of FSH increase the levels of LH prevent premature LH peak reduce levels of FSH Stem cell from which gradually creates sperm is called: spermatid spermatozoon spermatogonia spermatocyte The length of the sperm head is: 40-60 um 15-20 um 4-5 um 1-2 um Border sperm concentration at Normospermia is: > 15 mil/ ml > 25mil / ml > 50 mil/ ml > 100 mi/ ml For the combined hormonal contraceptive is true: reduces blood loss during menstruation the risk of thromboembolism is higher than in pregnancies improves acne increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy Toxic shock syndrome: Is caused by anaerobic bacteria Is multifunctional toxic effection of body It is characterized by purulent vaginal inflammation, headaches and skin erythema It is caused by infection of E. coli Cetrorelix is: superagonists GnRh GnRH analog selective antagonist of GnRH used in IVF stimulation protocols III. generation of progestogens include: levonorgestrel desogestrel norgestimate gestodene Stránka 12 z 132. 10. 2016 MEDTEST III. generation progestogens include: Desogestrel Norgestimate cyproterone acetate dydrogesterone Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is characterized by: interbowel abscess intrauterine synechia perisalpingooophoritis perihepatal adhesion Which endoscopic methods is used to access the abdominal cavity from posterior vaginal vault: laparoscopy hysteroscopy culdoscopy transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL) Ganirelix is: superagonists GnRh GnRH analogues selective antagonist of GnRH used in IVF stimulation protocols To superagonists of GnRH used in stimulation protocols belongs: Triptorelin Leuprolide clomiphene tamoxifen Ullipristal acetate is estrogen receptor modulator GnRH antagonist progesteroreceptor modulator GnRH agonist The effective treatment of bacterial vaginosis includes: solifenacin clindamycin cefuroxime propiverin The effective treatment of bacterial vaginosis includes: podophyllotoxin imiquimod metronidazole nystatin The effective treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis includes: Fluconazole Nystatin atosiban co-trimoxazole For pharmacological termination of pregnancy is used: anastrozole misoprostol mifepristone misoprostanol For pharmacological termination of early pregnancy is used: ullipristal didrogesteron mifepristone misoprostanol Stránka 13 z 132. 10. 2016