The Immune Response and immune system The immune system (IS) maintains the integrity of the organism; recognizes harmful from harmless and protects the organism from ex- and endogenous harmful substances. It belongs together with the nervous system and the endocrine system between the regulatory systems. Basic concepts: • Immunity: protect the organism against pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins. • Auto-tolerance: recognizes its own tissue. • Immune surveillance: recognizes internal pollutants; removes old, damaged, mutated cells. • Antigens (Ag): substances that the IS recognizes and reacts to. Communication within the immune system Communication between cells of the immune system occurs through signaling molecules: • as direct interactions of molecules in membranes, • through secreted molecules, including: • cytokines - protein molecules, • arachidonic acid derivatives (eicosanoids) prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, • NO, • and oth. Typical properties of the immune system • Individual signals usually does not respond (is necessary the presence of costimulatory signals, otherwise usually leads to attenuation) • Signal amplification (the signal is amplified over the signal path) • The presence of signal transduction systems (termination of the immune response) • Cell proliferation (cell number changes as needed) • Diffusion arrangement (high probability of encountering a stimulus) + cell migration (which allows targeted response at the site where it is needed) Local specificity of the immune response Immune reactions occur mainly in mesenchymal tissues. Each reaction is associated with damage to your own structures! If there is a stimulus on the mucosa, it will usually be attenuated. If something goes into the subligament, it will probably be pathogenic and the response will take place (see mucosal immune system). Immune-privileged areas are areas where some immune mechanisms are missing. Immune reactions always damage their own structures, so they are areas with low tissue regeneration capabilities (eg, CNS). Non-specific immunity • It recognizes dangerous from harmless by Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMP) - phylogenetically conserved molecules that are typical for pathogens (eg viral RNA, lipopolysaccharide). • It works with specific immunity (it gives information about what is dangerous). Specific immunity • T-lymphocytes recognize only linear peptide fragments processed and presented by antigen-presenting cell (APC), in particular dendritic cells in the presence of costimulatory signals. They help cells with nonspecific immunity in killing pathogens. • B-lymphocytes recognize native antigen and receive costimulation from T- lymphocytes. • Autoreactive lymphocytes are eliminated. • It responds only against dangerous stimuli (this gives information non-specific immunity and apparently tissue that is pathogen-damaged). • It has an immunological memory (use in active immunization). Identification of Pathogenic Patterns Pathogens are identified based on the presence of PAMP (Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern) - phylogenetically highly conserved structures. Their carriers are only microorganisms and are essential for their survival. Is part of them: • bacterial wall - peptidoglycan, lipoteic acid, lipopolysaccharide, • bacterial DNA - many cytosine and guanine, without methylation, • dsRNA - viral. • These patterns are recognized by PTH (Pathogen Pattern Receptor) = PRR (Pathogen Recognition Receptor) receptors. There are the following types: • secreted - opsonins (e.g., MBL) complement activation, • endocytic - on phagocytes, mediate phagocytosis (eg MMR), MSR (macrophage scavenger receptor) - cleans up bacterial residues), • signaling - activate the signaling pathway leading to cytokine production (e.g., Toll-like receptor (TLR). • Identification of endogenous patterns In connection with apoptosis, APOP (Apoptotic Cell Associated Molecular Pattern) patterns, such as the phospholipids of the inner membrane of the cell membrane, are exhibited. Apoptotic Cell Receptor (ACR) receptors are recognized, producing rather anti-inflammatory cytokines. • Antigen presentation Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) absorb antigens, process them in lysosomes and present on HLA II molecules. class. Thus treated, antigens (or antigenic epitopes) are presented along with costimulatory signals to T lymphocytes. Note: If any cell, not just antigen presenting, is infected with an intracellular parasite, the antigen is presented on HLA class I. The main components of the immune system Immune reactions are ensured by different kinds of cells and molecules and their interactions. IS cells + connective tissue cells → lymphatic tissue, lymphatic organs. Immune system cells Myeloid • Monocytes (macrophages), neutrophils, basophils (mast cells), eosinophils, dendritic cells → non-specific IS component; phagocytosis, cytokine producers, soluble mediators. • Dendritic cells, monocytes and macrophages = antigen presenting cells (APC); the basis of the antigen-specific part of IS. • Myocytes also include erythrocytes and thrombocytes. Lymphoid • NK cells, lymphocytes B and T. • The development of B-lymphocytes takes place in the bone marrow and is completed after encountering Ag in secondary lymphatic organs; the final stage is the antibody-producing plasma cells. • Development of T-lymphocytes occurs mainly in thymus; 2 major phenotypically different subpopulations: precursors of helper cells (on CD4 receptor surface), cytotoxic cell precursors (CD8): upon aging with Ag on the surface of suitable APCs differentiate into mature effector T lymphocytes. • The part of T and B lymphocytes, after meeting Ag, is differentiated in a memory cell responsible for immunological memory. Basic molecules of the immune system • TCR, BCR (antigen-specific receptors on the surface of T and B lymphocytes); • MHC I, II. (HLA molecule); • Fc receptors (bind Fc parts of immunoglobulin molecules); • adhesive and costimulatory molecules; • immunoglobulins; • cytokines; • components of the complement system. The Immune System is the Third Line of Defense Against Infection Barrier Defenses  Barrier defenses include the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts  Mucus traps and allows for the removal of microbes  Many body fluids including saliva, mucus, and tears are hostile to many microbes  The low pH of skin and the digestive system prevents growth of many bacteria Mucosal immune system The mucosal immune system, or MALT mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (in GIT called GALT (gut), BALT (bronchus)) is the lymphatic tissue in the mucosal or sublymphatic ligament. Peyer's plaques in the distal section of the ilea, histological specimen d-MALT - diffuse lymphatic tissue (cells are dispersed in the mucosa or submucosa) o-MALT - Organized lymphatic tissue (cells are arranged in lymphatic follicles that can be isolated (folliculi lymphatici aggregati) or associated with so-called follicular lymphatic aggregates. Over the lymphatic follicles, the intestinal wall is covered with FAE (epithelium associated with follicles), which contains a large number of M-cells (membrane cells - from the intestinal lumen endocytopes the antigens and transmit it to lymphocytes). The First Line of Defense ~Skin~ - The dead, outer layer of skin, known as the epidermis, forms a shield against invaders and secretes chemicals that kill potential invaders - You shed between 40 – 50 thousand skin cells every day! Immune function of GIT  Large surface  The significance of intact gastrointestinal mucosa  Mucosal barrier - mucus, lysozymes, phagocytes, pH of environment, humoral factors  The immune system of the digestive tract:  Peyer plaques - lymphoid follicles, antibody production  Immune cells - intraepithelial lymphocytes, the lymphocytes in the lamina propria immunoglobulin production  Drainage system of portal blood and lymph The First Line of Defense ~Saliva~ What’s the first thing you do when you cut your finger? - Saliva contains many chemicals that break down bacteria - Thousands of different types of bacteria can survive these chemicals, however - Swallowed bacteria are broken down by HCl in the stomach - The stomach must produce a coating of special mucus or this acid would eat through the stomach! The First Line of Defense ~Stomach Acid~ • Goblet cells – mucins • M cells - ability to take up antigen from the lumen via endocytosis, phagocytosis, or transcytosis to antigen presenting cells, such as dendritic cells, and lymphocytes • Paneth cells - synthesize and secrete substantial quantities of antimicrobial peptides and proteins Lungs and immunity = opsonins to coat bacteria and viruses, thereby promoting phagocytosis by macrophages resident in the alveoli Innate or Genetic Immunity: Immunity an organism is born with.  Genetically determined.  May be due to lack of receptors or other molecules required for infection.  Innate human immunity to canine distemper.  Immunity of mice to poliovirus. Acquired Immunity:Immunity that an organism develops during lifetime.  Not genetically determined.  May be acquired naturally or artificially.  Development of immunity to measles in response to infection or vaccination. Innate versus acquired immunity Innate immunity  neutrophils, macrophages, NK cells  Toll and toll-like receptors = affinity to bacterial lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins, peptidoglycans, DNA = molecular patterns expressed by pathogens Innate versus acquired immunity Acquired immunity  Ability of lymphocytes to produce antibodies (B cells) or cell-surface receptors (T cells) = specific!  Antigens (proteins, polypeptides, nucleic acids, lipids)  Humoral immunity – circulating antibodies (plasma cells, activation of complement system, bacterial infection)  Cellular immunity – T- lymphocytes Reticuloendothelial system – tissue macrophage system Types of Acquired Immunity I. Naturally Acquired Immunity: Obtained in the course of daily life. A. Naturally Acquired Active Immunity:  Antigens or pathogens enter body naturally.  Body generates an immune response to antigens.  Immunity may be lifelong (chickenpox or mumps) or temporary (influenza or intestinal infections). B. Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity:  Antibodies pass from mother to fetus via placenta or breast feeding (colostrum).  No immune response to antigens.  Immunity is usually short-lived (weeks to months).  Protection until child’s immune system develops. Types of Acquired Immunity (Continued) II. Artificially Acquired Immunity: Obtained by receiving a vaccine or immune serum. 1. Artificially Acquired Active Immunity:  Antigens are introduced in vaccines (immunization).  Body generates an immune response to antigens.  Immunity can be lifelong (oral polio vaccine) or temporary (tetanus toxoid). 2. Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity:  Preformed antibodies (antiserum) are introduced into body by injection.  Snake antivenom injection from horses or rabbits.  Immunity is short lived (half life three weeks).  Host immune system does not respond to antigens. Duality of Immune System I. Humoral (Antibody-Mediated) Immunity  Involves production of antibodies against foreign antigens.  Antibodies are produced by a subset of lymphocytes called B cells.  B cells that are stimulated will actively secrete antibodies and are called plasma cells.  Antibodies are found in extracellular fluids (blood plasma, lymph, mucus, etc.) and the surface of B cells.  Defense against bacteria, bacterial toxins, and viruses that circulate freely in body fluids, before they enter cells.  Also cause certain reactions against transplanted tissue. Antibodies are Proteins that Recognize Specific Antigens Duality of Immune System II. Cell Mediated Immunity  Involves specialized set of lymphocytes called T cells that recognize foreign antigens on the surface of cells, organisms, or tissues:  Helper T cells  Cytotoxic T cells  T cells regulate proliferation and activity of other cells of the immune system: B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, etc.  Defense against:  Bacteria and viruses that are inside host cells and are inaccessible to antibodies.  Fungi, protozoa, and helminths  Cancer cells  Transplanted tissue Antigens  Most are proteins or large polysaccharides from a foreign organism.  Microbes: Capsules, cell walls, toxins, viral capsids, flagella, etc.  Nonmicrobes: Pollen, egg white , red blood cell surface molecules, serum proteins, and surface molecules from transplanted tissue.  Lipids and nucleic acids are only antigenic when combined with proteins or polysaccharides.  Molecular weight of 10,000 or higher.  Hapten: Small foreign molecule that is not antigenic. Must be coupled to a carrier molecule to be antigenic. Once antibodies are formed they will recognize hapten. Antigens Epitope:  Small part of an antigen that interacts with an antibody.  Any given antigen may have several epitopes.  Each epitope is recognized by a different antibody. Epitopes: Antigen Regions that Interact with Antibodies Antibodies  Proteins that recognize and bind to a particular antigen with very high specificity.  Made in response to exposure to the antigen.  One virus or microbe may have several antigenic determinant sites, to which different antibodies may bind.  Each antibody has at least two identical sites that bind antigen: Antigen binding sites.  Valence of an antibody: Number of antigen binding sites. Most are bivalent.  Belong to a group of serum proteins called immunoglobulins (IGs). Antibody Structure  Monomer: A flexible Y-shaped molecule with four protein chains:  2 identical light chains  2 identical heavy chains  Variable Regions: Two sections at the end of Y’s arms. Contain the antigen binding sites (Fab). Identical on the same antibody, but vary from one antibody to another.  Constant Regions: Stem of monomer and lower parts of Y arms.  Fc region: Stem of monomer only. Important because they can bind to complement or cells. Antibody Structure Immunoglobulin Classes I. IgG  Structure: Monomer  Percentage serum antibodies: 80%  Location: Blood, lymph, intestine  Half-life in serum: 23 days  Complement Fixation: Yes  Placental Transfer: Yes  Known Functions: Enhances phagocytosis, neutralizes toxins and viruses, protects fetus and newborn. Immunoglobulin Classes II. IgM  Structure: Pentamer  Percentage serum antibodies: 5-10%  Location: Blood, lymph, B cell surface (monomer)  Half-life in serum: 5 days  Complement Fixation: Yes  Placental Transfer: No  Known Functions: First antibodies produced during an infection. Effective against microbes and agglutinating antigens. Immunoglobulin Classes III. IgA  Structure: Dimer  Percentage serum antibodies: 10-15%  Location: Secretions (tears, saliva, intestine, milk), blood and lymph.  Half-life in serum: 6 days  Complement Fixation: No  Placental Transfer: No  Known Functions: Localized protection of mucosal surfaces. Provides immunity to infant digestive tract. Immunoglobulin Classes IV. IgD  Structure: Monomer  Percentage serum antibodies: 0.2%  Location: B-cell surface, blood, and lymph  Half-life in serum: 3 days  Complement Fixation: No  Placental Transfer: No  Known Functions: In serum function is unknown. On B cell surface, initiate immune response. Immunoglobulin Classes V. IgE  Structure: Monomer  Percentage serum antibodies: 0.002%  Location: Bound to mast cells and basophils throughout body. Blood.  Half-life in serum: 2 days  Complement Fixation: No  Placental Transfer: No  Known Functions: Allergic reactions. Possibly lysis of worms. How Do B Cells Produce Antibodies?  B cells develop from stem cells in the bone marrow of adults (liver of fetuses).  After maturation B cells migrate to lymphoid organs (lymph node or spleen).  Clonal Selection: When a B cell encounters an antigen it recognizes, it is stimulated and divides into many clones called plasma cells, which actively secrete antibodies.  Each B cell produces antibodies that will recognize only one antigenic determinant. Humoral Immunity Apoptosis  Programmed cell death (“Falling away”).  Human body makes 100 million lymphocytes every day. If an equivalent number doesn’t die, will develop leukemia.  B cells that do not encounter stimulating antigen will self-destruct and send signals to phagocytes to dispose of their remains.  Many virus infected cells will undergo apoptosis, to help prevent spread of the infection. Consequences of Antigen-Antibody Binding Antigen-Antibody Complex: Formed when an antibody binds to an antigen it recognizes. Affinity: A measure of binding strength. 1. Agglutination: Antibodies cause antigens (microbes) to clump together.  IgM (decavalent) is more effective that IgG (bivalent).  Hemagglutination: Agglutination of red blood cells. Used to determine ABO blood types and to detect influenza and measles viruses. 2. Opsonization: Antigen (microbe) is covered with antibodies that enhances its ingestion and lysis by phagocytic cells. Consequences of Antibody Binding Humoral Immunity 3. Neutralization: IgG inactivates viruses by binding to their surface and neutralize toxins by blocking their active sites. 4. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity: Used to destroy large organisms (e.g.: worms). Target organism is coated with antibodies and bombarded with chemicals from nonspecific immune cells. 5. Complement Activation: Both IgG and IgM trigger the complement system which results in cell lysis and inflammation. Consequences of Antibody Binding Immunological Memory Antibody Titer: The amount of antibody in the serum. Pattern of Antibody Levels During Infection Primary Response:  After initial exposure to antigen, no antibodies are found in serum for several days.  A gradual increase in titer, first of IgM and then of IgG is observed.  Most B cells become plasma cells, but some B cells become long living memory cells.  Gradual decline of antibodies follows. Immunological Memory (Continued) Secondary Response:  Subsequent exposure to the same antigen displays a faster and more intense antibody response.  Increased antibody response is due to the existence of memory cells, which rapidly produce plasma cells upon antigen stimulation. Antibody Response After Exposure to Antigen T Cells and Cell Mediated Immunity Antigens that stimulate this response are mainly intracellular. Requires constant presence of antigen to remain effective. Unlike humoral immunity, cell mediated immunity is not transferred to the fetus. Cytokines: Chemical messengers of immune cells.  Over 100 have been identified.  Stimulate and/or regulate immune responses.  Interleukins: Communication between WBCs.  Interferons: Protect against viral infections.  Chemokines: Attract WBCs to infected areas. T Cells and Cell Mediated Immunity Cellular Components of Immunity:  T cells are key cellular component of immunity.  T cells have an antigen receptor that recognizes and reacts to a specific antigen (T cell receptor).  T cell receptor only recognize antigens combined with major histocompatability (MHC) proteins on the surface of cells.  MHC Class I: Found on all cells.  MHC Class II: Found on phagocytes.  Clonal selection increases number of T cells. T Cells Only Recognize Antigen Associated with MHC Molecules on Cell Surfaces T Cells and Cell Mediated Immunity Types of T cells 1. T Helper (TH) Cells: Central role in immune response.  Most are CD4+  Recognize antigen on the surface of antigen presenting cells (e.g.: macrophage).  Activate macrophages  Induce formation of cytotoxic T cells  Stimulate B cells to produce antibodies. Central Role of Helper T Cells Types of T cells (Continued) 2. Cytotoxic T (Tc) Cells: Destroy target cells.  Most are CD4 negative (CD4 -).  Recognize antigens on the surface of all cells: • Kill host cells that are infected with viruses or bacteria. • Recognize and kill cancer cells. • Recognize and destroy transplanted tissue.  Release protein called perforin which forms a pore in target cell, causing lysis of infected cells.  Undergo apoptosis when stimulating antigen is gone. Cytotoxic T Cells Lyse Infected Cells Types of T cells (Continued) 3. Delayed Hypersensitivity T (TD) Cells: Mostly T helper and a few cytotoxic T cells that are involved in some allergic reactions (poison ivy) and rejection of transplanted tissue. 4. T Suppressor (Ts) Cells: May shut down immune response. Humoral Response to T Dependent Antigens Humoral Response to T Dependent Antigens Relationship Between Cell-Mediated and Humoral Immunity 2. Antibody Dependent Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC)  Target cell is covered with antibodies, leaving Fc portion sticking outwards.  Natural killer and other nonspecific cells that have receptors for Fc region are stimulated to kill targeted cells.  Target organism is lysed by substances secreted by attacking cells.  Used to destroy large organisms that cannot be phagocytosed. Destruction of Large Parasites by ADCC